Reboot (shesamytheu)

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Genre: Romance, Slice of Life


Characters: Do Kyungsoo, Lee Gain


Status: Ongoing


Lee Gain is the new rotten apple of her high school. As the news--or false accusation, as she insists--of her bullying a student spreads widely, the school takes initiative and puts her as the manager of a never-before-heard school band.

Gain has no plans to yield to the school's order.

Unfortunately, Kyungsoo doesn't appear to care about that.

Notes From Reviewer


So far, I'd say the story is headed in a good direction and you should keep up the pace you have going, even if it takes you months to write a chapter. (it takes me months sometimes because I am so so lazy). I just re-read what I wrote and I feel like I tried to hard to be funny at some points so please excuse my AWFUL humor that really shouldn't exist. Sorry if this took longer than intended but I hope you all the best. ♥


The title is pretty decent, I'd say. I mean I'm guessing it relates to the rocky start Gain and Kyungsoo had in the beginning (I mean geez, how vicious) and Kyungsoo wants to 'reboot' or restart considering he was a bit of a in the beginning and he realizes that she was really their last hope.

Description & Foreword 

My first genuine thought while reading the description is "Why would a school put someone in a school band if they're accused of bullying?" since bullying in schools is taken very seriously, well, here at least. You could possibly be expelled even so that part made me raise my eyebrow plus the fact that it's never been heard of makes me wonder what kind of school this is. So that part is just a bit of a "WTF is happening" kind of moment but if Gain got expelled then what's the point in a story, amirite?


Interesting plot to an extent, I mean the whole high school AU is overused but throwing in twists always makes them enjoyable. I actually thought that you were gonna make it like- a school marching band and I was like "why does that need a manager?" but I get it now and that was definitely something I didn't expect. I always like a small twist in a story. --I laughed at the part when mentioning the Occult club because it reminded me of Yandere Simulator.
After finishing the available chapters, I can say the story is pretty enjoyable but I'll get into that more after.

Writing Style 

Not bad, it wasn't an eyesore to read so that's good, the writing style is pretty good since, from the looks of it, you have a beta which can always be good since we all miss mistakes (hell, I do it so much that I faceplant onto the floor when someone points out a typo I missed while writing at 3am). The conversations between characters is good and I don't really have much to complain about in this section.


Gain's a pretty interesting character that some people can relate to. Personally, I can't relate since well-- I'm not that honest depending on the situation and I have more of a "I don't care" attitude (not like her though pfft) but the way she acts is realistic and many people--girls, mostly--do act like that, I've seen it and it's like "will this damn girl shut up," but overall Gain's pretty good as a character.

Kyungsoo--all I can say is Jesus Christ on a bike cycling to mass on a Sunday. I really wasn't expecting him to lay one on Gain (and I ain't talking about a kiss, har har.) but Lordy Lu. He seems like he has a Jekyll and Hyde/personality problem which is fine. Little violent at first, very demanding and has a 'do what I want or else'  vibe but we all need that one character. 


The flow is good and I like it because there's still a bit of conflict between Gain and Kyungsoo. There's no cliche 'love at first sight' or the whole 'I'm not a bad boy but I act like one and now I'm gonna be all sweet to you after acting like a total ' crap that I see in a lot of fanfics--I mean it's hard to be original but heavens.

Personal Enjoyment 

As for personal enjoyment, I enjoyed it even if I never read these kind of fanfics, it isn't a horrible idea--it really isn't. At first I was like "The ?" because of the whole band thingy I talked about earlier but once you actually start reading it, you definitely start to enjoy it more

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