Until You're Mine

Fated to Love You


Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
Kai oppa and I were still together in the park. It's funny because there were no people around, just us.
I lay down the grass and watched the sun go down and there he was, doing the same thing. Imagine me as Bella and he's Edward Cullen. But the thing is, he's a human.
Kai: So the lion fell in love with the lamb..
Miyu: What a stupid lamb..
Kai: What a sick, masochistic lion.
Miyu: You're a twilight fan?
Kai: Not much, but I've watched the movies.
Miyu: Me too. And the books, I've read them.
Kai oppa looked at me, and I blushed. He was serious and focused and I'm not used to it. 
Kai: You're beautiful, Mika.
He moved even closer, and we were inches away from each other.
Sam's POV :) (Lee Sora)
Lay: We should go home now, Sora.
Sam: Yes, I think so too.
Lay: Are you sure you're okay?
Sam: I'll be okay, Lay oppa.
Lay: Great. I have your number so I can call you anytime. I'll give you a missed call so you can save mine.
Sam: How did you get my number?
Lay: Secret.
Lay oppa is a very mysterious person, indeed. But that makes me want to get to know him more.
He took me home for a second, and I was very anxious. I didn't tell anyone about this, and I don't want them to know. I'll fake a smile just so they won't see me crying.
Ja Ri's POV :)
Donghae oppa was still with me, and he sure is different. He got drunk for the first time, all for Sora. She sure is lucky. But if I was her, I wouldn't want to see him like this.
Donghae: Sora... Why did you have to leave me?!
Ja Ri: Donghae oppa, stop drinking!
Donghae: Don't control me... Aish!
Ja Ri: You have to get out of here! Come with me!
I persuaded him, even if he continued to do so.  It was heartbreaking knowing that he's making a fool out of himself.
Ja Ri: Donghae oppa, I beg you to stop..
Donghae: Sora!! Come back to me!
We were near the bay that time, and he was still calling her name. Oppa, don't you know how much it hurts?! I'm with you all the time, but all you do is neglect me because you are in love with someone else.
I got fed up, looked down and clenched my fist. I can't take this anymore.
Eunhyuk's POV :)
Right now, Mika is no longer mine anymore. Sehun, Xiumin and Kai are the ones taking care of her. Though it hurts, I have to get used to it.
I was afraid this time would come. I wasn't prepared to face this challenge. I'm already used to Mika being with me all the time. Should I accept that things weren't meant to be after all?
Minji: You seem to be lonely, Eunhyuk oppa.
Eunhyuk: Die, Minji.
Minji: Not as long as you'll die with me.
Eunhyuk: Over my dead body!
Minji: *touch his face* Eunhyuk oppa, you'll learn to love me as time goes by. And I'll be happy when that time comes.
Eunhyuk: Dream on. That will never happen.
Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
Kai: I didn't realized it was night time already. I was staring at you the whole time..
I woke up, from a deep slumber, beside him. I felt a bit numb and happy because for a while, I forgot about the break up. And now, little by little, I can feel the pain.
Miyu: I'm sorry I fell asleep..
Kai: It's alright. You were still cute that way. Here's the helmet.
Miyu: Thanks.
I rode the motor once again with Kai oppa and I never felt so alive. But I'm afraid when he's gone and I'm alone in my room, that's when I would break down. I hope not.
Lay's POV :)
Lay: I'll see you soon, arraseo?
By the time I said that, Suho was there, seeing us together.
Suho: Sora.. Lay...
Sam: Annyeong, Suho oppa. *bows* Bogeo shipeo..
Suho: I missed you too *hugs her*
Sam: What a surprise seeing you here.
Suho: Well, Lay told me to be here because we'll get some bubble tea for the other members. Want to come with us?
Sam: I want to, but unfortunately, I have training tomorrow. You guys go and have bubble to for me.
Lay: Take care, Sora.
Suho: Next time, I hope you can hang out with us. *pats her head*
Yes, I told Suho that I was here. I know he likes her very much, and he might get mad if he sees me with her. I am not that type of person.
I wish I could say the same thing in the end. Because little by little, I'm starting to like her.
Kai's POV :)
I took Mika home because it was a bit late. I hope she won't get sad or anything. I want to see her smiling all the time.
Kai: Promise me you won't cry for the same reason. I allow you to do so today, but that's it.
Miyu: Why are you being strict all of the sudden?
Kai: It's not like that. It's just that, you've cried a lot for a guy who lets you go all the time. He's never worthy of your tears. The person who loves you so much is, but I bet he won't make you cry. And I'm one of them.
Words popped into my mind as I speak. I will do my best to make her happy. That's what Eunhyuk hyung wanted us to do.
I am dying to tell her the truth, but I can't. Everyone would be in danger. I better keep quiet, I guess.
Miyu: Kai oppa, you're so nice to me. All of you actually. I never expected that we would be this close.
Kai: Things come when you least expect it and I want us to be closer to each other.
Miyu: What do you mean?
I touched her waist, pulled her closer and kissed her cheek.
Kai: Good night, my precious princess.
I went back to our dorm, and this is the best moment of my life.
Lay's POV :)
Suho: Lay, this is unexpected. But I'm glad you saw Sora in the first place.
Lay: I know. But no hard feelings, arraseo? She was wounded so I had to help her out.
Suho: But how come?
Lay: Her shoe got lost and I found it. More of a Cinderella in reality.
Suho: I see. Lay, is this article true?
Lay: What? Let me see.
Ja Ri's POV :)
I took the bottle of beer in front of him and broke it into pieces. Donghae oppa doesn't drink but he easily gave in because of Sora.
I'm starting to hate her because she's the cause of everything. Aigoo.
Donghae: *drunk* WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!
Ja Ri: Because damn it you're drunk already!
Donghae: Who cares if I am?! Sora won't come back to me.
Ja Ri: So what if she doesn't?! The world does not revolve around you so why even bother?! FACE IT. SORA'S NEVER COMING BACK. GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!
Donghae: You don't understand me at all!!
Ja Ri: I do! But I'm fed up already!!
Donghae: If you are then stay away from me! I never asked you to stay!
Ja Ri: IF ONLY I CAN! You know what? Ever since I'm just your fan, people are already telling me to stop being obsessed with you. I've been slapping myself a lot to realize and know the truth. But that's how it is when you love someone, right? You become a fool. Therefore, call me a fool, an idiot or a masochist.. But Donghae oppa.. I..*bursts into tears* I love you.. Why can't it be me, oppa? I won't hurt you the way she did.. Please oppa..
Donghae: Ja Ri..
Kai's POV :)
I got to the dorm quickly when all of the sudden, Sehun and Xiumin hyung were at the living room.
Xiumin: Welcome. We've been expecting you.
Sehun: What took you so long?
Kai: Ah, we slept.
Kai: Calm down! We fell asleep while talking and I took her home.
Sehun: So, how is she? Eunhyuk hyung is eager to know.
Kai: What does he expect? That Mika is happy? Of course she's broken after what he said.
Xiumin: That's gotta hurt. So what do we do?
Kai: I don't understand why these things have to happen. Even if it's all just acting, Mika's feelings are precious, and it doesn't deserve to be played on.
Sehun: Hyung, we're not going to Eunhyuk hyung's side, but for now we can't do anything but to guide her and offer our help. It's the least we could do.
Kai: That girl, Minji.. I hope she still has a brain to figure out that her plans are brutal and unfair.
Xiumin: She has a brain? Wow. I am surprised. Even if she has, she's not using it.
Sehun: She's worse than a sasaeng.
Kai: Can't they apprehend her?
Xiumin: No. Her father is powerful.
Kai: That's absurd. Using powers in a wrong way.
Sehun: Still, all we can do right now is wait and protect her.
Xiumin: Do we still continue courting her?
Kai: Not that I'm into it, but yes. But slowly.
She might forget Eunhyuk hyung if we did, but still, we have to mend her broken heart.
Donghae's POV :)
I got so drunk that time, and I can't help it. Why is Ja Ri still with me?
And damn it. I saw a light coming from different places. Paparazzi. Aigoo.
I didn't, and hugged her once again. Just to stop those paparazzi to record or check out our conversation.
Ja Ri: Don't hug me.. All of the sudden..
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Chapter 82: Pleas...more...update more chapter...please...
Chapter 80: It's awesome...please update more...I really get into this story...Keep It Up ^_^
Chapter 79: Please update more....I am so excited...Can't wait.. >_<
nuest05 #4
Chapter 78: UPDATE PLEASE!!!! =D
Chapter 77: Waw!!! I'm so excite!!!! I can't wait for more So Hyun and yesung and Tao!!! Love trianlge!! Thank you fell Imaginary Line with SJ admin!!!

-Admin Blaze
Chapter 72: Wow it's amazing i hope you can update more =D you are very good writter <3
*Squeals* OMG!!!! The fifth trilogy!!!!!! -Me very happy!!!!

Can't wait to read it!!!!!!

But I have school.....and tuitions also!!!!!
Moreover the teachers give much homeworks!!!!!!

I'll be able to read only on saturdays!!!!!!!

But it doesn't matter as long as I get a lovely chapter to read!!!!!!! ^_^

Patiently or impatiently waiting for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Hwaiting!!!!!! :D