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Being home knowing that you’re not a single woman anymore feels a bit weird coz I moved in with my husband in his apartment already even though our marriage is still a secret to the masses. Waking up every morning with him hugging me tightly is just so wonderful. Truth is, there are still moments wherein I stare at him for minutes before getting out of bed and all I do is thank God that he gave me to a beautiful angel who loves me more than anything in this world.

I must say, being a wife in this condition is really hard. I’m a bit better now compared to when I was in Paris, but the things that I can do are still limited. I can’t stay up late to wait for him to arrive every time he goes home from work in the wee hours of the night. Cooking is also a difficult job because I don’t know how to cook a decent and edible meal. All of these are really a drag and it’s such a pain for I feel like I’m not being a good wife to him when he’s all-out in being a husband to me.

“I’ll go now” G-dragon bent down to kiss me on the lips “I already called Mummy…she’ll be here in a few minutes…breakfast is on the table…I’m supposed to bring it here but I’m running late for my meeting with Hyun Suk hyung already” he continued and all I do is nod my head.

My husband can sometimes sound like a mother who says a lot of things before she leaves. I’m not complaining and I’ve got nothing against it, it’s just odd because never in a million years have I thought that I’ll be married to a man who is so caring and willing to do the things that I should be doing to him without any complaints at all.

“Jiyong” I called before he walks out of the room.

He turned to look at me with a sweet smile on his face “I love you” I said, making him smile wider.

“Aigoo” he walked back then sat on the space next to me “I love you too” he replied.

I sat up then wrapped my arms around his neck “Be safe…alright? Call me if you have time”

He wrapped his arms around my waist then claimed my lips. The kiss that is supposed to be just a goodbye kiss became passionate and next thing I know it, our clothes are flying and falling messily everywhere. Well, I’m used to morning coz we don’t have even a few minutes in the evening to do it. Today is just crazy for we have to do it quickly and in a totally fast pace which left me hanging.

“Fail!” I whined while he’s getting out of bed.

G-dragon giggled “I’m sorry Kenken….don’t worry….I’ll finish it off later” he said then walked to his closet to get fresh clothes.

“I swear…I’ll never go with quickies…it’s just so frustrating” I continued talking even if he’s in another room.

He laughed loudly then peeked in our room “Same here….I won’t go for that kind as well”

I rolled my eyes then lay back down in bed, face front without anything on but a duvet to cover my body “I’ll go back to sleep now…I suddenly felt tired” I told him.

I don’t know how long it took him to dress up, but what I’m sure of is that he is late for his meeting with President YG. If there’s one thing that I cannot understand in my husband, it’s his long stays in his closet where all he does is scan the racks and try on outfits after outfits that all looks nice on him.

After he left, I went back to sleep and woke up with Mummy cleaning the apartment for us. Seriously, this is so not her for she’s not even moving an inch to clean our apartment. It’ll always be me who will do the chores. It’s just a shock to see her holding a broom and sweeping the floor.

“WOAH!” I said upon seeing her.

She looked at me then smiled “Your place is already spotless!” she told me proudly and I ran my finger on the table to check if it really is dustless.

In all fairness to my mother who doesn’t usually cleans, the whole place looks so neat and shiny. Mummy can get married now for she knows how to work inside the house already.

“Mummy…thank you for doing the cleaning for me” I told her when she joined me on the long couch.

She sighed heavily then chuckled “I’m not expecting this from me….seriously Bill…it’s been a long time since I get a hold on a broom and sweep a floor….and I was able to last it without complaining”

I chuckled then rested my head on her shoulder “The reason why you’re not complaining is because you don’t have anyone to complain to….but if you have someone here with you while cleaning…I’m so sure that you will complain non-stop” I told her and she slapped my thigh playfully.

I miss bonding with my mother. I don’t know what happened, but after they learned about my Leukemia, things started to change. Our happy-go-lucky family suddenly became serious in everything and the bubbliness and fun is not there anymore.

“Mummy” I called while we are watching her favorite drama.


“Haven’t you thought of getting married? I mean….I know that all these years…the two monsters and I are so against you getting married or even having a boyfriend….but…. with all the crazy things that are happening in our lives…I suddenly feel like you have to find your other half and at least live in peace with him…you’re heavily burdened by me and Drake…I think you have to find your happiness as well and I know that you’ll only find it in someone that you really love” I said, receiving a weird and confused look from her.

I must admit, I’m really not into Mummy getting married or even being in a relationship, but after getting married and feeling how wonderful it is, I suddenly realized that my mother needs someone who she can be happy with even when life is rough and tough. I don’t know, but I’m really digging on my father in this. I’d rather have him marry my dear Mummy than see her end up with some random man.

“Bill…I don’t know why you suddenly brought marriage up…but….thank you for your concern….and I just want to tell you that you and Drake aren’t heavy burdens to me” she held my hand and smiled “Yes…I’m stressed out because of your conditions…but…I’m willing to go through a needle hole just for the two of you…I can take care of you and your siblings forever and never get tired at all” hearing this from my mother brought me in tears.

“But…what if…Dad tells you that he wants to give you and him another try….what will you do?” I asked with my heart beating so fast.

Mummy blushed like a teenager then fanned herself with her hands “Gosh! Why do you have to ask this kind of crap?”

I poked her side playfully, making her giggle “I know you like it” I teased and she sighed heavily.

“Bill” she faced me fully then took a deep breath.

I looked at her curiously and waited for her to continue “I have something to tell you” she held my hands then looked straight into my eyes.

“You’re freaking me out” I told her.

“Bill…there’s something important that I have to tell you….I’ve been keeping this for a long time already and I think there’s no need for me to hide it anymore” she started, making me more curious.

“Go ahead” I said.

Why are all my nerves shooting up? What is this “important” thing that she’s been hiding for a long time? Oh please! Don’t tell me that she’s dating a dude with the same age as mine or is just a few years older coz I swear, I’d rather have my mother single for the rest of her life than be with someone who is younger and immature.

“Your dad and I” the moment she said this, a thought suddenly hit me. I don’t know, but if my hunch is right, I’m gonna flip out.

“You and dad…what?” I asked and she took a deep breath.

“We’ve been dating for quite some time now” she finally spitted out.

When I thought that I’d be dead shocked by it, I just looked at my mother with a blank expression on my face and didn’t say anything at all. This is just so crazy! My mother and father are back together again and it’s making me feel so weird.

After that, all I can think of is their future together. I know that they wouldn’t fall flat anymore for Dad is earning well and Mummy has a job that is paying her good too. Them getting married is not far from possible, but if they happen to do it, I’m all good with it and I’m sure my siblings wouldn’t mind as well for Dad is being a father not only to me but to MG and Drake as well nowadays.

“What? Why are you so silent? Aren’t you going to give any reactions?” she asked.

I laughed “Gosh Mummy! I’m happy for you!” I said then hugged her tightly.

“I’m sorry for keeping this from you” she said and I just smirked.

Turns out, nobody knows about their relationship even their closest friends. I suddenly felt dumb because I haven’t even notice it before.

With her shocking confession, we started talking about the possibility of her and dad getting married but to my surprise, Mummy told me that they are not even planning to say “I do” and main reason is, Dad is still married to someone and it’s going to be so complicated once he undergoes divorce especially when he’s got a lot of children with that woman.

“Do you think I can get pregnant?” I asked Mummy randomly.

She pulled me closer to her “Of course Bill…why wouldn’t you get pregnant anyway?”

I sighed heavily “I don’t know…but…I have this feeling that having a baby isn’t for us …simply because of my condition….I’ve done a research about it and there are a few women who has Leukemia that got pregnant and were able to survive it….but….there are a lot who are not allowed to get pregnant because of their treatments while some are not going to get pregnant at all anymore because of all the drugs that has been injected in their bodies….Mummy…I’m just afraid that I might be one of those unlucky women who is not going to be blessed with a child….I swear….if that happens…I’m gonna die” I told her.

Days ago, Bunny and I were talking over the phone and she brought up the topic about babies and having children. I told her that G-dragon and I are not planning

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now