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“What? Why would you go back here? Isn’t it too early? I thought you’re going to spend your birthday with them? Did something happen?” Bunny is once again thinking too much.

I called my oh-so-dear best friend early in the morning because I badly need her help. I don’t even know if I can pull off a surprise because first of all, I’m not into these kinds of cheesiness. Second, I’ve never done this before. Third, I may be creative when it comes to photography, but with things like this, my ideas for real to the point that I’d rather give my gift to him in the simplest way.

“You’re thinking way too much again Bubu!” I said then chuckled “I’m going there because I need your help….BADLY” I told her.

There was silence on her end. This woman is used to helping me in every trouble that I make and usually gets me out of it in every possible way. I’m sure her will wiggle in glee once she hears that I’m not asking her help coz I’m in trouble, instead I’m asking help to give out a surprise for my “man”.

“OH GOSH! OH GOSH! Are you serious? You’re going to surprise Jiyong?” this is the reaction that I’m expecting to receive.

I sighed “Yes…and I’m desperate already….I don’t have any ideas on how to do it….you know so well that I’m really not into this” I answered and she squealed like she has never squealed in her whole life.

“OH YEAH! OK! I’ll help you…GOSH! This is going to be fun….go here now….QUICK! I’m super excited and I just can’t hide it!”

“I can feel it” I said plainly, making her laugh.

After that, I immediately went to the bathroom for a quick shower, wore whatever clothes my hands get a hold on to and of course, write a note for G-dragon so that he will not go ballistic once he finds out that I left the pension.

“Are you sure you don’t need anyone to accompany you? Aigoo Billie….your feet hasn’t healed yet….if you want…I’ll drive you to Seoul” Mr. Kwon is really the sweetest father of all. He’s so thoughtful and caring.

I shook my head with a smile on my face “There’s no need for that Uncle….I can walk normally now…my feet are still aching but not like last night….I can handle this” I told him, earning a sigh.

“Does Jiyong know about this? Why isn’t he awake yet? He should be driving you back to Seoul” he said and was about to go inside the house to maybe wake his son up.

I touched his arm to stop him “hmmm….I can just bring his car….I drive anyway”

This isn’t in my plan at all. Driving G-dragon’s car and knowing that it’s an expensive one is freaking the hell out me. His father gave me the keys right away after telling him that I drive and I can just use my man’s car to get to Seoul faster and without any hassle.

The road back is easy for I have GPS. You see, this is what I really need when I’m alone and even without a car for me not to get lost again. I swear, I will never get myself lost ever again. Once is enough for it’s really traumatic.

The moment I arrived at Bunny’s house, I asked her to get in the car right away because we can’t waste time for I need to be back to Pocheon by early evening.

“We are in a sports car….this is….AMAZING!” Bunny said with her arms raised then danced playfully.

I joined her, causing us to laugh like crazy “Gosh! I missed you! It’s been what? Two days since you left? And you haven’t called me even once!” she slapped my arm so hard that it left a red mark.

“I’m sorry Bubu…things went a little crazy there” I told her, receiving a curious look from her.

“Don’t tell me that you’re not in good terms with his family” she said and I shook my head right away.

“His family is SUPER kind…they are so warm and totally hospitable….I actually thought that they hate me for hurting Jiyong….but they don’t…I’m close with them now and I feel comfortable around them as well” I shared and all Bunny can do is clap in glee.

And the stories began. I told her about my first meeting with his family, how awkward it was and I also told her about getting lost for a whole day and the emotional reunion. Of course, I spilled out my status with G-dragon as well.

“You know what? There’s no need for you to be on that stage again…I mean…it’s pretty obvious that even if you’re saying that there’s no commitment and labels…truth is….there really is….c’mon Kenken….don’t be too harsh on Jiyong and yourself again….I know that you are afraid of what might happen once you get back together again….but….you can’t hold back your feelings….you’ve tried but failed….you love him….he loves you….the only thing that you can do is go on with your relationship and not mind the people around you”

Bunny actually has a point. It is true that even if we agreed to not have labels and commitment to each other, deep in our hearts we treat each other more than boyfriend and girlfriend and we have committed to each other as well even in the beginning.

And with that in mind, I weighed my feelings and thought of all the possibilities once we get back together again. This isn’t going to be easy, but I’m willing to risk everything once more and change our “complicated” status to something more stable.

We roamed around the city of Seoul with our cameras in hand. I keep on taking shots after shots of all the appealing and beautiful things that I can see. Bunny brought me to the N tower coz according to her, she and Han went there days ago and wrote love promises on padlocks. What’s new? Almost all the couples here, even the foreigners are so fond of doing it. I’m different though. I don’t know, but I’m really not into promises and padlocks.

With almost a hundred pictures stored in my camera, I’ve just decided to compile good ones and include it to the video that Bunny and I are planning to make.

“Ah!” I snapped while scanning the pictures in the computer.

“I’m in for some crazy time” I said and grabbed my phone.

“What are you going to do?” she asked curiously.

I smiled “I’m going to call a radio station and ask them if I can request a song” I answered, receiving a loud laugh from Bunny.

“Isn’t that cheesy?” she asked and I sighed heavily.

“I’m desperate to make this surprise a good one” I told her.

“Fine! Do what you feel like doing”

I don’t know what’s gotten into me, but this will surely make G-dragon’s wiggle and his cheeks to blush at its max. I’ve never done this before though I’ve always wanted to. I just don’t have anyone to dedicate a song to and now that I have a special person already, I think this is the perfect time to try one of the craziest things that I want to try.

“What did they say?” Bunny asked.

“It’s already noted...all we have to do is wait” I answered.

“Did you give your name?” she asked again.

I shook my head “I told them that I’m Kenken….though I really gave Jiyong’s name…but hell! There are so many Jiyong’s here in Korea” I told her and she gave me a nod in agreement.

We exchanged high fives then went to making the cheesiest video that I’ve ever made in my entire existence.

“Are you sure about this?” Bunny asked once we entered the premises of the YG company.

“I’m so damn sure…I’ve already talked with Youngbae awhile ago and according to him…he has asked permission if I can use their rehearsal studio to shoot the video” I told her and she just sighed heavily.

Hours ago, I’ve thought of this crazy idea of recording a performance where I’ll sing using the gold microphone that I’ll be giving to him later and to make things more entertaining, I decided to call Youngbae, for some help. He offered Big Bang’s rehearsal studio also to have the video that I made to be edited by professional editors that are working for the company.

“Aigoo…this one is dope!” Youngbae said upon seeing the microphone.

I gave a nod in agreement “It really is” I said and shared the story on how I got the microphone in a cheap price.

 OK. Shoot me for I even dared to sing when I don’t have any voice at all. I’m tone deaf and my pitchy voice is a bit irritating to hear, but I don’t care coz what matters most is the effort that I exerted.

And the video is polished and edited by professionals who are so good for they really made my crappy video a high-end one. I thanked the people who helped me and sped off to Pocheon after.

G-dragon got really shocked with my surprise. He still cannot believe that I was able to pull off something like this and I’m also shocked with myself because not even in a million years have I thought that I’ll be doing a surprise like this.

Morning came and it’s my birthday. To be honest, I really don’t give much attention to it at all. For me, it’s just an ordinary day with people being so kind to you. As a matter of fact, my family is already used to me not celebrating my birthday ever since I stepped into high school. I don’t know, but I really lost interest in it especially when my 12th birthday party was ruined by some of my classmates by wrecking the cake the Mummy baked and giving me a dead bird as a gift.

“mmmmm” I stretched out and realized that I’m alone in bed.

I opened my eyes lazily to check then covered myself with the duvet again. Oh, I’m sure that he’s just outside having a smoke.

“Wake up Kenken” this is just so irritating. I’m having a good dream and here he is, waking me up.

I ignored him but noticed that the room smells so nice and it’s making my stomach grumble. I opened my eyes, sat up then found a breakfast tray beside me.

“What is this?” I asked with a smile on my face.

He leaned close to kiss me on the forehead then smiled “Good Morning” he greeted and I hugged him.

“Happy Birthday” he caressed my cheek sweetly, making me smile from ear to ear.

This is just so sweet! He prepared breakfast for me and it’s not your ordinary breakfast for he made my waffle really fun and entertaining.



“This is totally creative” I told him “I can just look at it” I said while admiring my plate.

He chuckled “I’ve got to thank Noona for that coz she’s the one who taught me how to decorate a waffle….it’s called a children’s plate Kenken and you’re having the same plate as my nephew as we speak” he shared, cracking me up.

“Thank you” I said then took a bite.

I don’t know how do it, but G-dragon is really go

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now