Strangers, Again.

Fated to Love You


PS: Sorry for the foul languages. It would suit the dialogs anyway.. Keke~
Eunhyuk's POV :)
Mika, being able to drive Minji insane was absolutely hilarious. But I have to hide it because of the consequence.
Miyu: Eunhyuk, what are you waiting for?
Eunhyuk: Mika, I won't come to you, ever again.
Miyu: I know you would.
Eunhyuk: Not this time.
Miyu: But why?
Eunhyuk: DON'T YOU GET IT?! *shakes her shoulders* I HATE IMMATURE GIRLS LIKE YOU. You always ask me to do this, that. I'm fed up already! I'm tired of being an under to you!
Actually, I'm not. I just have to tell her that just so she would break up with me.
Miyu: You said you love me.. But now..
Eunhyuk: LOVED. It's no longer in the past tense.
Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
Miyu: I got fed up as well. So you're breaking up with me once again? I won't be a fool for you this time. You broke my heart once, I'm not letting you break it for the second time around.
Eunhyuk: YOU ARE TOO SLOW TO GET MY POINT. Are you really in college?!
Miyu: You don't have enough proofs to conclude that I am a slow learner.
Minji: I knew it. She's a stupid...
Miyu: Shut up, you nasty . Do me a favor and don't join this conversation.
Eunhyuk: You really are stupid, Mika. I should have known.
Miyu: Does that make you a genius?
Eunhyuk: I said I'm breaking up with you.
Miyu: Are you sure? You might regret.
Eunhyuk: I am certain of it. Why would I regret breaking up with a worthless person like you?
Miyu: No need, Eunhyuk. Because this time, I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU.
Kai: Hyung, she's never worthless.
Eunhyuk: You shut up, Kai. You're not even her friend to begin with.
Kai: You're the one who should shut up! Regardless of what am I to her, you don't even deserve to treat her that way!
Minji: Why are you protecting her when she barely knows you?!!
That gave me a shock. Kai oppa.. Loves me?!!
Minji: Wow, Choi Mika. You have another guy to fool around with. Kai, be careful. She's one tricky bit..
Kai: You're the one who is a ! Damn it!! Let's go, Mika.
Eunhyuk: Thanks for setting me free, Mika. Thanks also for the memories.
Miyu: YOU. I'm one of a kind! You will never forget me, never replace me, and NEVER find another like me. When you let me go, you let go of the best thing in your life!
I got so mad with what he said and raised my middle finger and kicked him.
Eunhyuk: DAMN IT!!
Miyu: *kicks him again* So that you would never forget me. Does it make you feel like a man when you hurt me? Do you think I'll put up with you breaking my heart forever? You're not a man and not worth my time.
Eat food, Kim Minji. You were y enough to steal him away. And damn you, Eunhyuk. Eat food. Eat lots of food. In the end you will realize, you shouldn't have let me go in the first place.
Thanks for wanting to leave me. I now realize you were not right for me anyway. Why did I try to make it work for so long? I hope she gives you what you need.
Someday you'll cry for me like I cried for you, you'll miss me like I missed you, you'll need me like I needed you, and you'll love me but I won't love you.
Kai oppa pulled me towards him and left the place.
Xiumin: Hyung, I can't believe you would actually hurt her.
Sehun: If I knew you would do this, I shouldn't have let you court her.
Both of them followed us. Kai oppa had a motorbike with him and asked me to ride it and stay behind. I remember Aron oppa of Nu'Est. He taught me how to survive when riding this.
Kai: Hop in, Mika.
Miyu: Arraseo..
I couldn't say no, because I'm afraid he would get mad at me. But where are we going?
I didn't let Eunhyuk break up with me once again. Because if I did, he can find a lot of ways to hurt me right away.
I have no idea what hurt worse... the part where you let me walk away, or the part where I was no longer worth the fight... did you ever really love me, Eunhyuk?
Sam's POV :) (Lee Sora)
Sam: Lay oppa, where are you taking me?
I was wearing a blindfold that time and I followed him by holding his hand.
Lay: *removes the blindfold* Here we are.
We were near the bay, a tranquil place that no one can see or rarely visit. It gave me a good feeling instantly.
Lay: You were screaming a while ago so I decided to take you to a place where you can remove what's inside of you. The pain.
Sam: You sure you want me to do this?
Lay: You know, I wouldn't take you here if I'm not.
Sam: Seriously, we just met.
Lay. We met a few times. It's my first time talking to you, though.
Sam: Yeah, on the day that I became single.
Lay: So that's why I'm persuading you. Go and scream! I'll scream with you, Sora. You'll be safe here.
Kai's POV :)
Even if that was all just a part of the plan, I couldn't handrle it. I've got tons of tolerance, but with Mika.. It's gone.
Kai: I'm sorry if I lost my temper all of the sudden.
Miyu: Gwenchanayo.
Kai: But you sure were cool when you became a..
Miyu: ? Hahaha.
Kai: Uh, no. A strong willed girl. I never thought you could blow her mind like that.
Miyu: I get that a lot. But I have to.
Kai: Are you really okay?
Miyu: No.
It was stupid of me to ask that question. Because I know she isn't.
Miyu: Where are we, Kai oppa?
Kai: We're here to my favorite park. I always go here during our trainee days when I wanted to get some fresh air.
Miyu: I see. You trained yourself for so long.
Kai: Yet it was worth it. Because I met you.
Donghae's POV :)
I can't believe Sora would actually break up with me. All because of Lay. What did I do wrong?
I wasr very hurt with her decision. I expected her to stay, but she didn't.
And now I'm down in the dumps, sitting on a bench, waiting for her to come back.
When I waited for her, someone came.
Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
Miyu: Kai oppa.. With what you've said a while ago..
Kai: All of them are true. I love you, Mika.
Miyu: How can you say it's love when you don't even know me yet?
Kai: I do. Thanks to Sehun and Xiumin hyung. Just so you know, well, this is kind of a stalker thing to do, but I always follow you around sec1retly. I know you've been working with Yuuki and you would go home late at night. I wanted to ensure you're safe so I did that. But I'm not a pe1rvert of anything.
Miyu: I know. Thank you for that. But apparently, I just encountered a break up so I don't know what to say.
Kai: *holds her hands* Mika, I'm willing to wait, even if it takes a lifetime. I will court you no matter what, starting now.
I blushed a lot with what he told me. I can't believe he can make me feel this way.
Kai: Let's take things slow, and get to know each other.
I moved closer, touched her face and gave her a wink. I'm not sure if I have the chance, but it sure is worth a try.
Sam's POV :) (Lee Sora)
Sam: YA LEE DONGHAE! You are so childish and close minded!! You should have let me explain before you reacted that way! Aigoo!!!!
I screamed at the top of my lungs, following what Lay oppa told me. Gosh...
Lay: So, how did it felt?
Sam: Wow, it sure is good. As if the thorns in my heart disappeared.
Lay: I told you so. *pats her head*
Sam: But I'm afraid that when I get home, I might cry or think about it once again.
Lay: I'll help you out. Just don't do anything stupid like cut yourself or whatever.
Sam: I won't. Life is precious.
The breeze suddenly touched my cheeks, chilling down my spines. Lay oppa and I sat together and watched the sunset. Though it was quiet, at least I felt that there's someone waiting for my heart to heal.
I wish I could say the same thing even if Lay oppa isn't around.
Eunhyuk's POV :)
Minji: Ya. You're still smiling!
Eunhyuk: So what if I am? Were you surprised and knocked out with my girlfriend?
Minji: I can't believe you actually dated an attention seeker like her. And correction. She's not your girlfriend anymore.
By the time Minji said that, that's when I felt that Mika is no longer mine anymore. Screw that fact I must face this track. I promise you, Mika. You would be mine once again. Not for now, but maybe someday.
We might treat ourselves as strangers, but right now, what motivates me is the fact that I am fated to love her.
Ja Ri's POV :)
I too am secretly watching a while ago and it . Instead of lowering her pride, Sora shouted at Donghae oppa.
It's just a shame. I don't know who among them is childish. Or maybe both. Aish.
Ja Ri: Donghae oppa..
Donghae: Ja Ri.. It didn't worked out.
Ja Ri: I saw it. I can't believe that for a simple misunderstanding, you and her have to break up. And it's all because of me.
I can't help it. Because from lovers, Sora and Donghae oppa became strangers, again.
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Chapter 82: Pleas...more...update more chapter...please...
Chapter 80: It's awesome...please update more...I really get into this story...Keep It Up ^_^
Chapter 79: Please update more....I am so excited...Can't wait.. >_<
nuest05 #4
Chapter 78: UPDATE PLEASE!!!! =D
Chapter 77: Waw!!! I'm so excite!!!! I can't wait for more So Hyun and yesung and Tao!!! Love trianlge!! Thank you fell Imaginary Line with SJ admin!!!

-Admin Blaze
Chapter 72: Wow it's amazing i hope you can update more =D you are very good writter <3
*Squeals* OMG!!!! The fifth trilogy!!!!!! -Me very happy!!!!

Can't wait to read it!!!!!!

But I have school.....and tuitions also!!!!!
Moreover the teachers give much homeworks!!!!!!

I'll be able to read only on saturdays!!!!!!!

But it doesn't matter as long as I get a lovely chapter to read!!!!!!! ^_^

Patiently or impatiently waiting for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Hwaiting!!!!!! :D