Baby Don't Cry

Fated to Love You
Siwon's POV :)
We arrived at the house to where I'm staying at. Chen was playing games with his phone while my little sister fell asleep. It reminds me of the time when she was still a baby. Good times, good times.
Siwon: We're here. *smiles*
Chen: Ya Mika, we're here now.
Miyu: *wakes up* *yawns* Mommy~
Chen: Who are you calling mommy?
Miyu: *push Chen* Aish, just seeing you ruins my day.
Chen: A handsome guy like me, ruined your day? Are you out of your mind?
Siwon: Sheesh, you two are like kids. Let's bring your luggages inside.
I carried Mika's luggage and let her open the door for me. I've been alone these past few months and I'm happy to have two noisy kids with me. It makes me feel alive and happy despite their arguments.
Miyu: Wow oppa. Your house here in Taiwan is beautiful~
Siwon: But it feels empty, though.
Miyu: If only Haneul unni is here.
Siwon: We'll film the remaining episodes tomorrow so two days from now we can finally go back to Seoul. By the way, what happened between Haneul and Kris?
Chen: Excuse me Choi siblings, but what does Kris hyung have to do with this?
Miyu: Oppa, is it okay if Chen Chen's around?
Chen: Ya, what's with the nickname?
Siwon: Gwenchana. Since it's no longer a secret to be kept.
Miyu: Mianhae oppa, but Haneul unni almost caught me. Even so, I already know she's aware of what's going to happen.
Siwon: Ah, the confrontation of Kris and Haneul after weeks of "moving on".
Miyu: Oppa, I hope you're not mad at her.
Siwon: I'm not. It's inevitable not to have a crush on someone she idolizes.
Miyu: Yes, and Kris oppa is someone she admires and she just developed a crush on him that's all. I pity her a little, because those feelings are hard to control.
Siwon: Yes, I understand. Kris and Miho told me about it. I got a message from them on my LINE account.
Miyu: So, what happened?
Siwon: It ended up just fine. Glad she chose me.
Chen: Hyung, sorry if I have to say this but, you're very nice.
Siwon: Why did you say so?
Chen: Well unlike your little sister who is small and mischievous, you're matured for these kind of things. If someone else is Haneul noona's boyfriend, that guy might even break up with her. But you took the risk of letting her choose between you and Kris hyung.
Siwon: That's a part of the engagement process.
Chen: Eh?! So you and Haneul noona, are engaged?! Since when?
Siwon: Since last year after rejecting We Got Married with Tiffany. Mianhae.
Chen: Ah, I see.
Siwon: Engagement is where you decide if you're both Fated to Love each other. And with what happened between us, I guess we're meant to be. In fact all except Mika and Ailee are engaged.
Chen: SERIOUSLY? Well, they're young. But Sora? Whoa. I didn't expect Donghae hyung would propose already.
Siwon: Me too. Oh Mika, your room is straight ahead. You can sleep now.
Miyu: Great. I'm tired. Goodnight oppas. *bows*
I waited for her to enter the room to talk to Chen this time.
Siwon: Mianhae, for the trouble she caused in the airport.
Chen: Hyung, it was my fault. Why she got lost, and such.
Siwon: What happened?
Chen: Well, I made fun of her by driving her insane with my jokes and pretended to be mean to her. She almost cried, but she left me alone in the plane. She went to the airport without me.
Siwon: Ah, is that so? But please, don't shower her with hurtful words.
Chen: Waeyo?
Siwon: My sister is sensitive. Her Japanese mom, had told me she was often bullied and unappreciated. Now she became a star, I'm happy how people take a look at her in a good way. The attention she gets, she deserves it. It's fine to troll her, Eunhyuk does that. But not to the point that you would hurt her ego.
Chen's POV :)
I felt guilty after what Siwon hyung said. The tears in her eyes while lost in the airport, is all because of me. I never knew how painful her past was, and I didn't care before.
I won't make you cry anymore. I have to talk to you right now.
Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
Miyu: I've heard it correctly.. What's with the JAGIYA?
Chen: I had to call you that so you would shut up and let me take the lead. If we tell her that we're stars, can you imagine all these people taking pictures, and creating fictional stories?
End of Flashback.
It hurts. I still hurts. I was just asking a while ago why he told me I was his girl. Is being curious a crime? I just don't want people to misunderstand..
And telling me to shut up, though he's a troll, still hurts me. I guess I should no longer question him.
What happened a while ago, reminds me of the past. I guess I'm no good at all, and that I shouldn't be speaking anything to people older than me. My eyes started to get red and puffy and I silently cried, hugging my pillow. I THOUGHT NO ONE'S GOING TO DISLIKE ME. But he does.
Chen oppa is right. I must not question him.. And let them take the lead.. Maybe I am too childish to the point that everyone is going to be nice to me. That's why he hates me.
Maybe I'm such a , because I have fan boys, despite being taken by Eunhyuk. Maybe I was a spoiled brat, and he hates it so much.
Then I felt something strange...
Chen: Don't cry, jebal.
I felt goosebumps. He was hugging me from behind, even if I have my blanket on. What is he doing here?
I slowly turned around to look at him, and there he was, looking at me in the eyes. I can't see him well because I have no contact lens on, yet I know it's him.
Miyu: What are you doing here, Chen Chen?
Chen: *hugs her tight* Mianhae. I'm really, really sorry for being mean towards you. I thought my jokes are fine, but I didn't know you were already hurting.
Miyu: Gwenchanayo, Chen Chen. I deserve to be scolded by you anyway..
More tears fell. I can't help but cry in front of him. Sometimes, I'd rather feel physical pain than being hurt by a person's words. It's thrice the pain.
Chen: It's all my fault. I shouldn't have hurt you..
Miyu: I said I'm fine, don't worry about me. My tears are just because of my contact lenses.. I.. I have to get my solution..
Chen: *holds her arms* LIAR. You can't fool me.
Miyu: You told me to shut up, and let you take the lead, and I'm a pabo and you hate me. What more, oppa? If you hate me, just punch or slap me.. Use me, as your punching bag.
I started to move closer and close my eyes. I can't stop crying. The pain still lingers no matter how hard I try.
Chen: I'm so sorry..
Miyu: *crying* I was just curious why you called me jagiya. You know I was taken by Eunhyuk already.. That people might get confused. Though I'm a rookie, I don't neglect everything about me.. I know my limitations.. If people knew assumed we're a couple, it'll be trouble for me and you.. And how should I know that she's your friend.. Molla..
Chen: I was too harsh to you, Mika.
Miyu: I wanted to be quiet so you won't scold me anymore, and you would say something good about me. Because most people do.
Chen: I didn't intend to scold you.. I never did. I just wanted you to be trolled by me. Sehun and the rest were nice so I figured out to be different.
Miyu: And I'm a pabo. A fool. Though I use my emotions most of the time than my brain, I'm not a pabo.. I'm not.. I'm not.. You hate me, but why? Please tell me..
I remember when I was still in Manila. I was a high school freshman that time, immature because I was only 11 years old. A lot of people hate me because of that. I was insensitive, childish and isolated for a year..
I started to break down, almost unable to breathe. Yet Chen oppa is still hugging me tight.
Chen: Those words I've said, are the exact opposite. Everyone likes you. What is there to hate about you? You're not a pabo at all. You were matured in talking with your brother, and it was a wrong move calling you my girlfriend. You were too cute so I wanted to see how will you react. Please forgive me.
He wiped my tears carefully, and I was just kneeling in my bed.
Chen: Baby, don't cry.
Miyu: I'm not a baby.
Chen: For us, you are.
Miyu: Go back to bed.
Chen: So are you saying you're forgiving me?
Miyu: It depends.. *sniffs*
Chen: I won't leave this room unless you forgive me.
Miyu: I don't get it why people hate me.. And it hurts when they don't even tell you why. How will you be able to improve yourself if they don't?
Chen: The irony.
Miyu: I have to be honest with you. I'm a sensitive girl.
Chen: No, you're not. I hate the fact that I can't even hate you. What potion do you give to people to make them like that towards you?
Miyu: Molla.. *still crying* Chen Chen, please.. Don't tell me those things again..
Chen: *hugs* I won't. This will be the first and the last.
Miyu: It's fine pulling pranks on me, just don't hurt me by words.. Especially about my physical appearance.
Yes, I'm fat and small in terms of height.
Chen: You're good the way you are.
Miyu: I already know I'm fat..
Chen: Height and weight don't matter. What's important is the heart. Look at Suho hyung, he's small.
Miyu: Chen Chen, I never expect you would tell me those things.
Chen: *pats her head* Mianhae once again.
Miyu: I forgive you.. *yawns*
Chen: Do you want me to sing for you?
Miyu: Sure. You're EXO's main vocalist anyway..
I went to my bed, covering myself with a blanket, and there he was, my hair like the way my Korean mom did. Singing their song, Baby Don't Cry, I can't help but cry more.
*insert lyrics here*
Then I realized, I fell asleep.
Haruka's POV :)
Today is Kimberley Chen's fanmeet and I'm going to ditch that damn omiai. Akira's still asleep, but she woke up because of the noise I created.
Akira: Ne-chan, where are you going?
Haruka: I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?
Akira: Aniyo.. I'm just curious.
Haruka: I can't miss Kimberley's fanmeet.
Akira: Mom and Dad will interrogate me with questions.
Haruka: Just tell them you didn't noticed since you were asleep the whole time. I'll text you my whereabouts anyway.
Akira: Ne-chan, please be careful..
Haruka: Nae, I will.
I went to the windows and secretly left our home. I'm sorry mom and dad. But you guys have to stop.
Kimberley's POV :)
Today's my fan meeting in Seoul and I'm excited because of two things: Meeting my fans and meeting Henry once again. I don't call him oppa, since we're best friends back then. And we don't usually call an older guy as "oppa" in my place.
I was looking at myself in the mirror. My brown, curly hair and big eyes, are still the same. For the moment, I wanted to look like the Kimberley that Henry used to know. The one who is childlike, and is dreaming of becoming a unicorn.
Things have changed. I'm already nineteen, yet these feelings still linger. But I wonder, does he have a girlfriend? It might break my heart if yes and if that girl's my fan. Ah, what am I thinking?
"Kimberley, breakfast is ready~"
Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
I woke up with the sun shining brightly, directly into my face. I feel a bit numb because of what happened last night.
Was it a dream? I can't believe it actually happen. Me, crying in front of him. , why was I doing that.. Oh God.. Why..
Still in pajamas and pigtails, I went downstairs and saw Chen Chen and Siwon oppa cooking. Ah, this is embarrassing. I'm the girl, yet they're the ones who are cooking.
Siwon: Good morning~ Your eyes seem puffy. Are you alright?
Miyu: Good morning, oppa. I'm fine~
Siwon: Sit down. Let's go and eat breakfast. *smiles* I don't usually cook here, but since you and Chen are here, I figured out that I would cook something for the both of you.
Siwon oppa sure is nice. He was drinking a cup of coffee, and reading an English newspaper once again. I was staring at my plate, with pancakes and bacon on the side, not looking at Chen oppa. Does Siwon oppa know what happened?
Chen: Ya. Aren't you going to eat something?
It just occured to me that I'm right in front of them.
Miyu: Mianhae, just woke up. So, I'm a bit sleepy.
Chen: Have you gotten a good sleep?
Miyu: I think so.
Chen: I had fun LAST NIGHT.
Miyu: The way you said it, it's like we...
Chen: Had THAT? Hahaha! You've got a dirty mind~ Kekeke~
Siwon: Aish, you guys. What happened between the two of you?
Miyu: N-nothing..
I started eating my food all of the sudden, so fast to the point that I'm choking.
Miyu: WATER... WATER...
Siwon: *gives her water* Mika, get a hold of yourself..
Miyu: Mianhae oppa.. I'll go and take a shower now.. *bows*
Nice one, Mika. Now you got yourself in trouble.
Chen: What's gotten into her?
Siwon: I don't know, but you've got to tell me what's going on.
Haruka's POV :)
I went to the mall to where Kimberley's fan meeting will be held and I was surprised seeing fans this early. And I never thought she's got tons of fans. I thought I was the only one yaaay finally people who I have something in common.
Ah, I've got to check out on Henry oppa first.
Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
Inside the shower room, I was thinking deeply of how Chen oppa apologized to me. After what happened, I can't face him. I'm too shy. And it's rare for him to be that way.
I quickly went back to reality and changed into a long dress, thick coat and black boots. Simple, yet stylish. Today's the recording of "For You I Will." I have to make this an awesome one.
Henry's POV :)
Today is Kimberley's fan meeting, eh and Haruka wants me there. Though it's awkward, why not?
It was indeed early, yet I went to see my girlfriend. I am curious also on what happened last night why her parents were angry.
Henry: Haruka~
Haruka: Henry oppa~ *hugs him*
Henry: I'm sorry I was late, I..
Haruka hugged me tight and reached for me as she kiss my cheeks. It was unexpected.
Henry: Haha, you sure are affectionate today.
Haruka: I miss you, oppa. Seeing you yesterday was not enough. I didn't expect mom and dad to come here.
Henry: Me too. But why is your dad angry all of the sudden?
She frowned a little as I asked. Is she going to tell me something?
Haruka: Oppa, mom and dad don't know our relationship. Only auntie knows.
Henry: Is that so? Well, I guess we should tell them the truth.
Haruka: I already did. But they don't approve of us.
Henry: But why?
Haruka: Mom is fine with it. But my dad? NO. I mean, he expects us to marry either a Korean or Japanese. He despises Chinese people because of what happened to him.
That hurts. I'm a Chinese, you know.
Henry: But I have a Canadian blood.
Haruka: Dad is a very sensitive person. In fact, I escaped.
Henry: Eh?
Haruka: Well, he's about to introduce us to the sons of his Korean friends and I hate it. I even got slapped by him.
Henry: So Haruka, are you going to break up with me?
Haruka: ANDWAE. Breaking up with you is like letting my happiness be taken away by someone else. But for now, oppa, we would be like Romeo and Juliet, meeting secretly.
Henry: I guess it can't be helped.
Haruka: Mianhae, oppa.
Henry: *holds her hand* What about Akira?
Haruka: She doesn't want to disobey our parents so she's going to meet one of the sons. But she's going to show her bad attitude.
Henry: I wanted your dad to approve of our relationship.
Haruka: Me too. I'm turning eighteen soon anyway. But oppa, since you're here, let's wait for Kimberley to show up in a few hours.
Chen's POV :)
Siwon: What happened to the both of you last night?
Chen: Hyung, you were right. She was crying because of what I did. I feel so guilty, until now.
Siwon: She rarely opens herself to others, so if you don't know her story yet, you wouldn't be able to understand what she's going through. And Haneul is one of those people she trusts.
Chen: Seeing her cry gives my heart so much pain. Though I am a troll most of the time, right now, I can't even make fun of her.
Siwon: You sound like someone who likes her. Have you fell for my sister? Or are you starting to have a crush on her?
End of Flashback.
SIWON HYUNG, YOU'RE CRAZY. I was thinking of what I've said a while ago, and what happened last night. Aish, I don't know how to approach her.
Miyu: Chen Chen~ *blush*
Aw great. Speaking of the devil.
Akira's POV :)
I was awake the whole time, but I was pretending to be sleeping. I wish I was just like Haruka ne-chan, so confident and knows what she wants.
Mrs. Miyazaki: Akira, where's Haruka?
Akira: *opens eyes* Eh? I thought she was here?!
Mrs. Miyazaki: Oh no. Your dad will get mad at her. Can you please let me borrow your phone to contact her?
I handed mom the phone. Ne-chan, please answer.
Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
Chen: Ah, Mika.. You're early.
Miyu: I was waiting for you.
Chen: Why?
Miyu: We're going to sing this song together, arraseo? Here are the lyrics. I placed your name and mine on our parts to it's equally distributed.
For You I Will
Sung by Choi Mika (EXP) and Chen (EXO)
Chen: A few days from now, we have to separate ways. Why does this have to end? You're my inspiration day to day, and now I think my heart will be hard to mend.
Mika: I thought this is going to be okay. It's been a few weeks since May. I've decided to create a distance. To forget my feelings in an instance.
Chorus (Both)
If this is what will make you happy,
Then I won't interfere anymore.
I love you, I love you, I'd do anything for you, my baby.
For you, I will.. Even if it means goodbye.. I love you for all eternity.
Chen: I hate everything that reminds me of you, but what else is new? It tears my heart, being close to you. But when you're away, I'm hurting yet you don't have a clue.
Miyu: That's what I'm afraid of. How can I turn my feelings off?? I can't help myself but fall. Oh please just separate us with a wall.
(Repeat Chorus)
Chen: So close, yet so far away. That's the only thing I'm gonna say. I wish I knew from the start, that this is going to break my heart.
Miyu: It's always like this.. Dreaming of someone, and getting your first kiss. But in the end you'll end up getting broken. And that's how I started to become a burden.
A few days from now and it's goodbye. We might see each other and say HI. But then again, it'll never be the same.
Chen: Everything has ended.
Mika: No matter how many times you say my name.
I thought this song is something happy, but I was wrong. It's too painful for me.
Chen: This is the Korean version, isn't it? You have to sing it in Chinese.
Miyu: I know. I've been practicing it since this morning. I only know a few Chinese words and phrases. *sighs*
Chen: You can do it.
Miyu: Chen Chen, can you be a troll towards me? I'm not used to your serious side.
Chen: What? Can't a troll be serious once in a while?
Miyu: About last night.. I..
Chen: Case closed. We're okay now, aren't we?
Miyu: I guess.
Haruka's POV :)
Henry: Haruka, when will we see her?
Haruka: A few minutes from now, oppa. Hold on, Akira's calling. *answers the phone* Akira?
Mrs. Miyazaki: Haruka, where are you?
Haruka: Mom?!
Mrs. Miyazaki: I know I can't force you to go to the omiai, but where the heck are you?
Haruka: Promise me you won't tell dad or I will never talk to you again.
Mrs. Miyazaki: Promise.
Haruka: I'm with Henry oppa at the mall to where Kimberley Chen's fan meeting will be.
Mrs. Miyazaki: Careful not to let your dad see you. We might meet our Korean friends there.
Haruka: Mom, thanks. And I love you.
Mrs. Miyazaki: Take care, arraseo? I'll tell Akira to show her worst attitude. Bye.
Haruka: Oppa, I have to be careful. Can you tell Zhou Mi oppa to be with Akira?
Henry: Actually, he just texted me. He said he's going to follow where your parents are going.
Haruka: Gomawo, oppa. *hugs him*
Then Kimberley Chen arrived, making my heart filled with excitement.
Mrs. Miyazaki's POV :)
Mr. Akihiro: Haruna, where is your daughter?
Mrs. Miyazaki: Akihiro, we have no idea. Akira just woke up.
Mr. Akihiro: I don't know what to do with that girl anymore. She's too stubborn. Well if she's not here, let's just introduce only Akira.
Akira frowned. She's been obeying her dad since she was a kid. If only I could stand up for her, believe me I would.
Mr. Akihiro: Hop in to the car. We'll meet them at the mall.
Uh-oh. I have to call Akira right away.
Chen's POV :)
We're at the recording studio, and Siwon hyung was there with us. He's very supportive towards his sister. Mika was looking everywhere, amazed that she's going to record a song again. What a cute thing to do.
Miyu: Chen Chen~ I'm so excited! I hope I won't get nervous later.
Director: Both of you, you should look happy and show cuteness together. We'll record and take videos of you at the same time.
What? That would be awkward.
Siwon hyung smirked, telling me to go for it. Hyung, why are you doing this. WHY.
I looked at Mika, who doesn't have an idea yet what to do.
Siwon: You two! Hold hands, smile and look into each other's eyes, arraseo?
My legs are shaking. Chen, be a man.
Akira's POV :)
I was wearing a dress and flats without make up on when we arrived at the mall. I have to text ne-chan.
As I was about to do so, . There's too many people. And there's no signal. Eottokke?!
Mr. Akihiro: We're here. Look, there's our friends, Haruna.
Mrs. Miyazaki: Let's go, Akira.
Upon approaching their friends.. I got shocked instantly.
What did Akira saw a while ago? Tune in :)
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Chapter 82: Pleas...more...update more chapter...please...
Chapter 80: It's awesome...please update more...I really get into this story...Keep It Up ^_^
Chapter 79: Please update more....I am so excited...Can't wait.. >_<
nuest05 #4
Chapter 78: UPDATE PLEASE!!!! =D
Chapter 77: Waw!!! I'm so excite!!!! I can't wait for more So Hyun and yesung and Tao!!! Love trianlge!! Thank you fell Imaginary Line with SJ admin!!!

-Admin Blaze
Chapter 72: Wow it's amazing i hope you can update more =D you are very good writter <3
*Squeals* OMG!!!! The fifth trilogy!!!!!! -Me very happy!!!!

Can't wait to read it!!!!!!

But I have school.....and tuitions also!!!!!
Moreover the teachers give much homeworks!!!!!!

I'll be able to read only on saturdays!!!!!!!

But it doesn't matter as long as I get a lovely chapter to read!!!!!!! ^_^

Patiently or impatiently waiting for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Hwaiting!!!!!! :D