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“Hyung” I called the moment he picked up the phone.

“Oh! Why did you call Jiyong-ah?” Hyun Suk hyung asked, his voice will tell you how tired he is already.

I took a deep breath then composed myself “I want to get married in a month” I told him and there was silence on his end.

OK. I know that this is once again a sudden decision, but I realized that Billie and I have been engaged for months already when my initial plan is to marry her a few weeks after I propose, if it’s not for my busy schedule, she will be Mrs. Kwon by now.

“Jiyong” finally, he spoke.

I swallowed hard with my heart pounding wildly “What is it Hyung?” I asked nervously.

He sighed “I know that you are rushing things already….but…don’t you think this is too sudden? Can’t you finish with the tour first so that you don’t have anything to think about anymore except for your wedding? Does Billie even know about this?” he bombarded me with questions.

This is how Hyun Suk hyung reacts when he’s a bit doubtful of something or if he thinks that the idea isn’t that good. Yes, I know that the last say is still on me, but of course I need and have to tell my boss about my plans since I’ve committed a lot of things in his company and I don’t want to delay or stop whatever he’s planning for my career and Big Bangs as well just because I got married.

“Hyung…it is sudden…but I just realized that since the tour is almost coming to an end….it’s better to plan the wedding already….not only that…I’ve wasted a lot of time as well…I don’t want to make her wait any longer” I told him.

He went silent again, making my nerves shoot up more. I don’t know, but I have a feeling that he will go against what I want and if that happens, I don’t know what to do anymore.

Yesterday, Billie and I talked over video chat and she opened up the topic of marriage. Actually, I’m not expecting it from her because for these past few months it seems like she’s just going with the flow and has set marriage aside first. Turns out, she’s been thinking about it and she’s the one who made me realize that it’s taking us so long already.

“Alright” Hyung sighed heavily “Do what you want….after all…I know that no matter how I stop you…you’ll still do whatever you feel like doing” he said, making me laugh “Just make sure that things are going to be good coz Jiyong…Billie deserves the best….make her feel grand on that day and don’t forget to invite all of us coz I’m telling you…if you don’t…I’m going to cut you out of Big Bang” he threatened, making me laugh so hard.

Don’t misunderstand. Hyun Suk hyung will not even think of cutting me out. He’s just exaggerating. As if I’m going to forget them. I think my old man has forgotten already, they promised to help me with the preparations and I’m in bad need of their help because I don’t even have a single clue about weddings and how it’s supposed to be done.

With a go signal from Hyun Suk hyung, I called both our families to break the news to them. Of course our siblings are the most excited ones for they can’t wait to get their hands on some wedding stuffs already, while our parents are still in shock with the sudden announcement.

“Is Billie aware of this?” Mummy asked.

“No Mummy….she’s not” I answered then sighed.

Truth is, I really don’t have any plans in telling Billie about this because I want to surprise her. I don’t know how to pull this off, but since I know what she wants and she kinda told me about her ideas for the wedding as well, I’ll just make everything a reality. It’s not going to be easy, but I’m pretty confident that I’ll succeed in this.

“Paris? She wants to get married in Paris?” Youngbae asked after I told the members about my plan.

TOP hyung smirked “That’s going to be pretty hard” he said, making me nod my head in agreement.

I gave out a pout then slouched with my head hanging down “How will I pull this off?” I asked.

They chuckled “Jiyong…I think you’ve already forgotten…you’re good at these things…you can even prepare an out of this world surprise in just a snap” Youngbae said, making me feel a little better.

“But….this is not just any surprise….this is my wedding! I want it to be as perfect as it can be….I don’t want to just have a wedding…I want a ceremony that Billie will treasure forever….the kind wherein she will brag about it everywhere she goes…I want her to feel so special on that day” I told them and silence embraced the room.

The members and I stayed in the living room for I don’t know how long then next thing we know it, the five of us are already in front of our laptops with pictures of good places to get married at in Paris. They’re helping me find a beautiful place to hold the wedding and right now, we’ve got tons of them.

“OK….so…I’ve talked with Yesu already and she told me that she’s going to take the job” TOP hyung said after talking on the phone for hours.

Yesu is a friend of TOP hyung’s Noona who is one of the best wedding coordinators in Korea. We tried our luck and it happens to be on our side.

“Really hyung?” I asked in disbelief and he gave a nod.

“Her wedding list is long but after talking to her and almost hours of convincing…she finally agreed….I told her everything that you told me and she assured me that she’ll make everything possible…as a matter of fact….she’s going to book a flight to Paris days from now to check the places that you have chosen to do the wedding at and to organize some things as well” TOP hyung said and it made me more excited.

After that, things went smoothly already. Yesu even brought one of her partners to help her with the wedding plans and I already asked Mummy if she can do Billie’s wedding gown. Of course, she said yes but with time running out, I contacted a friend of mine who is a designer to help my soon to be mother in-law with the gown and they are working wonders. In all fairness to Mummy, she even took a month leave from work just to focus on the wedding gown. She even has to lie to Billie just for her not to get busted. She told my lovely girlfriend that she’ll be in Jeju for a few days when truth is, she’s just in the BKL studio where she and my friend are working on the gown.

“Let’s start” I told Billie over video chat.

She’s looking good with her head wrapped in a satin scarf. Billie decided to shave her hair off a few months ago, making her completely bald. I’m going to be honest, her physical appearance changed a lot since she started taking intensive treatments, but it’s not important to me at all because I know that once she’s cured of cancer, her beauty will come back. After all, I’m not after her appearance, it’s just a bonus, what she is inside is the real deal.

“OK….let’s get the on!” she’s really inspired and excited to make our vows to the point that she’s been bugging me about it since this morning.

“Aigoo….aren’t you too excited?” I asked while flipping the pages of my lyric notebook.

This is really funny. We’re like students who decided to have a group study through Skype because we have our notebooks with us and are even tapping our pens on it. Actually, she’s biting the cover of her pen and I find it really cute.

She sighed “How do we start?” she ask

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now