The Way We Used To Be

Fated to Love You


Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
For the past few days I've been slightly recovering on what happened and I'm glad my androphobia is gone, thanks to Sungmin and Siwon oppa. Right now, I wanted to become the same old Mika who is known to be mischievous and childlike. But it just occured to me that I am still left with choices. Sehun oppa, Kai oppa, Xiumin oppa.. And Eunhyuk.
Eunhyuk: Jellyfish, uhh, I mean, Mika..
Miyu: What are you doing here?
Eunhyuk: I wanted to continue our conversation last time. About us, and me wanting you back.
He was persistent as usual, and I can see it in his eyes that no matter how many times I would push him away, he'll never leave.
Miyu: So, what about it?
Eunhyuk: Mika, you know I still love you. And that break up of us, it's because our emotions are in rage. I knew that time that you wouldn't break up with me.
Miyu: But I did. Because they say that when you got fooled by the guy for the first time, it's not the girl's fault. But when girls get fooled once, it's theirs already.
Eunhyuk: So that explains why you broke up with me first.
Miyu: Even if I didn't want it to happen.
Eunhyuk: So.. you still love me?
Miyu: But it would be unfair for the three oppas...
Eunhyuk: It would be more unfair if you choose someone and pretend you love him.
Miyu: You do have a point.
He smiled at me and I blushed. His gummy smile, I missed so much. And he moved closer, as he leaned for a kiss on my lips.
I was speechless for a moment, and I was also electrified when he did so. Luckily, someone opened the door.
Donghyun: Yo. Sorry for interrupting your moment. Mika, are you ready to film the final episode of the Dating Game?
Miyu: Never been as ready as I am right now, Donghyun oppa. Eunhyuk oppa, hurry up.
Eunhyuk: I'm coming~
Donghae's POV :)
It's been two weeks and LaySora are almost in their first month. Is it the right time for me to talk with her? This is confusing and I don't want to ruin their happy moments together.
After my conversation with Lay, Sora woke up and the doctor told her she can go home afterwards. She just recovered from stress so I didn't show myself. But I was secretly looking at her to check if she's really okay. Her shoulder length hair, and brown eyes.. It always mesmerizes me.
I went to the SM Building early in the morning, and that's when I knew that it was time.
Sora was there, standing right in front of me.
Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
I was all dressed up, but this time I wore a black cocktail dress and I let my hair down this time. I put eyeliner on, and wore sneakers instead of high heeled shoes. It was my usual rocker self, and they had to deal with it. It's now clear to me that this time, I have to pick someone else.
Donghyun: So Choi Mika, who would you choose?
Argghh! I hate it when that question is asked. But I can't make it longer.
I looked at each one of them, and they are hoping that I'll pick them. Again, who the heck will I choose?
Kai oppa, the shoulder to cry on?
Sehun oppa, my eye smile oppa who wants me to be who I am?
Xiumin oppa, my bao zi oppa who is cute and is making me happy?
Or Eunhyuk oppa? My ex boyfriend who wants me back..
Sam's POV :) (Lee Sora)
Donghae oppa was there, and it's been a while since we've last seen each other. Maybe a month or so? I really don't know.
Then I looked at him, and he looked back. It felt as if it's the first time we're meeting each other. And I can't deny how my heart fluttered upon seeing him.
Shoot. Why am I feeling this way? I'm already taken by Lay oppa.. Am I still in love with Donghae oppa?! Eottokke?
Donghae: Sora, it's been a while.
Sam: Hello, Donghae oppa.
Donghae: Are you still mad on how we broke up?
Sam: Not anymore. How about you?
Donghae: Likewise. That's why I wanted to talk to you.
Sam: Oh, sure. But what if Lay oppa sees us?
Donghae: I don't think he would mind. Besides, I've gotten a permission from her.
Seems like he wants to talk about our break up, eh? He even asked my boyfriend about it. Nice one, Donghae oppa. To prevent malice.
Donghae: Sora, my sister Haneul told me that you have a wound back then. It was stupid of me not to believe you because I was dominated by my emotions at first. I thought we are okay after our argument when I found out I was clingy towards you. Guess I was wrong.
Sam: Donghae oppa, first and foremost, I wouldn't have any guy besides you. Even when I was a fan girl, you're my only bias. I just don't believe that you don't trust me that time that's why I reacted that way.
Donghae: I do trust you, Sora. It's just that I got jealous.
Sam: And I did too, with Ja Ri. Why did you insist on protecting her right in front of me? It's as if you've chosen her over me.
Donghae: That's because we are not doing anything wrong. I protected her from the people throwing balls at us and it was revealed that Minji took those pictures and published it in the internet. When you saw us inside the coffee shop, she was apologizing and the chocolates are for an apology gift.
Sam: I get it now. We both got jealous at the same time.
Donghae: We love each other too much that we ended up being like that. I hated myself for breaking up with you, Sora.
Sam: I did, too. I hated you for not listening to what I've said, but I hated myself more because no matter what I do, all I ever think about is you.
Donghae: Lee Sora, seriously, I WANT YOU TO BE MINE ONCE AGAIN. But it's too late. You're in love with someone else. And I have to suffer for rest of my life letting go of someone who loves me the most.
Donghae oppa's tears were falling. I wish I could do something for him. Is it too late for the two of us? Maybe. If only I wasn't taken right now, I'd gladly get him back.
But I can't. I love Lay oppa too. Damn it. I'm torn between two guys. But who has my heart all along?
Then Lay oppa appeared, all of the sudden.
Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
Donghyun: Before you choose the one, please give them your final message.
I feel like crying right now. It's like I'm pushing away all those who love me.
Miyu: You guys were awesome. I've never felt this way before, being courted and loved by someone else. Back then, no one even dares to look at me and they prefer prettier girls. Thank you so much, because even just for a while, I felt like a princess with a lot of princes. I just hope there would be no hard feelings between us. Seriously, you were all great. Any girl would be lucky to have you guys. Sometimes, I don't think I have the right to dump someone. I'm not even good looking.
Eunhyuk: Yes you are. Stop being pessimistic! :D
Kai: Hyung is right. You're beautiful inside and out.
Xiumin: Those people are just blind.
Sehun: And you deserved to be loved.
Miyu: Oh, stop it, you guys. :"> But right now, I think I know who I'm going to choose.
Eunhyuk's POV :)
Jellyfish, please choose me. I love you so much and I can't let you be with someone else. You know, I wouldn't broke up with you in the first place..
I hope she keeps that in mind. I don't want to lose the girl I love.
Sam's POV :) (Lee Sora)
Sam: Lay oppa! *kiss his cheek*
Lay: Ayooo wassup? You guys are already talking, eh?
Donghae: Yes, and we're almost finished. Sora, I apologize once again. Though I still want you back, I still respect your decision. Whatever it is, I still love you. Sorry, Lay.
Lay: I know you've been wanting to say that to her. Gwenchanayo. It's not as if I'm preventing Sora, you know. Anyways, we have to go hyung.
I wanted to hold Donghae oppa once again. But why am I with Lay oppa? Ah, I know.
Because I freakin' love Donghae oppa until now. I love Lay oppa, but I guess Donghae oppa is more dominant. Aigoo.
Miyu's POV :) (Choi Mika)
Miyu: I have to choose now. If ever you get chosen, please be careful with my heart, so fragile and hurt. If not, you're an awesome person. But I think you deserve someone else.
I'm getting nervous, though it's me who's going to choose. Seriously, they are awesome people. But my heart should only have one.
Miyu: Sehun oppa, I like you. Ever since we met, you've always been there for me. And I love how I can be myself when I'm with you. But, I don't have feelings for you as a lover. You are a very good friend to me.
I've always seen people being friendzoned, and right now I did it to him. I feel like I'm a for doing this.
Miyu: Kai oppa, you've comforted me all the time, and I like guys who are like that. You are matured enough to take care of a child like me.. But I'm afraid that I can't do the same to you. You're like a brother to me, Kai oppa.
What if Kai oppa was the one who needed my comfort? I'm afraid he wouldn't get the same thing in return. Thus, I can't reciprocate his love for me.
Miyu: Xiumin oppa. You're so cute, really. And whenever you are present, I can't stop smiling. I would always want to be with you because I get lonely often. But, is it just the only reason why I wanted to be with you?
If you love someone, you have to find reasons to love them still. And not just shallow ones.
Miyu: And finally, Eunhyuk oppa. We've been together for almost a year but unfortunately, you broke up with me. We broke up with each other despite of our feelings. I hated you at first, but knowing the reason why and you came here, was one heck of an effort. But I don't know if I should still have our relationship back.
Am I stupid for talking like this, when all I do is to be honest with all of them? That I don't know.
Miyu: And the one is choose is...
Sam's POV :) (Lee Sora)
Lay: Sora, are you alright?
I didn't notice that we were already in his car as I occupy myself with thoughts Donghae oppa.
Sam: I'm fine, I guess.
Lay: What did you and Donghae hyung talked about? If it's alright for me to know.
Sam: It's fine. You're my boyfriend anyway. He apologized for what he's done and..
I can't say those words to him, I can't tell him that Donghae oppa wants me back and I still love him. But I can't cheat on him.
Should I be honest with my heart is telling me?
Lay: What?
Sam: Should I say it?
Lay: I think so. Oh, I'm curious yeah~
Sam: LOL SHINee? :D Anyways, please don't feel bad about this but.. Donghae oppa.. wants.. me... back..
I saw the change in his facial expression hearing that from me. Lay oppa, please don't get mad at me.. jebal..
Lay: Lee Sora.. I...
Who is Mika's and Sora's choice? :)
Tune in to the next chapter <3
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Chapter 82: Pleas...more...update more chapter...please...
Chapter 80: It's awesome...please update more...I really get into this story...Keep It Up ^_^
Chapter 79: Please update more....I am so excited...Can't wait.. >_<
nuest05 #4
Chapter 78: UPDATE PLEASE!!!! =D
Chapter 77: Waw!!! I'm so excite!!!! I can't wait for more So Hyun and yesung and Tao!!! Love trianlge!! Thank you fell Imaginary Line with SJ admin!!!

-Admin Blaze
Chapter 72: Wow it's amazing i hope you can update more =D you are very good writter <3
*Squeals* OMG!!!! The fifth trilogy!!!!!! -Me very happy!!!!

Can't wait to read it!!!!!!

But I have school.....and tuitions also!!!!!
Moreover the teachers give much homeworks!!!!!!

I'll be able to read only on saturdays!!!!!!!

But it doesn't matter as long as I get a lovely chapter to read!!!!!!! ^_^

Patiently or impatiently waiting for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

Hwaiting!!!!!! :D