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I’ve been through hell for so many times already. I can’t even count how many, but it made me really weak and there are even times wherein all I want is to end my life just for it to stop. Seriously, I’ve been in deep again and what happened to me and my family a week ago is definitely the hardest blow of our freakin lives. It’s the first time that we got kicked out of an apartment and just by thinking that we have lived there ever since Drake was born (10 years), it is saddening for that small place and its four walls have witnessed our growth.

I don’t know what I did right, but it seems like God has given me an instant angel that day for someone, an unexpected person, helped me and my family. He pulled us out from hell and basically helped us to start and stand tall again. He’s no other than G-dragon. The little boy in middle school who played me and hurt me so deep that up until now, even though I keep on brushing my painful past away, what he did is still so fresh in my mind and heart. That little bully has grown and matured already. If before my hate for him is up to the heavens. Now, I owe a lot to him.

“Wow! This pad is surely grand” it’s Bunny’s first time to see our new apartment.

“It may look grand but it’s not expensive at all” I told her and received a strange look from her.

She plopped herself on the long couch “Not expensive? Kenken….this area is called the “millionaire’s row” a lot of celebrities and idols lives here…didn’t you know that?”

I sighed “I know….but….this building is different I guess….coz…rentals fits the budget….I guess….this building is the cheapest of all in this area” I told her and she smirked.

“I don’t know…but from the looks of this pad….and the whole building itself…this is grand” she pushed then walked out to the balcony and I followed her “Just look at this…you have the full view of Mapo-gu and you can even see a bit of Hong-dae right there” she pointed at it.

She looked at me then asked “How in hell did you find this in such a short period of time anyway?”

I don’t even have a clue that there’s a cheap residential building in this area and if it weren’t for G-dragon, my family and I will squeeze ourselves in a small room for we really don’t have enough money to pay rent. I was able to get this place with the money that Jang hyun Sajangnim gave me. It really is money from heaven I guess for this place is the exact amount of that bonus.

“So….he really helped you with everything” Bunny said while enjoying the view.

I gave a nod then sighed heavily “Yeah….he did….he was with me all throughout” I answered, making her smile from ear to ear.

“That guy is really something huh? I mean….he showed up unexpectedly without knowing what’s gonna happen and here you are….in need of a savior and the only person with you at that time is him….that’s quite cool” Bunny keeps on complementing and saying good things about him which is really odd coz she doesn’t care about G-dragon before.

“Seriously….I’m spooked….coz….out of all people….he’s the least that I want to help me….and for some reason…he showed up and rescued not only me…but my family as well” I told her and she nudged me in a teasing way.

“Don’t you think this is God’s way of telling you that you’re about to feel the wonders of love once again?” she asked and I just rolled my eyes at her.

Love? I don’t think I’m ready for that, especially now that I’m dealing with a lot of problems. I told myself that I will not enter a relationship yet for I need to focus on my family first. I’ve got a lot on my plate already and I will not bite off more than I can chew coz that will really put me in a pool of trouble and complications.

Our talk about G-dragon and love ended there for I changed the topic and didn’t even dare to mention his name again for I know that Bunny is going to bring up love and destiny and fate once again, which is a bit draining to think about.

“When is the last time that you saw each other by the way?” here she goes again.

I don’t know why G-dragon keeps on hitting Bunny’s head, but her random questions are really ing my mind up. We’re in the middle of a shoot and here she is, ready to mess my oh-so-focused brain again.

I just stared at her “What?” she asked.

“Why do you keep on bringing him up?” I asked in annoyance.

“Because” she placed both hands on my shoulders then squeezed it “I can see in you that you’re missing him….yes…you’re not talking about him and is acting like you’re not giving a damn…but….I can see the sparkle in your eyes whenever you hear his name and I never saw that in any of your men before”

I’m going to be honest here. Yes, I kinda miss him for we didn’t see each other after that night anymore. Well, I promised myself that, that would be the last time and even though I owe him a lot, I just can’t force myself to forget the hate and the bad memories that he gave me. I don’t know, but every time I see him, I’m happy but at the same time, I want to break his neck and do my sweet revenge.

“You’re delusional” I told Bunny then walked to the dark room.

She followed me while I look at the film that I’m developing “Kenken….don’t deny it anymore…OK? It’s already obvious….G-dragon or shall I say “prince charming” is so into you and vice versa”

I cannot believe this! How can she still remember that codename? “Prince Charming” is our lame codename for G-dragon back in middle school. Yes, I admit. I have a huge crush on him before and it lasted for years. Bunny and I keep on talking about him during recess and we have thought about giving him a codename for people not to know who we’re talking about. I can still remember, I wrote his surname next to mine at the back of my literature book out of crazy imagination.

“oooohhh….that codename brought a lot of memories huh?” I can’t see her face that well coz we’re in the dark room, but I know so well that she’s enjoying teasing me.

I sighed then clipped the last photo to dry “You’re nuts….Bubu….I’ve already forgotten about that codename and here you are…reminding me of it”

She giggled “We’re in the dark but I can see your tomato face from here”

Ok. I’m really blushing and Bunny is a total psychic for her guess is right.

“I’m not!” I countered and she pinched my side playfully.

“You are blushing and enjoying all the teasing” she said.

“Yeah? You think so?” I asked then started chasing her out of the room.

We are like little kids chasing each other around while a serious shoot is going on. Today’s clients are a couple who is here for their pre-nuptial photos and I must say, I kinda envy the girl coz her husband to-be looks like he really loves her so much.

“Oh!” a staff who is about to walk out of the studio shrieked in shock, making all of us to look at her direction.

“Oh gosh” Bunny gasped then cupped her hands on .

“Oh ” I said while staring at the man who is walking towards my direction.


Why does he look like he just got out from the television? I mean, he is looking so hot in his gold studded pants and black shirt, and even though his hair is dyed weirdly, he still looks so darn fine.

“Hi” I greeted awkwardly.

He smiled shyly “Is hyung still working?” he asked and I looked at my boss who is so absorbed in the shoot.

I gave a nod “Yeah…..but the shoot will end soon….so…just wait till it finish…or…are you in a rush?” I asked awkwardly.

He shook his head “No…I’m not” he answered “Actually….I’m not here for him”

Here we go again. Please! Why is this happening to me when all I want is to live in peace?

“O….K” I said.

“I know it’s a bit freaky but….I just feel like seeing you….I don’t know if the other staffs told you but I went here twice this week but you’re out always” this is making my heart pound so damn hard and at the same time, ing my mind as well.

Truth is, I was here during those visits. Thing is, I talked to the staffs and told them that if ever he asks for me, they should just tell him that I’m with Sajangnim, assisting him with out of studio shoots. Yes, this is me ing and I know that I should be hating myself right now coz I’m being totally stupid but I am trying to get him out of my system already. Maybe you will never understand it, but if you’re in my place, you’ll do the same coz you just can’t be good and cool with someone who you know is just being helpful and kind because he has

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now