
Fated to Love You


Sam's POV :) (Lee Sora)
Room 207.. That's where Sungmin oppa and Donghae oppa were located. My heart is aching so much, knowing that my boyfriend and brother are inside. I can't even watch. Aigoo..
Miyu: They are inside.. *tears flowing*
We opened the door and I dropped my wallet upon seeing them.
What has happened? What did they do to deserve this?!
Doctor: Ms. Lee, please calm down.
Sam: What happened, doctor?
Doctor: They got hit accidentally on their way home.
Eun Mi: What's their condition?
Doctor: I can't tell as of now. But they are still under observation.
Eun Mi unni and I cried, holding their hands. Even Mika was crying, for she witnessed everything.
Eun Mi's POV :)
Eun Mi: *tears flowing* Mika, what happened?
Miyu: Donghae oppa was going too fast.. Because they wanted to see the two of you make up. Eun Mi unni, Sora... Jebal.
I looked at Sora, tears were flowing until now and I cried. This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for my pride.
Eun Mi: Sora, I was about to talk to you a while ago, but I got Sungmin oppa's message to me. I'm so sorry, for being jealous, even if you're his sister.
Sam: I too am sorry, unni. I mean, I wasn't able to tell you my plan the whole time..
Eun Mi: What plan?
Sora told me everything. How she wanted to spend time with other people, and not just Donghae. Because she and Sungmin are siblings, Donghae would be less likely to get jealous. Unfortunately, we did.
Eun Mi: So that explains everything. You should have told me.
Sam: At least you knew. It was never my intention to steal him. You know I love Donghae oppa so much.
Eun Mi: So.. Friends?
I hugged her so tight, as if we've never seen each other for years. It feels so nice, ditching my pride for someone else.
Miyu: I'm sorry to spoil your moment, but how about you guys talk to them about how you felt? Especially you, Eun Mi unni.
Sam: Will they be able to hear us?
Miyu: Regardless of what they might hear or you say, just please do it. I'll explain later.
I held Sungmin oppa's hands, and he was still sleeping. I bursted into tears once again.
Eun Mi: SUNGMIN OPPA WAKE UP! Today's my birthday you pabo! I hate you for treating me like trash, making me get mad at Sora! But then, I still keep on going back to you..
I hate how much I love you, Sungmin oppa. One smile from you, everything seems just right.
Miyu: So how did it felt?
Eun Mi: I feel like.. Uhm.. The thorns in my body are removed..
Miyu: That's because you finally released your emotions. Sora, your turn..
Sam's POV :) (Lee Sora)
Sam: LEE DONGHAE! Mianhae.. You might think I'm ditching you, but I'm not. We've always together, and I needed a break. Sungmin oppa was the only way, but you got jealous as well. I only needed some space.. But I still love you..
Miyu: Very well said, Sora.
Sam: It sure helped released my emotions.
Sungmin: Eun Mi.. *smirks*
Eun Mi: Sungmin oppa!!! You're awake!! What's with the smirk?
Miyu: Hana, dul, set!!!
Party poopers popped out of nowhere and all of the EXP members are there.
Sam: What's the meaning of this?
Miyu: This is all part of my plan.
Sungmin and Donghae oppa removed the fake dextrose and stood up from the hospital bed.
Eun Mi: So all of these were fake?!
Miyu: Yes, Eun Mi unni. This is intended for you to talk to Sungmin and Sora both at the same time. The same goes with Sora towards you.
Sam: So this is all just a set up? But why is there a doctor?
To my surprise, the doctor was no other than EXO'S Chanyeol oppa! He was just wearing a wig, and no wonder he's so tall.
Chanyeol: Mianhae. Hana and Haneul asked me to do a favor for them.. *bows* Smile everyone!
Chanyeol oppa's smile was contagious. Aish, I don't want to look at him I might laugh out of nowhere.
Donghae: Sora, I've heard everything and I wanted to apologize. I was too childish to even let the world revolve between the two of us. Please forgive me. You know I love you so much..
Sam: Of course, Donghae oppa. And I apologize for the misunderstanding.
Donghae oppa held me tight, and I did the same. I missed him so much, I don't know what to say.
Eun Mi's POV :)
I was observing how HaeSora made up with each other. It was very sweet, if you ask me. But what about EunMin? Shouldn't we be the Shoulder to Cry On Couple?
Sungmin: Eun Mi, come closer.
I was hesitant, because I don't know how to approach him. I just stood there, frozen.
Sungmin: Aww, don't be shy..
Eun Mi: I hate you.
Sungmin: Eh? Waeyo?
Eun Mi: I hate the fact that I love you so.. *hits his chest*
Sungmin: *kisses her* ...And I think I got it right this time <3
Eun Mi: What do you mean?
Sungmin: You really love me, Eun Mi. And I was correct.
Eun Mi: I wouldn't be here if I don't...
Donghae: You two sure are sweet. But sorry, me and Sora will do the same thing :)
Sam: Copycat. Hahahaha.
Donghae: I love you.. *hugs her tight*
Sam: <3 I love your brown eyes, I love the way you hold me close to your heart and you say "Baby I love you I don't ever want you to go. Stay with me forever." <3
Donghae: Saranghaeyo, Sora. Stay with me, this is what I need.
Miyu: Sorry guys, I have to do some acting along the way. *bows*
Sam: Eun Mi unni?
Eun Mi: Yes, Sora?
Sam: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Eun Mi: I think I am, Sora.
We approached Mika, smirking.
What are they going to do to her? Find out on Chapter 12. :D
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Chapter 82: Pleas...more...update more chapter...please...
Chapter 80: It's awesome...please update more...I really get into this story...Keep It Up ^_^
Chapter 79: Please update more....I am so excited...Can't wait.. >_<
nuest05 #4
Chapter 78: UPDATE PLEASE!!!! =D
Chapter 77: Waw!!! I'm so excite!!!! I can't wait for more So Hyun and yesung and Tao!!! Love trianlge!! Thank you fell Imaginary Line with SJ admin!!!

-Admin Blaze
Chapter 72: Wow it's amazing i hope you can update more =D you are very good writter <3
*Squeals* OMG!!!! The fifth trilogy!!!!!! -Me very happy!!!!

Can't wait to read it!!!!!!

But I have school.....and tuitions also!!!!!
Moreover the teachers give much homeworks!!!!!!

I'll be able to read only on saturdays!!!!!!!

But it doesn't matter as long as I get a lovely chapter to read!!!!!!! ^_^

Patiently or impatiently waiting for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Hwaiting!!!!!! :D