

Sehun wants Jongin to go to the circus with him.




author's note:

jesus, i'm back with another story. Lord, my head is full of really stupid things and I just - can't with myself anymore. So yeah, this is a random thing which will most likely be a one-shot since I really can't see it as anything else right now. So, yeah. LOL. You can comment, sub, upvote, hit the back button, I don't care lol. Do whatever you'd like, people that live on earth. Just gonna say that since I don't read much fanfiction (due to my laziness LOL.), this is practically 100% my idea. Obviously I don't own Sehun or Kai, they own themselves. 

poster made by: -symmetry
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©Copyright -suhoe 2014



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Chapter 1: so i got time alr, mwuehehe.
update pls ene. /wants to see jongin dies because of clown/