I Wish...

Fated to Love You
So Hyun's POV :)
Now it was Hana's turn to be interviewed. I love how fast the flow of the photoshoot is. During Haneul's interview, it was Hana together with Lay and Chanyeol.
Ae Young made a great effort in making Hana matured and beautiful. Her hair was straight, and she has smoky eyes. Perfect for a melodrama.
W-Korea: Hello, Hana. Wow, you look beautiful today.
Hannah: Thank you so much! And you are too :)
W-Korea: Haha, thank you! So your theme is "Missing You" isn't it? Why did you choose it among all dramas available?
Hannah: It's because I'm a fan of Yoochun oppa, and that I wanted to show a new Hana who is matured. I wanted to become versatile, that's why.
W-Korea: I see. And it suits you perfectly. What describes the real Kim Hana? The one who is girly and sophisticated? Or this side of yours, matured and classy?
Hannah: I think I'm a mixture of both. Girly and classy, I must say. I don't really consider myself sophisticated because at times, I can't maintain that kind of personality.
W-Korea: You're honest, Hana. Any messages for your fans?
Hannah: I want my fans to keep supporting us as we go along and that they would all be true to themselves. That's all, thank you!
W-Korea: Lay, so how is it being Harry?
Lay: It was fun, actually. But the thing is I have to look very gentle and serious at the same time. It was easier for Chanyeol because he did it effortlessly.
W-Korea: You and Chanyeol did a great job, actually. It felt very natural according to the photographers.
Lay: Really? I'm happy to know about that!
W-Korea: Have you experienced anything which you can consider to be similar with you and the one you're portraying?
Lay: *blush* I've watched that show, with Chinese subs and I can say that the scene that Harry had when he didn't want the girl to go is similar to what happened to me.
W-Korea: Jinjja? That girl is so lucky!
Lay: I guess. But anyway, what Harry did, was the thing I did for that girl.
W-Korea: Did you also begged that girl to never let go?
Lay: I don't think beg is not the right term. I did my best for her to hold on. Anyway, we're both friends right now.
W-Korea: You're so cute, Lay. Even your Korean is cute.
Lay: Thanks! :)
W-Korea: Hello, Chanyeol. You've been enjoying your role in Missing You as we have noticed.
Chanyeol: Hahaha, yes. I've always wanted to star in a drama, you know.
W-Korea: Really? If you could be in a drama, who do you want to be with?
Chanyeol: Anyone, actually keke~ Or any of EXP~
W-Korea: Now that you've mentioned EXP, who among them are your ideal types?
Chanyeol: Haneul, because I love girls who can take care of me.. Hana.. because she's pretty and feminine, and Mika?
W-Korea: Haha, you look unsure when you mentioned Siwon's sister.
Chanyeol: Hahaha. That's a kid you're talking about.
W-Korea: Keep up the good work, Park Chanyeol! :)
Chanyeol: Nae! I will! :)
They look so awesome, and cute at the same time. Chanyeol oppa looked like a kid while playing with a fake gun.
W-Korea: Now who's next, Ae Young?
Ae Young: Eun Mi with Luhan oppa and D.O oppa :) *smiles*
Eun Mi's POV :)
We finally had a photoshoot a while ago and it was awesome. D.O oppa was irresistible and his eyes were awesome to stare at. Luhan oppa on the otherhand, is funny and cute at the same time.
I remember going to Taipei to see Jiro Wang. I've always wondered what if feels to be in a drama with him. But nevertheless, I'm contented with what I have right now. And speaking of now, it's time for us to be interviewed.
W-Korea: Eun Mi sshi, I've heard you've been to Korea and you're a fan of Fahrenheit. Did you choose It Started with a Kiss because of Jiro Wang?
Eun Mi: Yes, I did. I'm one of his fans.
W-Korea: You were the envy of many because of that, and you happen to be Sungmin's girlfriend. What can you say about it?
Eun Mi: It's actually a huge blessing. I've never thought that an ordinary girl like me would end up with my bias.
W-Korea: Yes. And by that you served as inspiration for fan girls. Any words you would want to share?
Eun Mi: Just believe in yourself. If I had this kind of love story, then you will too. *smiles* And if not, God is still making the best one for you. Lastly, be like Yuan Xiang Qin in this drama. She too is an ordinary girl, but she never gave up. Fighting!
W-Korea: Do Kyungsoo, how is it being in a school outfit and having to look cold hearted at the same time?
D.O: Challenging, I guess. But I look forward in portraying other roles. Most people think I look good as a good guy, so I was conscious about myself when I was asked to be serious all the time.
W-Korea: What do you prefer? Being fierce and serious? Or being bubbly and happy in a photoshoot?
D.O: Since I'm an introvert and most people think I don't hang out with others, I think the fierce one. It's easier to look like a bad guy than to pretend being nice all the time.
W-Korea: That was one eye-opener, D.O.
D.O: Thank you! I hope others would do the same too. I mean, being true to themselves :)
W-Korea: Hello, Luhan. :) *smiles* You were the main guy in your drama version of Wolf. You showed your manly side, which killed fan girls in seconds.
Luhan: *blush* I did? Well, it was kind of hard being that kind of guy since I look younger than my age. To think that I have to fight with the other members, it was something that I have to practice and deal with.
W-Korea: What was the hardest thing you did in the drama version?
Luhan: The backflipping and other stunts. I'm afraid of height so we used a stunt double to do it for me. And of course, the fight scene with the other members. I wouldn't even fight with them in real life. What more if I did it on film? I would even apologize whenever I hit them accidentally.
W-Korea: Wow. But Luhan, it was awesome for you not to let anyone know that you're having a hard time.
Luhan: Thanks! I didn't want to disappoint the fans since they waited so long for the drama version.
W-Korea: It sure is worth the wait, Luhan. Kekeke~ I've never been this manly~
Akira's POV :)
Someone's calling me. I wonder who this guy is. At first, I didn't answer the call because I want to spend time with Zhou Mi oppa after days of not being together.
Zhou Mi: Answer it, Akira. I don't mind at all.
Akira: But oppa..
Zhou Mi: Don't worry~ It might be an important call.
Akira: Arraseo.. *answers the call* Yeoboseyo?
Henry: Akira, it's me, Henry.
Akira: What the do you want, Henry Lau?
Henry: Akira, please calm down.
Akira: Me, calm down? You broke my sister's heart. What do you expect me to do, be friendly towards you?
Henry: I know you're with Zhou Mi hyung, but please. I need your help.
Zhou Mi: Ya, Henry. You better fix your relationship with Haruka. Can you hear me?
Henry: Hyung, that's why I called Akira. As Haruka's sister, you're the only one who could help me.
Akira: Hurry up.
Henry: Tomorrow's my debut as a solo artist, and my song TRAP is dedicated to both her and Kimberley.
Akira: Damn it. Why is that girl even included?
Henry: Ask Zhou Mi hyung. He knows everything. Please Akira. Take her there. It's the only way I know to get her back.
Akira: I don't think so, Henry Lau. Don't expect me to do something for you because I'm still mad at what you did.
Henry: You don't know the whole story and the truth.
Akira: Whatever.
I ended the phone call, because I was irritated to him.
Zhou Mi: Henry told me the truth, Akira.
Akira: Oppa, I don't know what to believe in. My sister's hurt because of him.
Zhou Mi: Henry didn't realized at first that what they had was a relationship.
Akira: How stupid can he be?!
Zhou Mi: Calm down, Akira. It was a secret relationship and both of them were young. It's like a puppy love. Henry never had a girlfriend after that, and Haruka's the first girlfriend he revealed in public and it was real love according to him so despite Kimberley and Henry's relationship, Haruka is still the first.
Akira: Tell me the whole story, jebal..
Ae Young's POV :)
I was done putting make-up to Ailee, and I helped So Hyun when she was doing the same thing to Sora.
Ailee is the type that you don't need to put make-up on because she's a natural beauty indeed. What she just need were powder, concealer and lipstick plus a wig since her hair is long.
Chen and Baekhyun oppa were both handsome. I liked how Chen oppa tried to be serious and strong like Minho oppa. Baekhyun oppa, on the other hand, is in his usual, jolly self. I bet he didn't have to try hard for that.
W-Korea: Ailee, I've heard you're an athletic girl just like Jae Hee. Is that the reason why you choose this drama?
Ailee: Yes! And I love Sulli that's why.
W-Korea: What sports do you usually play?
Ailee: I play badminton, volleyball and a bit of basketball~
W-Korea: Wow. So that explains how fit your body is. What are your other interests?
Ailee: Editing videos, reading books and listening to music~ Kekeke~
W-Korea: You sure are unique and talented, Ailee *smiles*
W-Korea: Hello, Chen. Did you enjoyed being Kang Tae Joon?
Chen: Yes I did~ I feel like I'm a professional~
W-Korea: Yes you are :) Did you enjoyed spending time with Ailee?
Chen: Yes. She's really outgoing and interesting unlike...
W-Korea: Hahaha. We totally get who you're referring to. How was Taipei? I heard you two got lost inside the airport.
Chen: *laugh* She was the one who got lost and I tried to find her.
W-Korea: That's cute. Keke~ How was your recording together?
Chen: I can't explain what I feel. Hahahaha!
W-Korea: Baekhyun, you look so cute just like Lee Hyun Woo~
Baekhyun: Jinjja? Kamsahamnida!
Chen: Baekhyun looks good in school uniform~
W-Korea: Ailee-sshi, Baekhyun-sshi and Chen-sshi, any messages for your fans?
Ailee: Ah~ Please support EXP especially on our upcoming projects! *bows* We look forward in giving you one of the best music in this generation!
Chen: That's right! EXP and EXO are both one! As their sunbaenim, please continue loving our beautiful hoobaes the way you love EXO. Kamsahamnida!
The conversation continued, as the next pair will be shown next.
W-Korea: EXP, please do share ten facts about you girls.
Sam: We will~ *bows*
Akira's POV :)
Phone Call:
Akira: Henry Lau, it's me.
Henry: Akira! I've been waiting for your call.. I.. Need to explain everything to you..
Akira: I knew the truth already. And I've decided to help you out.
Henry: Jinjja? Please Akira. I love your sister so much.
Akira: Zhou Mi oppa and I will ask her to be with us. That's where we'll go to the studio for her to watch you.
Henry: What if she doesn't?
Akira: I wouldn't let her escape. I'll take care of everything. Just promise me you won't hurt my sister.
Henry: I'm sorry, but I can't.
Akira: What the..
Henry: I don't want to promise anything, Akira. I will do my best to become a good boyfriend, if she does give me a chance.
Akira: I'm sorry also if I judged you. I just don't like it when people hurt my family.
Henry: I understand.
Akira: Anyway, goodluck on your debut as a solo artist! Give your all~ Fighting!
End of Phone Call.
Sam's POV :)
It's time for us to be interviewed and I feel nervous. Why is it that everytime I have an exposure, I feel like this all the time.
Tao: *holds her hand* Are you ready for this, Sora?
Sam: A little bit?
Tao: Aww, don't be nervous. You'll get used to it.
Suho: Tao is right. We're right behind you, Sora~
Tao: *smirks* Sora, he means he's always there to catch you. Kekeke~
Sam: *blush* Aish Tao oppa!
Suho: S-shut up.. I didn't say anything like that. We'll help her out, Tao.
W-Korea: Wow, Boys Over Flowers! Sora, how did you came up with this?
Sam: It just did.. I mean, I was thinking of an awesome love story and voila! :) And besides, I'm also an SS501 fan so yeah :)
W-Korea: Have you ever experienced the same way Jan Di did, of being culture shock in a particular place?
Sam: Yes! Here in Korea, it's way different from the Philippines to which I grew up. But fortunately, I was able to adjust in just a year.
W-Korea: Wow, I bet it's awesome living in the Philippines.
Sam: Of course! And when you visit our country, you'll see tons of fan girls and fan boys who would welcome you warmly~
W-Korea: We can't wait for it! Kekekeke~
I also wanted to visit the Philippines as well. It's a cool country, I must say.
W-Korea: Suho, how does it feel being called the second Choi Siwon?
Suho: *laughs* Hahaha. That would be flattering. Siwon hyung is way better than me. I love being called that way, but still, I've got a long way to go to be exactly like him. And I don't have a kid sister *laughs*
W-Korea: Hahaha, you are very humble, Suho. How are the EXO members by the way? I mean, do you find it hard?
Suho: Being a leader is hard, and it sure is worth it keke~ It's like being a grandpa and guiding all my babies~
Tao: Haha Suho hyung, you sound like an old man~ Gramps~ Gramps~
W-Korea: Tao, you look so cute to be Jun Pyo haha. But you look very manly~
Tao: Haha, kamsahamnida~ The great thing here is being able to wear all my gucci stuff~
W-Korea: You're fond of Gucci, aren't you?
Tao: Can't you tell? Keke~
W-Korea: You and Sora have gotten closer, the way we see it.
Tao: Haha, I like teasing her, that's all~
So Hyun was watching the whole time, and she was focused on Tao oppa.
So Hyun: Gosh, I wish I was Sora.
Ae Young: Haha, you were totally watching them~
So Hyun: Yes, and it feels good seeing him. He's so friendly and cute despite of his manly appearance~
Ae Young: Wait a second.. Where's Mika?!
So Hyun: Oh my gosh, we totally forgot!
Sehun: Noonas, she's fine now~ Look!
Looking at her, she fixed her make up and she didn't asked for our help.
So Hyun: Why didn't you asked for our help?
Miyu: Mianhae. I know you were all having a hard time that's why I did it for myself.
Ae Young: Your make up is awesome *smiles* Are you really 17?
Xiumin: We're a perfect match!
Sehun: Ya! We're more compatible with each other!
Kai: Not if I interrupt you both *smirks*
Miyu: Kai oppa~
Kai: *blush* Kyeopta..
Chen: Back off you three. *smirk*
Miyu: Eh? Chen oppa?? What's the meaning of this?
Xiumin: KIM JONGDAE. Don't tell me you've fallen for her as well!
Chen: *sticks tongue out* I did so you've got another rival.
Chanyeol: Hello~ *derp face* What's going on?
Sehun: Hyungnims.. Another rival!
Xiumin: Ya Park Chanyeol. Why did you choose her as your ideal type?! I thought your type is Hana and Haneul?!
Chanyeol: Yes, but Mika is my bias wrecker. Get that?
Miyu: R-relax guys.. Uhm.. I'm going to the washroom for a while~
She sure is popular among EXO. Kekeke~
Haruka's POV :)
I'm dealing with a dilemma right now. Should I go to Inkigayo tomorrow for Henry's debut? But what if Kimberley is there?
Akira: Ne-chan, o genki desuka? (How are you?)
Haruka: I'm fine.
Akira: Your facial expression doesn't match with what you're saying. Is it about Henry oppa?
Haruka: Yeah.. I wanted to see him debut.. I've always supported him, but now I'm in doubt.
Akira: Then why not try?
Haruka: Uhm, have you forgotten what happened?
Akira: No but, it's not like you two are forbidden in seeing each other.
Haruka: What if his ex is there?
Akira: Ne-chan. Stop and listen to your heart this time.
Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
Those boys are driving me insane. I was already happy with having Sehun oppa and Xiumin oppa. I didn't expect Kai oppa together with Chen Chen and Do Bi oppa to approach me all of the sudden. It's weird, or is it just me?
By the time I put on my lipgloss, Hana unni was there, but she seems different.
Miyu: Hannah unni~
Hannah: Oh, hi.
Miyu: You're done with your photoshoot?
Hannah: Can't you tell?
Miyu: You seem to be in a bad mood, unni.. *frowns*
Hannah: Hurry up, you're the cause of delay.
It was my first time she acted that way to me. What did I do wrong?
So Hyun: Mika, your interview will begin.
Haruka's POV :)
I still love Henry oppa. Damn it. Even after what he did to me, my love never changed. Gosh.
Maybe I should just go without him knowing. Either way, we won't even talk to each other because I won't let him do so.
But what if Kimberley is there? I've already seen the music video itself. Clearly, I'm not the girl he's referring to.
What should I do?
Hannah's POV :) (Kim Hana)
Mika is starting to get on my nerves. Everything just revolves around her, even the projects that were given to her. Unlike me, she has the most. 4 EXO members are already in love with her, even if she's taken by Eunhyuk. She acts as if she's single all the time. And not to mention Jaejoong oppa, who is my bias as well.
What does she have that I don't? I'm sick of her getting all the projects that I wanted.
Eun Mi: Hana, I've heard you at the washroom a while ago. Why did you shouted at Mika?
Hannah: Ugh. She's acting cute all the time. It's irritating.
Eun Mi: But she's naturally that way.
Hannah: And do you notice that she and Sora are the only ones given enough exposure?
Eun Mi: It's not like that, Hana. You're just stressed.
Hannah: You just don't understand.
Eun Mi: Well I'm sorry if I don't think the same way.
Hannah: Nevermind what I've said. I need a break.
Yes, I feel bad about it. Sora also, I've heard, will have projects as well. Me? I would just star in one music video. Damn it. They're getting on my nerves.
I grabbed my bag and went to the coffee shop. I needed a break.
Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
It was weird. I've never seen Hana unni like that. Did she and Kyuhyun oppa had an argument or something? I really don't know.
Sehun oppa, Xiumin oppa and I took pictures together and we're like kids. There's even a picture where Sehun oppa leans himself to my back and I did the same. It feels comfortable.
W-Korea: Annyeong, EXP's fake maknae~ You look so young for someone who's turning 18 soon.
Miyu: Jinjja? No one can guess my age correctly since I look like 14. Kekeke~
W-Korea: But it's something you must be happy about since you're young looking.
Miyu: I think so too. Keke~
W-Korea: What do you prefer? Being matured or just being childlike most of the time?
Miyu: Actually, I'm a mixture of both. I give mature advice, but only a few know that since most people treat me like a kid. I look young, but the way I think is greater than what people think.
W-Korea: Wow, come to think of it, you're showing to us a matured side of you despite of your cute apperance.
Miyu: Thank you~ And I was glad hearing that from you~
W-Korea: By the way, your make-up, someone told me that you're the one who did that. How were you able to do so?
Miyu: Since our stylists are all busy and I can do make-up by myself, I made my move. I just mix and match, and voila~
W-Korea: Daebak! You look like a professional~
Miyu: Ani, I think the stylists are waaaay better. I mean, they're more experienced.
W-Korea: Any beauty tips you would like to share to your fans?
Miyu: Sleep well, my angels~ It's the simplest way. Also, drink water and eat healthy foods. You will not only be healthy, but your skin too will become delicate and smooth. This is also for the men :)
W-Korea: Do you have specific brands of make-up?
Miyu: No, I don't. Keke~ I don't usually wear make-up since I don't have time. Keke~
W-Korea: Thanks, Mika sshi~
I'm glad that's over. I can now go to sleep~
W-Korea: Sehun~ How are you lately? You look very handsome~
Sehun: Gomawo~ I'm fine, as always keke~
W-Korea: You've grown taller, Sehun.
Sehun: Jinjja? Haha. Even Kris hyung noticed that. He told me to stop growing because I might grow taller than him.
W-Korea: Haha. He's the tallest in EXO and SM, isn't he? And since you're still growing up, it's possible that you would grow taller.
Sehun: Yes, he is. Suho hyung even asked Kris hyung if he still has the chance in growing taller.
W-Korea: What did Kris say?
Sehun: "I'm not sure about you."
HAHAHAHA. Poor Suho oppa.
Suho: Ya! I heard you! Sehun-ah no more bubble tea and Luhan for you!
That just made me blush..
W-Korea: Whoa, Xiumin. You've lost a lot of weight lately.
Xiumin: Yeah. It's because of our daily practice, but I'm glad I did.
W-Korea: But you look so cute with your bao zi cheeks~ And now cute is no longer the word to describe you but HANDSOME~
Xiumin: Aww, thanks a lot! I've worked so hard to achieve this figure and I'm happy knowing people accept me for who you are~
W-Korea: Of course we do! You're so cute and handsome. Anything you would still want to work on?
Xiumin: My height. Kekeke~ But I'm still happy that I'm taller than Suho. Haha! Mom would even tell me not to stand between Kris and Tao because I look short! :D
The EXO members started to play around as well as the other EXP members. But here I am, still thinking about what Hana unni told me.
So Hyun: Job well done, EXP and EXO sunbaes! Daebak! :)
W-Korea: Thanks, EXP and EXO! It sure is nice working with you all~
While we are on our way home, chatting with EXO oppas, some people came and blocked our way.
Haruka's POV :)
My phone's ringing, and I still don't know what to do. Who could this person be?
Wait, it's an unknown number.
Haruka: Hello?
"Hi, Miyazaki-san."
To Be Continued :)
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Chapter 82: Pleas...more...update more chapter...please...
Chapter 80: It's awesome...please update more...I really get into this story...Keep It Up ^_^
Chapter 79: Please update more....I am so excited...Can't wait.. >_<
nuest05 #4
Chapter 78: UPDATE PLEASE!!!! =D
Chapter 77: Waw!!! I'm so excite!!!! I can't wait for more So Hyun and yesung and Tao!!! Love trianlge!! Thank you fell Imaginary Line with SJ admin!!!

-Admin Blaze
Chapter 72: Wow it's amazing i hope you can update more =D you are very good writter <3
*Squeals* OMG!!!! The fifth trilogy!!!!!! -Me very happy!!!!

Can't wait to read it!!!!!!

But I have school.....and tuitions also!!!!!
Moreover the teachers give much homeworks!!!!!!

I'll be able to read only on saturdays!!!!!!!

But it doesn't matter as long as I get a lovely chapter to read!!!!!!! ^_^

Patiently or impatiently waiting for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Hwaiting!!!!!! :D