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There’s nothing you can ask for when you already got whatever you want in life. I know that this is pretty impossible, but I feel like mine is already perfect. All of a sudden, everything that was so wrong was made right and things have fallen in the right places as well. This imperfect and cruel world may eat us up, but if you’re going to fight it, you’ll live differently from others who are just going with whatever this world is giving to them. I can say that I’ve been pulled out from the hell that I’m in before and it’s all because of my lovely boyfriend, G-dragon.

We may not have the most perfect relationship, but he’s always giving me everything that he has whether it’s material or just plain support. I don’t know what I did right in the past to be given someone like him. He’s just so pure and loving, and even though he’s so busy with a lot of things right now, he’s not neglecting me at all. He tries his best to at least spend even a few minutes with me if he can and that alone is heartwarming.

Speaking of G-dragon, my lovely man is so busy these days because Big Bang continued their album promotions here in Korea and at the same time rehearsing for their upcoming World Tour. The boys are working their asses off to a different level and it gets the best out of them sometimes, but they’re still pushing boundaries and crossing limits just to give their fans and the people who adores them a good show.

In my case, I’m also busy with all the accounts that were given to me by Jang Hyun Sajangnim and the advertising agency. I’m doing shoots here and there and if before I don’t complain about being tired. Now, you can hear me complain once in a while. Who wouldn’t get tired? I start my day at around 7 in the morning and it’ll end 2 or 3 in the morning the next day. G-dragon and I now have the same work time and it because we can’t squeeze a romantic date or a simple dinner in it.

It’s been two weeks since all the craziness with Hyun happened. I’m still working with him and I must admit, it’s really a drag coz he’s still bugging me. I’ve already confronted him days ago about it, but it seems like it didn’t give any impact on him. I’m just so thankful because G-dragon is not the kind of boyfriend who gets paranoid right away. Well, he has his moments, but it’s not that hardcore. I can still control him and calm him down.

“Bill…you’re going to work now? You just got home a few hours ago…right?” Mummy asked upon seeing me walking out of my room.

I sighed “Got not choice Mummy….I have a meeting in an hour and a half….and then a shoot early afternoon…I’m one hectic person” I told her and earned a heavy sigh.

She shook her head “Come here for a sec” she gave me a space beside her on the couch.

I did what I was told and plopped myself beside her “You’re killing yourself Bill…can’t you lessen your workload?” she asked while running her fingers through my hair.

“Mummy….this is the only way for me to earn big….after all…I’m doing what I want so it’s not that painful to do….don’t worry about a thing….I know my limitations...once I had enough” I assured her.

Actually, there are times wherein I’m missing the “bum Billie” wherein Bunny and I are just waiting for random customers who doesn’t have a choice but to avail our service because we’re cheaper than the other photo studios around.

“Before you hate working with bosses and now….you’re dealing with them every day….this is really an improvement….but…I just wish that they’ll give you even a few days break….I’m sure it’s not going to be a big loss”

I smiled at my mother warmly then wrapped my arms around her “You’re totally the sweetest…not even in my wildest dreams have I thought that you’d be this sweet and caring to me” I joked and she slapped my arm so hard.

“MUMMY!” I shrieked and she laughed like an evil witch.

“Better get your going now….you’ll be late” she said and spanked my when I stood up.

“Love the Honey! Wish mine is that firm up until now!” she called out while I was walking to the shoe rack.

I laughed “Work it out Mummy!” I called back while wearing my shoes.

“OK! I’ll ask my boyfriend to do it for me!”

The moment I heard that, I snapped in alert then went back to the living room “What did you just say? Mummy….do you have a boyfriend again?” I asked and she just gave me a grin.

“OH SSSSHHHSSH! You’re totally ing my brain up! I’m telling you Maggie…boys will just bust your up” I feel like we’ve exchange roles.

Gosh! My mother is once again in her dating mode. No wonder she goes home late nowadays and whenever she’s here at home, all she does is talk on the phone. This is totally unacceptable.

“I’ll give you three days to break up with him” I said then walked out.

You can call me a bad daughter for not supporting my mother to any crazy thing that will surely make her happy, but it’s better for her to just stay single. Why? Because I know so well that her focus will be split in half once again and right now, we can’t afford her to be like this coz of Drake. The little boy needs all the attention that we can give to him and another man in our mother’s life will totally get it all from him.

“Ow!” I gasped the moment I saw a bouquet of flowers on my work desk.

I swear. If this is from Hyun again, I’ll throw this to his face.

“Gosh!” I’m wrong. The flowers are from G-dragon.


Good Morning Ajhumma! I was about to wait for you but just decided to drop this coz I’m kinda tired. Anyway, I cleaned your desk if you haven’t noticed and decorated it because it’s too plain. Look around and you’ll see a beautiful surprise. I love you and I’ll try to see you later!


This guy is really unpredictable. He’s going to do whatever he feels like doing that will totally sweep you off your feet. I think the people are right, I’m one lucky woman for having this wonderful human being with me.

To be honest, I didn’t notice my desk at all. What I saw first was the flowers and it seems like my eyes are just fixed to it. And because he bragged about cleaning my dirty desk (Shoot me! I really have the messiest desk here in the office), I took a few steps back to see it fully. 



“Wow!” I gasped after seeing it.

This is where G-dragon’s cleanliness kicks in. All the papers are neatly placed on one side, my pens that are scattered everywhere are now stacked in a huge pen holder. Not only that, he replaced most of my things with something really cheesy (Yeah. I’m talking about hearts all over). This is so insane! My clip dispenser is heart shaped already, same goes with my candy jar. He even put a heart shaped dangling thing on my lamp, making it cheesier.

“OH MY!” this is the ultimate shocker of all.

I guess his romantic blood is totally functioning well coz not even in my wildest dreams have I thought of putting a picture of me and my boyfriend or husband on my work desk. Now, I have one. Thanks to G-dragon.


In all fairness to him, he really put a lot of effort here. I don’t even know how to react to it.

TO PRINCE CHARMING: Good Morning Oppa! (gosh! Why is it so weird to call you that?) Anyway, I’m here in the office already and I just want to say that the flowers really made my day and thank you for cleaning my oh-so messy desk. Our picture is so cute. This is the cheesiest thing of all, but it’s the sweetest. I love your smile on that picture. Gosh! I’m missing you already! And did you just give yourself a new nickname? Yong-yong? That one is hilarious! I love you! Sleep well and dream of me!

Our time is really different. I’m going by the normal time, while he’s making the day as his night and his night as his day. This is given though because artists have this thing about working late. I don’t know, but according to the Big Bang boys, their brains work at its best at night than in the morning. Weird, huh?

*phone beeping*

FROM PRINCE CHARMING: Aigoo. I’m so happy coz you liked my surprise. All of those just came to mind this morning, so I asked Jang Hyun hyung to tell his staff to open the studio for me earlier than usual. Wanna know the reason why I put that picture on your desk? IT’S FOR PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND FOR YOU TO BE REMINDED OF IT ALWAYS. Haha! Yes, I have a new nickname and it’s Yong-yong. TOP hyung called me that awhile ago, according to him it’s to match your unique nickname, Kenken.

TO PRINCE CHARMING: Why do I have to be reminded that I have a boyfriend when it’s engraved in my heart and mind? Gosh “YONG-YONG”!

FROM PRINCE CHARMING: Yaaa! Don’t you love it? It’s just natural to see a picture of you and your boyfriend on your work desk. Just take it from Bunny, she’s got a picture of her and Han on hers. It looks sweet. Not to mention, it will also inspire you.

TO PRINCE CHARMING: Yeah Yeah Yeah. Whatever! Haha! Sleep now. Just call me once you’re free. Love you!

After appreciating my clean and sweet desk, I start working already. I’m going to have a jam-packed day because of all the meetings and shoots that I have to attend to. Jang Hyun Sajangnim’s company was chosen by a top magazine brand to be its photographers for their anniversary issue and this just means one thing, we have to work doubly hard from this day onwards. Thank God Hyun’s company isn’t demanding for so much these days. I can focus on this magazine and hopefully perform well with Sajangnim and Bunny.

“What is happening here? Why is your desk full of hearts and cheesy stuffs?” Bunny asked the moment she saw my desk.

I gave out a smile then hugged her “Jiyong went here awhile ago and cleaned it for me….he replaced the boring dispensers into sweet heart shaped ones…don’t you find it cute?” I asked then picked up my candy jar.

She laughed so loud “I don’t know…but isn’t this too girly for a guy to do? I mean…you should be the one doing this for him…not the other way around”

I smacked her head, causing her to shriek in pain “Bubu….this just proves that Jiyong is a man….he doesn’t care whether what he’s doing is too girly....what’s important is he’s making me happy….and do you think I can put heart shaped things and cheesy stuffs in their studio?” I asked and she just sighed heavily.

“Kenken” she sat on the long couch in front of my desk then looked at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Don’t you think this is unfair to him? I mean….he’s doing everything just to make you happy….I’m not saying that you’re not doing your part…but….he’s the one exerting m

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now