CAN IT BE......

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“What? NO!” I dragged my weak body out of bed then dig in my suitcase for a decent outfit.

“What are you doing? Kenken…I swear…what you’re about to do is suicide” Bunny is literally stopping me. She’s holding my arms for me not to be able to slip in my shirt.

I wriggled for release but her grip is too tight “AAAHHH! OUCH! You’re hurting me!” I pretended to be hurt for her to let me go.

I really should give myself an acting award. I can convince anybody with my acting.

“GOSH! Why do you have to be so stubborn?” Bunny asked while watching me do my thing.

I slipped in my denims then sighed heavily “I want to get out of here….this white room has been hell for weeks to me already” I told her.

It’s been three weeks and I’m still stuck in this freakin hospital. I’m done with my third treatment already and is just waiting for another week to receive my fourth. I can now understand why a lot of patients go out of the hospital even if they are terminally ill, it’s because you will get more ill once you’re locked up in a hospital room. I’m telling you, seeing nothing but tall buildings and not being able to breathe fresh air and see the sun for it’ll get the best out of you and will not even leave a drop of life in you.

“C’mon now Bubu….let’s get out of here” I said then wore a cap and big sunglasses.

Of course I can’t get caught by the nurses for if they do, Mummy and Dad will surely know about it and they might lock me up in a cage already for this is not the first time that I’m attempting to run away from this freakin hospital, this is going to be the third and I’m hoping for it to be successful.

My first two is a one man show but today, I’m with my partner in stupidity and foolishness, my best friend, Bunny. Truth is, she doesn’t know anything about my plan but because I know that she’s the only one who can help and cover up for me, she’s got no choice but to go with whatever I have in mind.

“Let’s take the stairs” I told Bunny while walking to the lobby. Nurses are lurking everywhere and I can’t breathe well because I have a feeling that they will recognize me.

I was able to relax the moment we started going down the stairs. I’m still weak but I’m confident that my body will be able to take all this. I’m really driven to get out of here because I’m sick and tired of being a patient already, I want to take on the world again and get my life back.

“Are you still OK?” Bunny asked while we’re walking to her car.

I’m panting hard. My head is spinning as well.

“I am” I lied then patted her shoulder “Thank you for helping me” I said and she just smirked.

Yes! I’m out of my freakin room and finally, I get to see what it’s like outside after weeks of intense pain.

“Where are we going now?” Bunny asked.

Actually, I don’t know where to go. I can’t go home to our apartment because Mummy will definitely get mad at me and will surely bring me back to the hospital right away. Bunny’s apartment is good but I can’t stay there as well because that’s the first place that my family will go to for they know that I stay there always whenever I run away from home or if I’m hiding.

“SHOOT!” I snapped after a long silence.

Bunny stepped on the brakes then looked at me “What?” she asked.

I faced her then smiled from ear to ear “Let’s go to Jiyong’s apartment” I told her.

She smirked then sighed heavily “I knew it”

“Good thing Jiyong isn’t here….I can make his house my hiding place for a while” I told her and she rolled her eyes at me.

“Kenken…you might’ve forgotten already…but….your parents know where Jiyong lives…they also know that you have access there…they will go there and find you…I’m sure of that” Bunny said and it twisted my mind again.

About a week ago, G-dragon invited my family to have dinner with his family in his apartment. Of course I wasn’t there, but I was able to witness everything through Skype. That isn’t the first time that our families met so both of us are already comfortable that everything will go well and I can proudly say that it did went well and ever since that day, our mothers has been talking over the phone almost every day and even went out to the salon once to get their hair and nails done together.

“Come in” I said upon opening the door.

G-dragon’s apartment is not that clean anymore unlike before when I’m the one cleaning it. Being here makes me miss him more. It’s been two weeks since we last saw each other and I must say, it’s really a drag for it feels like forever. Good thing we’re not fighting anymore. Like me, he gives me updates through calls or messages and at night, we’ll talk for hours till I fall asleep. We are now in harmony and it seems like we have already figured out how it is to be in a long distance relationship.

Hours passed by and Bunny kept on receiving messages and calls from my family. According to MG, the head nurse of the hospital called a few hours ago to tell them about my sudden disappearance and they are still in search of me up until now. None of them saw Bunny walking in my room so they can’t tell who I’m with when I sneaked out. I told you, my third attempt to be free is going to be successful.

“Kenken…we should go back to the hospital now...I swear! My phone’s gonna burst out from endless messages and calls already! I’m running out of reasons as to why I can’t meet up with them as well!” she exclaimed.

I sighed then her phone started ringing again “Oh my gosh! It’s Jiyong!” she is in her panic mode and I started feeling the same way as well.

“Don’t answer…I swear….don’t answer” I keep on telling her but she didn’t listen to me anymore.

“Jiyong” Bunny said.

I transferred from the single couch to the long one and sat beside her then stick my ears on her phone “Speaker phone” I keep on signaling.

Bunny sighed then obeyed “There…happy?” she mouthed and just received a smile from me.

“Mummy called me just now telling me that Kenken ran away from the hospital” he said, his voice is full of worry.

“uhmm….yes….she’s missing” Bunny told him and I started signaling again.

“Don’t tell him….don’t tell him” I keep on saying.

“Bunny…I know that Kenken is with you….please tell her to go back to the hospital already” the moment I heard G-dragon say this, my body frozen.

My man really knows me so well. He knows that I won’t succeed if I’m alone and my partnership with Bunny is just so effective that no matter how hard the situation is, we’ll be able to run away from it and succeed.

“He knows it already” Bunny mouthed and I grabbed the phone from her.

I don’t have any choice but to talk to him since he knows it already. I’m so sure that once he hangs up, he’ll call my parents and tell them that I’m with Bunny and they will get the out of my best friend just to know our whereabouts.

“Jiyong” I called.

“As expected” he said. I can feel disappointment in his voice.

“I don’t want to go back to the hospital anymore….you know that so well” I told him.

He sighed heavily “Yes…I do…but Kenken….we don’t have a choice but to make you stay there….you’re only weeks away from being released....can’t you just take it in and wait for that day?” he asked and I started crying.

“I can’t…I don’t want to be there anymore….I’m better off without treatments than stay there….I know that I’m being stubborn and totally childish…but if you can only feel what I’m feeling…you will just choose to die instead of being locked up in that white room again” I’m having a meltdown once again and this isn’t new to G-dragon anymore for he saw me at my worst already.

There was silence on his end after that. I know that I’m giving him so much pain with all these drama, but I can’t just hide what I really feel because it will make my heart heavier.

After that talk, G-dragon called my parents and asked them if they can do something about my problem. He even spoke to my doctor through phone even if he’s in Peru and with their concert starting in a few minutes. And when it’s all over, they have decided to let me go already with the condition that I’ll go and have myself confine in the hospital a day before my treatment and stay there for another day after my treatment. This is much better than being in the hospital for two weeks straight.

Weeks passed by and I’m done with my treatments already. Mummy and Dad are still mad at me because of what I did a few weeks ago but they will snap out of it soon, after all, it’s already done.

Speaking of my surprise escape from the hospital, my parents gave me the greatest punishment on earth and that is, I’m not allowed to go out of the apartment and even have coffee with Bunny. It truly because all I do is watch television, help them take care of Drake and sleep. Oh well, it’s much better to be locked inside our lovely apartment than be locked in a white room.

“When is Jiyong Oppa coming back? Hasn’t their tour ended yet?” MG asked while we’re bumming in the living room.

I sighed then switched the channel of the television. Drake reacted so I switched it back to the wrestling channel again.

“It’s about to end coz they’re about to do their last shows already” I answered.

G-dragon and I wasn’t able to spend Christmas and New Year together because he’s so far and his schedule is so packed as well. As much as I want to go wherever he is during those times, I can’t because my doctors will not permit me to travel. The only occasion that we were able to spend together is his birthday because he’s here. We had a little celebration w

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now