The Course Of True Love Never Did Run Smooth...(Part 1)

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Kyuhyun's eyes were still fixed on the girl sitting in front of him. His eyes never once left her eversince he had came into the room. Hyun Heon, his Hyun Heon, his beloved Hyun Heon had woken up. Its like a dream come true for him. He really must thank God for it. It is a miracle, a true miracle.

After standing there for a few seconds, he came back to reality and walked quickly towards Hyun Heon's bed, with a smile on his face.

"Hyun Heon ah," said Kyuhyun as he came closer. However, Hyun Heon's reaction did not seemed good at all. She immediately sat back at once when she saw Kyuhyun coming closer. She had a startled expression on her face. Kyuhyun was shocked that Hyun Heon would react like this. He never thought that Hyun Heon would run away from his presence. But, he did not give up.

"Hyun Heon ah," said Kyuhyun as he stood next to her, "I'm Kyuhyun,"

Hyun Heon just sat there and hugged her legs, still having the scared expression on her face. She was too frightened to say anything. Hyun Heon kept looking down on her bare legs.

Kyuhyun then sat down next to her and his arms held onto Hyun Heon's shoulders, forcing her to look at him.

"Can't you remember me?" he asked. Now, he is getting more and more anxious.

Is Hyun Heon suffering from amnesia? Kyuhyun, himself would like to know the answer too.

"Get away from me!" Hyun Heon cried out loudly as she tried to swing his hands away from her shoulders. She was trying to break free from him while Kyuhyun just tightened his grip on her shoulders. Kyuhyun could sensed that she was really horrified. He could see tears coming out from her eyes.

"Unnie(sister)! Unnie(sister)! Please help me!" screamed Hyun Heon while she continued to break free from Kyuhyun. Kristine, Jin Hyun and Min Young immediately came forward to help her while Leeteuk and Ryeowook went to stop Kyuhyun.

"Kyuhyun ah," said Ryeowook as he pulled him back, "We've got something to talk to you,"

But Kyuhyun disregared it. His body and head was still facing Hyun Heon, trying to get her attention. He kept saying, "Don't you remember me? I'm Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun. Hyun Heon ah, don't scare me please?"

"Kyuhyun ah! Would you please calm down?!" shouted Leeteuk, finally. His shout finally managed to bring silence back into the room once again. Kyuhyun turned his head obediently and looked at his hyung(brother). After seeing that he had gotten Kyuhyun's full attention, Leeteuk continued, "We need to talk to you regarding something very important outside the ward,"

"But hyung(brother)," Kyuhyun tried to fight back but he was returned with a serious glare from Leeteuk. No one dares to make Leeteuk angry...because the effect would be like a volcano eruption. "Araseo(I get it)," Kyuhyun said, as he gave in to his hyungs(brothers) and followed Leeteuk, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae and Ryeowook out. However, before walking out to the corridoors, Kyuhyun turned and took a look at Hyun Heon. Surprisingly, she was staring straight back at him. But, with fear. Her hands were still clunging onto Kristine's arms, as if a baby is holding onto his mother's arm for protection. Upon seeing that sad and sorrowful state of Hyun Heon, Kyuhyun let out a silent sigh and walked out of the ward.


Outside the ward, Leeteuk, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae and Ryeowook were waiting outside for Kyuhyun. Upon seeing that he had closed the door, they surrounded him. However, before they could speak, Kyuhyun had already asked them a tonnes of questions.

"Why is she like that?" asked Kyuhyun, facing Leeteuk then, to the others, one by one, as if he was questioning criminals, "Did she forget about us? What did the doctor say? Why is she behaving in this manner?"

"Kyuhyun ah," said Donghae, "Can you calm down and listen to us?"

"How can I calm down when the person I love is in there and running away from me as if I'm the last person on Earth she ever wanted to see?!" snapped Kyuhyun as he squarted down and burried his head in his arms.

"Things aren't that bad like what you have thought," said Ryeowook.

Kyuhyun looked at his hyungs(brothers) and stood up once again. He shot them a curious look, "What do you mean by that? If she's not in a bad condition, why...why is she running away from me? She doesn't seemed to have that kind of reaction when she's with all of you in the room,"

"You're wrong," Eunhyuk corrected his dongsaeng(younger one) while Sungmin nodded his head, "She was like this when we visited her just now, after hearing that she had woken up,"

"It took time for her to remember us, not long, only a few minutes," explained Leeteuk, "She was screaming too when we got closed to her,"

"She cried too," continued Ryeowook, "Like how you came in. It was as if she had lost her senses,"

"And, you called this behaviour fine?" asked Kyuhyun, with a disbelieved look.

"So," said Sungmin, "We immediately went to consult the doctor. He said that because of that incident had caused her to suffer too much shockness, she was traumatized with it. But, its just temporary effect. He told us to be gentle and patient with her. And we did so. Indeed, she remembered us but we still can't get too close with her right now. You know..because she was...was,"

Sungmin could not continue.

"Because she was nearly ," Eunhyuk helped him to say it out. He was straight forward about it.

"Definitely she will have some sort of phobia of getting close to guys right now," explained Leeteuk, "Thats why she reacted that way when you dashed towards her,"

"She...she's traumatized with...with the incident?" Kyuhyun asked again, slowly.

His five hyungs(brothers) nodded to him and Kyuhyun just kept quiet, as if he was deeply in his thoughts.

Ryeowook looked at his watch and broke, "I need to go for my schedule now. Or else, I will be late,"

"Me too," said Sungmin, "Me and Ryeowook needs to be at the radio station by 5pm,"

"I have a show recording (Strong Heart) with Eunhyukkie," said Leeteuk, "We can't stay long too,"

"So who's staying behind?" asked Donghae.

Upon hearing Donghae's question, everyone's vision drifted to Kyuhyun.

"I'll stay behind and explain everything to her," said Kyuhyun.

"Then," said Donghae, "I'll go back to the dorm first. All the best,"

With that, Donghae gave a pat on Kyuhyun's shoulder as a way of supporting him. Then, everyone did the same after that. The six of them went in after discussing. As soon as the door was opened, Hyun Heon immediately went for Kristine's arm again. Leeteuk, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun walked into the ward silently. Kyuhyun took a glance at Hyun Heon and smiled at her. He want her to have trust in that he could explain things to her. But Hyun Heon just stared back at him with an innocent look. She was not crying anymore, just staring back at him. Finally, Kyuhyun spoke.

"I need to talk to Hyun Heon for awhile," said Kyuhyun, "Privately,"

After hearing that, Hyun Heon turned to face her unnies(sisters), "Unnie-"

"It will be fine," Jin Hyun assured her, "He's not going to harm you,"

"Really?" asked Hyun Heon.

"Really," replied Min Young.

"Also," continued Kristine, "We need to go for our schedules now. For the meantime, let him take care of you, okay? He's someone you know,"

Hyun Heon nodded her head and slowly, she let go of Kristine's arm.

Kristine, Jin Hyun and Min Young went to take their handbags and joined Leeteuk and the others at the door.

"Hyun Heon ah," said Donghae as he waved at Hyun Heon, "We'll come by and visit you when we're free,"

"Ne," replied Hyun Heon as she gave a slight nod.

"We'll go now," said Min Young. She too, waving her hands at Hyun Heon, "Kyuhyun oppa(brother), please take care of her!"

"I will," said Kyuhyun as he gave an assuring smile Min Young.

With that, the eight of them walked out of the room, leaving Kyuhyun and Hyun Heon behind, alone together.





HELLO PEOPLE!!! Here's another update!!! Oh gosh! I've been updating my this story for you guys and I've neglected my the other story (DREAM HIGH)...Hais...How?! Haha! I'm not blaming all of you though! I love your enthusiasm! I'll update that story tomorrow or maybe on Tuesday when I'm free :D

By the way, love my title for this update? I thinks its pretty fit to use it...sorry, I'm a pure Literature student so I came across this verse while studying Midsummer Nights Dream! Keke! Lols!


Thank you so much and I do not own this picture! ^^

Have a nice day ahead! :D

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I have a new story called "City of Love,Seoul,Paris" and I hope everyone of you will subscribe to it and comment it like how you support my first story! Kumowo!


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Chapter 129: I love this story!! And I must say you almost made me cry when Hyun Heon was sent to the hospital, and mind you it's very hard for people to make me cry ^^ And I do hope that Hankyung oppa will comeback as a member of SuJu =D (Until now I'm still hoping >.<) Good job Author-nim!! This is by far the best Kyuhyun fanfic I have ever read =D
airamarie #2
Chapter 129: waaa :'(.finishedd!! good job # MsIndependentGirl! :D
KimchiCake #3
Chapter 128: OMG!! I LOVE THIS STORY!! Thanks for sharing it authernim ^^
Chapter 128: OMO!!! I really like your story authoe-nim or should i say i loved it ^^ it makes me laugh and cry at the same time... And it's so romantic!!! Kamsahamnida fo making this beautiful story
xinlee #6
I super love this story! You have no idea how many times I go back to read it! ;)
SuperjuniorELF15 #7
Chapter 7: Well i can't wait for your new story! Is it out yet?
SuperjuniorELF15 #8
Chapter 1: This is the best fanfic i have ever read i swear. Please write more it's superb! ^^
NoeRod #9
Chapter 129: I really really LOOOOOVED this too much. Gomawoyo author-nim! ^_^