Almost There

Fated to Love You
Chapter 73: Almost There
Ja Ri's POV :) (Arielle Park)
Everyone in Sparkledust knew about my identity as Arielle Park, and yet I still don't know how to tell it to Baekhyun oppa. I feel so guilty about it.
I went to my house upon going on a separate way with him. I wish mom would just allow me to have a Korean boyfriend. Though she knew, I don't think she approves. But it's better for her to know than to lie to her.
Ja Ri's Mom: Arielle, you're back. Have you eaten?
Ja Ri: Nae, umma. How about you?
Ja Ri's Mom: Yes, I did a while ago. Where did you go?
Ja Ri: I've been to date with Baekhyun oppa, I'm sorry.
Ja Ri's Mom: *sighs* I guess it can't be helped. How are you going to tell him the truth?
Ja Ri: I still don't know, mom. I don't know if he's going to forgive me after this.
Ja Ri's Mom: He's your boyfriend. He deserves to know. Or do you want me to be the one to explain?
Ja Ri: Mom, aside from my true identity as a Filipina, why do you not approve of our relationship?
Ja Ri's Mom: Every Korean is expected to marry the same nationality as them and he's an idol. I'm just afraid that in the end, you might get hurt.
Ja Ri: I don't get it, mom. You're a Filipina, an dad's a Korean. Even if Caleb oppa and I were not Hyungsik appa's real children, he accepted us. And now you have two children as well, Areum and Dasom, who are still babies. And if I will be hurt because of love, it's still worth the risk. I love him, and he loves me. What could possibly go wrong?
Ja Ri's Mom: It's just that.. I'm a bit afraid.. That he might leave you after knowing what your identity is. And that you would leave us just for him.
Ja Ri: Mom, I'm not like that. So stop worrying.. If he leaves me, then so be it. Because if Baekhyun oppa truly loves me, regardless of what race, he would still accept me.
Mom hugged me and a tear fell into one of her eyes. Then we heard noises from outside. We checked to see if there are people.
Haruka's POV :)
I went outside, to where the rooftop is at the mall. To think that I can endure that kind of pain, is a big mistake.
Why is he with Kimberley? Why didn't he even chased me after confronting them? If he did, I might still give him a chance.
Minho oppa stayed beside me, while Chanyeol oppa and Akira went to buy ice cream for all of us. I didn't speak, though. I don't know what to say.
Minho: Haruka..
Haruka: I guess I got rejected after all. *smiles* He choose to be with my idol. Well, I can't blame him. I'm just an ordinary girl.. And..
Minho: Don't say that. It's his loss for letting you go.
Haruka: I think I was only a rebound because he still loves her. Oh well.
I tried to smile, but it was not working. Guess I was too brokenhearted to fake a smile.
Minho: Haruka, if you feel like crying, just lean on to me and cry.
Haruka: No, I can't show you how weak am I. We just met.
Minho: But we're not strangers and I know exactly what you're going through.
I was teary eyed that time, and I can no longer help it and I started to cry.
Haruka: *crying* It hurts, but Henry oppa didn't even dare to chase me. He just allowed me to go wherever I want. He told me I was his first love, and that he never had a girlfriend before. I'm not mad because I wasn't his first but because he lied to me, I can no longer trust him.
Minho oppa placed my head on his shoulders and started to pat it. It give me slight comfort because I know I'm not alone.
Minho: If I was your boyfriend, I wouldn't even dare to make you cry.
Haruka: I wish all guys can say the same. But unfortunately, that's impossible.
Minho: Do you love him, so much?
Haruka: Of course.. I love him. But..
Minho: You're strong, Haruka. Fighting! I'll help you mend your broken heart.
Haruka: You will?
Minho: Yes. I mean it.
I looked at him in the eyes. Guess he was sincere after all.
Akira's POV :)
I was worried about my sister, because it's her first time of getting herself into a relationship and she just got her heart broken. How I wish I could do something about it.
What happened to him and Henry oppa? They were almost there, until Kimberley came. How y can she be?
Chanyeol: Akira, yoohoo!
Akira: Ah, Mianhae Chanyeol oppa.
Chanyeol: Thinking about Zhou Mi hyung or your sister?
Akira: Both. But more of my sister. I'm afraid that this might happen to me if we pretend on becoming a couple.
Chanyeol: Hyung wouldn't be that like Henry hyung. And he's safe with my sister. So don't worry. I know he loves you so much.
Akira: What about you? Do you like someone, in particular?
Chanyeol's POV :)
When Akira asked that question, I've never really thought about it. How would you know if you're into someone? Actually, I've never experienced anything about crush or love. No, I neither dated the one in SHINee's MV nor Kai did and I'm not a gay. It's just that I'm focused on my career most of the time that I haven't actually thought other things beside my career and family.
Chanyeol: I've never liked or loved a girl like how you are to Zhou Mi hyung.
Akira: Jinjja? But for a handsome guy like you, all of the girls wanted you to be their boyfriend.
Chanyeol: But I don't feel the same way towards them.
Akira: Well, love takes time.
Chanyeol: Yeah.
Akira: Should we go to ne-chan and order some ice cream?
Chanyeol: Let's just call them~
Kimberley's POV :)
I found my stuffed toy and it was given to me by a fan. I'm glad she returned it to me. If it was a crazy type of fan, she might steal it instead. That simple thing, made me smile.
But the opposite happened to Henry oppa. He was very quiet, and unfocused. Well, it's natural because Haruka just broke up with her and it's my fault.
Kimberley: Henry, let's go. I got my stuffed toy.
Henry: Alright..
He was walking ahead of me, alone, until we were able to reach Aicelle and our car.
Aicelle: What happened, Henry?
Kimberley: Aicelle, maybe it's not the right time to ask.
Aicelle: Yes, Kimberley. I'm sorry.
Henry: It's okay.
Kimberley: I know you're not okay.
Henry: She broke up with me, and it's my fault.
Kimberley: No. It was mine. If we didn't met, you and her should have been dating. So if you want to curse me as of the moment, please feel free to do so.
Henry: Aniyo. For some reason you're right. Why did I denied having a relationship with you in the first place? Ah, maybe because we were hiding it the whole time, and I have no clue on what relationships are 'til she came.
Kimberley: She's beautiful, and she loves you. I can tell. Maybe she's the type who would fight for you or even wait for a long time. Unlike me..
Henry: Don't compare yourself to Haruka. I loved you, and I'm currently in love with her.
Kimberley: You should have told me that earlier. Or revealed it in public. I was assuming that you were single, especially when you had to broke up with me.
Henry: It's my fault, and you just made a mistake.
Kimberley: Well it's clear to me  That's the reason why I wanted to ask you in the first place. You didn't answered me so I assume I still have the chance and I still want you back. Now I know. But Henry, I want you to get back with Haruka.
Henry: But how?
Kimberley: Remember when we are still kids when you would compose poems and create songs depending on your mood?
Henry: Yeah, what about it?
Kimberley: Aicelle, please take us to the music store that your dad owns. Thanks.
Aicelle: Really? You really want to go there?
Kimberley: Yes. There's a music room there. Maybe Henry would be able to compose his song inside.
Aicelle: Sure, Kimberley! I'm sure dad will be happy!
Ja Ri's POV :) (Arielle Park)
Ja Ri: BAEKHYUN OPPA AND KAI OPPA?! What are you guys doing here?
I was shocked seeing them. Didn't I left them with EXP and the rest of EXO?!
Baekhyun: Hi, Ja Ri. They went out for bubble tea, that's why. Hi, Mrs. Dong. I'm Byun Baekhyun, Ja Ri's girlfriend.
Kai: Annyeong Haseo, Kai imnida. Another member of EXO.
Ja Ri's Mom: Arielle, ang gwapo naman pala ng boyfriend mo. Pati si Kai. (Arielle, your boyfriend's handsome after all. Even Kai.)
Ja Ri: Sabi sayo, ma eh. (I told you, mom.)
Ja Ri's Mom: Hi, I'm Elizabeth Park. Ja Ri's mom.
Baekhyun: Eh? But mom, I mean ahjumma, I thought your last name was Dong?
Ja Ri's Mom: Hmmm, I think you guys deserve to know the truth.
Baekhyun: Eh? What truth?
Ja Ri's Mom: Come here inside, and promise me not to get mad of my daughter, arraseo?
Baekhyun and Kai: Yes, mam.
Damn, I feel so nervous. What if he breaks up with me after this?
But then again, I'd rather let him do that than to be a liar towards him.
Ja Ri's Mom: To tell you the truth, Baekhyun, we're not really Koreans.
Baekhyun: Ahjumma, are you kidding me?
Kai: You look like real Koreans. If you're not Korean, then what are you?
Ja Ri's Mom: We're Filipinos. BUT..  Before I let you react, please listen first. Ja Ri is just a screen name of hers in Sparkledust and her real name is Arielle Park.
Kai: Hyung, her name's cute.
Ja Ri's Mom: Her name was Arielle Cruz before when I was still with my Filipino husband. But due to some reasons, we got divorced, and I took Arielle and his oppa, Caleb with me here in Seoul.
Baekhyun: Ja Ri, I mean, Arielle.. I didn't know you have a brother.
Ja Ri: Mianhae, Baekhyun oppa.. He's an 88 liner just like Kyuhyun oppa.
Ja Ri's Mom: Continuing the story, I met my current husband. He became my boyfriend and we got married. That's why from Cruz, our last names turned into Park but I'm friends with my ex-husband.
Ja Ri: Baekhyun oppa, mianhae. I didn't tell you about my family because of our nationality. I was scared that you would break up with me. Right now, you know who I really am. It's your choice whether you would go away or stay.
Baekhyun: Kai, let's go.
Kai: Hyung, why?
Baekhyun: Mrs. Park, thanks for explaining to me everything.
Baekhyun oppa bowed, and left without looking at me. It's loud and clear that he doesn't want me anymore.
Haruka's POV :)
Minho: I can't quickly heal your heart, but if you need a friend, I'm here.
Haruka: Why are you so nice to me?
Minho: Because I like you, Haruka.
Haruka: Come again?
Minho: I like you, Haruka. And I don't want to see you hurt in any way. And yes, I'm confessing my feelings to you.
Haruka: But Minho oppa, this is too sudden.
Minho: Let's take things slow. Okay, I've been admiring you for a long time now. You're very hardworking and nice. I like that.
Haruka: *blush* Ah, is that so? I have to, because I need to earn money..
Minho: And you're simple, yet fashionable. I'm glad dad knew about you.
Haruka: Thanks, Minho oppa..
Minho: Should I still keep you company?
Haruka: Oppa, it's up to you. Anything is fine with me.
Minho: I'll stay for a while.
Akira: Ne-chan! I'm sorry we're late. Here's your ice cream~
Haruka: Gwenchanayo~ Thanks! My comfort food~
I started eating the ice cream, and it sure made me feel a lot better. Thanks to Minho oppa, I was able to let it all out.
But the thing is, I have no idea where to begin after he told me his feelings. I'm not ready yet. My heart's still broken, and I'm still in love with someone else.
Kimberley's POV :)
I took Henry to the music store to which Aicelle's dad is the owner. I'm glad that there's no one using the music room so Henry can spend time there.
Henry: Kimmy, you don't have to do this.
Kimberley: I got to do this, Henry. You must get Haruka back, through a song. I know you're going to debut as a solo artist soon, so I want you to compose a song for her.
Henry: Will that even work?
Kimberley: Who knows? But it's worth a try. I'm going to leave you for a while and focus.
I left him, and guilt still lingered within me. Henry doesn't belong to me anymore, and it's time for me to let go of him.
Ja Ri's POV :) (Arielle Park)
Ja Ri: Mom, I just got dumped. He left me.
Ja Ri's Mom: Arielle, see what I told you before? You should have said it in the first place.
Ja Ri: But I don't want to lose him. I love him so much..
Mom hugged me as I cry in front of her. It was painful seeing Baekhyun oppa leave after what I've said. I can't imagine not being with him. He's the only one I love.
Maybe I was stupid for letting him be my world. Now that he left, everything is gone. Even my heart.
Then.. Something came up.
Akira's POV :)
Chanyeol oppa and I held hands, because dad was around. It was a cold night, and I had to wear a jacket to keep me warm.
Chanyeol: I never thought we would end up this way.
Akira: Me too.
Chanyeol: And you're my first. Pseudo girlfriend, though.
Akira: Yeah. Let's just pretend that we're actors and actress, having a drama shooting and we're a couple. I can't wait to see Zhou Mi oppa, though.
Chanyeol: Yeah. My noona agreed that she would pretend as his girlfriend.
Akira: I'm glad she did. *smiles* Chanyeol oppa, you're really nice. You're perfect to be my friend.
Chanyeol: Eh? Did I just got friendzoned by you?
Akira: Aniyo.. Why did you say so?
Chanyeol: Uhm. That, you only consider me as a friend.
Akira: Well, of course. I'm dating someone. But any girl would lucky to have you. Trust me.
Chanyeol: Hahaha. I'm not interested with girls in such way that I have to date. Anyway, let's go. I have to take you home.
Akira: Nae. Are you going to drive, or you'll join us?
Chanyeol: Maybe you should be with your mom. Keke~ Zhou Mi hyung would be jealous.
Akira: Oh, right.
That time, we saw Haruka ne-chan, with Minho oppa. I wanted to talk to our mom, so that this omiai would end. I feel guilty about holding Chanyeol oppa's hands. It feels like I'm cheating on Zhou Mi oppa. I'm so confused.
Haruka: Akira, let's go and talk to mom.
Akira: How come you're interested right now? I mean, it's rare of you to do so.
Haruka: Sometimes, I just need mom's comfort.
Akira: Well for you situation, I bet mom will help you out.
Haruka: I hope so too. And I hope you and Zhou Mi oppa wouldn't end up this way.
Akira: Yeah. Chanyeol oppa, thanks for making things work out between me and Zhou Mi oppa.
Chanyeol: No problem. You and hyung will see each other, arraseo? While me and Yura noona will shop together. You know, siblings bonding.
Akira: Haha, I understand. Gomawo.
Minho: Haruka, if ever you need me, I'm always here for you.
Haruka: Likewise, oppa.
I saw ne-chan frown as we enter the car. Mom's been sitting the whole time at the back seat so we did the same.
Ah, I know this is going to be dramatic.
Ja Ri's POV :) (Arielle Park)
I was covered in tears, then all of the sudden, Baekhyun oppa stopped and stared at me with a smile.
Ja Ri: Baekhyun oppa, what are you still doing here?
Baekhyun: *gives some flowers* Ta-da!
Ja Ri: What are these for?
Baekhyun: Mrs. Park, I don't really care what nationality you and you're family is from. It doesn't matter to me. I love your daughter, Ja Ri, Arielle rather. Because when you love someone, you accept everything about that person.
I cried with joy, hearing that from him. It was the sweetest thing he has told me aside from confessing his feelings for me.
Ja Ri's Mom: Even if you are expected to marry a Korean?
Baekhyun: My parents aren't really strict about who I'm going to marry, Mrs. Park. I hope you approve of our relationship. *bows*
Ja Ri's Mom: You've shown loyalty and love to my daughter. I hereby approve of your relationship :)
Baekhyun: Arielle! Haven't you heard?! Umma, I mean, your mom approves!
Ja Ri: Nae, oppa. I'm so thankful!
Baekhyun oppa lifted me high and we were spinning around with joy.
Baekhyun: I love you, Arielle Park.
Ja Ri: Ah, just call me Ja Ri instead.
Baekhyun: But I prefer Arielle~
Ja Ri: Arraseo :) If that's what you want, Bacon :3
Baekhyun: We're bacon and egg, Popeye and Olive, Tom and Jerry, Spoon and Fork, Bread and butter.
Ja Ri: We can't live without each other :))
I smiled, as he held my hands and kissed my forehead. He's worth keeping, I tell you :)
And that's how me and Baekhyun oppa became legal with our parents :D
Haruka's POV :)
I was so depressed, can't even smile for just a second. Thoughts of him lingered, yet I don't know if he still loves me.
Mrs. Miyazaki: Haruka, how was the omiai? I thought you were going to break the rules?
Haruka: Mom, I wanted to. But I guess, dad's right.
Mrs. Miyazaki: Did something happened? I know you wouldn't give up easily.
Haruka: Henry oppa and I broke up.
Mrs. Miyazaki: WHAT?! But why?
Haruka: Third party who happens to be my idol.
Mrs. Miyazaki: My goodness.. *hugs her* Haruka..
Haruka: I still love him, mom. I can't believe he lied to me. I was waiting for him to come back, but I saw him with her..
Mrs. Miyazaki: So is that why you were with Minho?
Haruka: Yes, mom. And he told me something weird.
Mrs. Miyazaki: What?
Haruka: Minho oppa likes me.
Akira's POV :)
Mom and Haruka ne-chan were inside ne-chan's room and I overheard them talking. Minho oppa likes her? Whoa.
I just realized that I wouldn't want me and Zhou Mi oppa to end up just like what happened to Henry oppa and Ne-chan. I can't even imagine it.
Maybe it's time to stand up for what I want. After all, we've been obeying him since childhood.
That moment, dad was there.
Mr. Akihiro: Akira, what are you doing there?
Sam's POV :) (Lee Sora)
It was night time, and I can't help but to think about us and EXO being in a photoshoot together. And I feel awkward because Suho oppa will be there, and Lay oppa, who happens to be my ex-boyfriend.
Now the past is haunting me, I don't know what to do.. Will we be able to go back to how we used to be? As friends.
What will happen to Sora, Suho and Lay?
How will Akira's conversation with her dad turn out to be?
Tune in. :D
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Chapter 82: Pleas...more...update more chapter...please...
Chapter 80: It's awesome...please update more...I really get into this story...Keep It Up ^_^
Chapter 79: Please update more....I am so excited...Can't wait.. >_<
nuest05 #4
Chapter 78: UPDATE PLEASE!!!! =D
Chapter 77: Waw!!! I'm so excite!!!! I can't wait for more So Hyun and yesung and Tao!!! Love trianlge!! Thank you fell Imaginary Line with SJ admin!!!

-Admin Blaze
Chapter 72: Wow it's amazing i hope you can update more =D you are very good writter <3
*Squeals* OMG!!!! The fifth trilogy!!!!!! -Me very happy!!!!

Can't wait to read it!!!!!!

But I have school.....and tuitions also!!!!!
Moreover the teachers give much homeworks!!!!!!

I'll be able to read only on saturdays!!!!!!!

But it doesn't matter as long as I get a lovely chapter to read!!!!!!! ^_^

Patiently or impatiently waiting for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Hwaiting!!!!!! :D