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I went home with my soul out of my body and my head floating in air. That kiss really made me lose my self. It was a big leap for friends don’t kiss passionately, but what can I do? It already happened.

I just had the most wonderful sleep. I still can’t get over last night and I can still feel his lips on mine and his warm hand on my nape. If only I can freeze the moment, I would.

“OK magic eight ball….better work your wonders for me today” I grabbed it from the table beside me.

I took a deep breathe then think of a good question “Is this day going to be good?” 



“Love it!” I said upon seeing the ball’s answer “uhhmmmm…will I get to see him today?” I don’t even know why I’m asking this when I’m so sure that it’s pretty impossible to even see a shadow of him coz he’s gonna be so busy today.




“Really?” I asked then shook the ball again.



Relying your day to a magic eight ball is totally nuts but this ball is already tried and tested. I swear. Ever since I met G-dragon (AGAIN), I always ask crazy questions and its answers are really accurate, like when I ask the ball if I’m going to see him, next thing I know it, he’s already in front of me with that beautiful smile of his.

After that, I got ready for work already because we’ve got a big client today. Jang hyun Sajangnim usually handles big clients alone, but today is different. He will tag me and Bunny along as his assistants and we’re so happy coz we are so sick of working inside the studio already, this outdoor gig is truly a breath of fresh air to us.

“Wow! You look radiant today Bill” Mummy said upon seeing me walking in the dining area.

I smiled “Really?” I asked.

My voice is really cheerful this morning, which is totally weird because I’m usually grumpy and very cranky every morning. It seems like my happiness from last night is still in my system.

“Did something good happen between you and Jiyong Oppa last night?” MG asked while I’m settling in my seat.

I was frozen. My tongue got tied all of a sudden and my heart went really wild. I just stared at my sister, the smile on my face is fixed so no matter how shocked I am with her question, it’s still there.

“Ow Ok! No need to answer” she said, snapping me back to my senses.

“Bill….tell me….did you and him….” Mummy cleared then looked straight into my eyes “Did you and him….” I don’t know what she’s trying to ask, but whatever it is, I can sense that it’s something crazy once again.

“Did you two had already?” Drake asked, surprising the three of us.

I scanned each of their faces. They are so anxious and their interests are building as time pass by.

“Drake! How in hell did you know about ?” I asked, trying to shift the attention from me, to him.

He rolled his eyes “I don’t know much about it but I’m not innocent at all Ugly”

My baby brother knows about adult matters in a young age. As far as I can remember, when I was ten, all I know is that babies came from eggs like turtles, snakes and chickens.

“Mummy! Look at your baby boy!” I have to get their heads out of this matter coz it’s just going to make things so awkward.

“Answer Drake’s question Bill”

“MUM! Don’t do this to me!” I protested and she just stared at me.

I’m going crazy now! This is one reason why I call this family a CRAZY family for its members can fry your brain and drain all the juices in it in just a matter of minutes.

“We didn’t! Why would I give myself up in the first place?” I asked.

As expected, they are not buying whatever I’m saying.

“Ugly….just be honest” MG said after a long silence.

I sighed heavily “I’m being honest here!” I exclaimed “Nothing happened between us and it won’t happen even in a million years…what is up with you guys? I’m still a …I haven’t given up the flag of London to Korea yet”

Yes, you heard me right. I’m still a freakin . A lot of men tried getting me but failed. Why? Because I told myself that I will give my purity to the man that I love. I don’t care if after that he won’t show up anymore, what I care about is that I’m going to do it with someone who I’m deeply in love with not with some random guy who is just going to make me a trophy or a display on his “player” gallery.

Mummy sighed in relief “Bill….I know that we’re not supposed to be getting in your business….sorry”

Wow! Seems like my mother is learning how to apologize already.

I’m wondering. How did my family get to this crazy thought that something happened to me and him? Do I look like I’m just going to give my whole self to him in just a snap? Well, I’m a better woman than that. Yes, G-dragon is as hot as the sun and he looks so yummy as well, but not in a million years have I thought that I’m going to sleep with him. Why? Because he is a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

And I’m off to work. I promised everybody that I won’t be late today and I’m so proud of myself coz I arrived earlier than most of them. I’ve realized that working for somebody isn’t a pain in the at all. If before, I hate having a boss. Now, I’ve started to love it and the sole reason is because Jang hyun Sajangnim is really kind and he’s not bossing us around that much. But then again, I’m still missing our studio. Bunny and I are already selling it for a really cheap price coz we don’t have time for the business anymore. We promised each other that when we’re much stable already, we will make another studio again.

“You’re early!” Bunny said upon seeing me packing the camera lenses that we’re going to use later.

I smiled at her proudly “I’m in a beautiful mood…that’s why” I told her.

She looked at me suspiciously “What did you and Jiyong do last night?”

Why do I feel like she’s also thinking what my family is thinking awhile ago? What’s with these people? Do I really look like I’m going to give up so easily?

“If you’re thinking that we had last night….my answer is a big…..NO” there’s no point in twisting and turning things. Being direct is what these people need.

She laughed out loud “What the hell Kenken! That didn’t even hit my mind”

The moment I heard this, I was totally frozen and somewhat embarrassed. What am I even thinking?

“But….now that you’ve opened it up….I’m going to ask you…” she looked at me with narrow eyes then walked closer to me “Did you two had already?”

“No! As I’ve said….NO!” I repeated.

She giggled “Fine!” she said with her hands up “I’m just asking….coz you made me really curious”

“Curious?” I asked.

She nod “Yeah….Kenken….what are you and him….really? What’s the score?”

I sighed heavily “We’re friends….and that’s just it” I answered.


I nod “Yeah”

“I don’t believe you….well….fine…you’re friends….FOR NOW….but Kenken….no matter what you do…and no matter how you deny your feelings…it’ll all come down to one thing and that is…you love that freakin guy….you will not blush and go tomato face if you’re not feeling any heat inside you….look….you should give him a shot…because he may be the man for you” here she is again.

Seriously, I don’t want these kinds of talk coz it’s just wrecking my mind up. I’m sure of myself. I’m just going to be a friend to him and it’ll not grow into a romantic relationship no matter how people push it.

“Where are we going Sajangnim?” Bunny asked while we’re loading our things in the car.

Sajangnim smiled at us “We are going to cover Big Bang’s comeback today….YG Entertainment is going to release a magazine especially for them and we’re its official photographers” he said.

My heart skipped a beat once again. See? My magic eight ball is really accurate. I asked if I’m going to see G-dragon today, it answered yes and next thing I know it, we’re heading to where he is now.

Why am I feeling so giddy? This is totally wrong. I have to put my up. I shouldn’t feel so excited coz there’s nothing to be excited about in the first place.

“Hyung!” the boys called upon seeing Sajangnim.

“OH!” and they looked so shocked upon seeing us.

“The girls are here!” Taeyang said then offered seats for us.

“Thanks” Bunny is once again on her fan girl mode, while I scan the whole room.

“Jiyong hyung is not yet here….but he’s on his way already” Seungri said all of a sudden, making me look at him in surprise.

I shook my head “No….I’m not looking for him” I said.

They chuckled “Whatever you say” TOP said and I just sighed in defeat.

G-dragon was freakin late. Their call time is 9am and he arrived around 10.  I was so busy taking shots after shots that I didn’t even get to say hi to him when he walked in. Being here is really weird. The boys’ staffs told me that they are really looking forward to this day because they are so curious as to what I look like and they showered me with compliments by saying that I look like a doll. That made me really happy.

I don’t know why, but G-dragon is so cold today or maybe he’s just so focused with work. He has walked in front of me twice and didn’t even turn his head to look at me. Is this the effect of our kiss? Did he finally realize that he’s just loving someone for nothing? Oh well, whatever it is, I don’t care and don’t mind anymore. It’s his freakin life anyway.

This is my first time watching a music show. Unfortunately, the YG people didn’t allow me to go out to the studio and join the crowd coz according to them, it will just fire up the rumors about me and G-dragon once again. Actually, the rumor has died down a little after weeks of being hot which I’m thankful for. I just wish that it will completely be washed away from the people’s minds already.

“WOW!” I said after Big Bang’s performance.

They are really good in this. I swear. I’m not that of a fan, but I can say now that I am already. The boys look so perfect on stage. I must say, they owned it in today’s music show for they ate all the other groups alive with their super awesome performance.

“Congratulations boys!” everybody is cheering the moment they walked in after their performance.

Bunny is now the one holding the camera, leaving me alone in one corner. I’m just watching the whole scene while admiring the coolness of the boys. Their smiles are priceless and you can really see in them that they love their job so much.

“Why are you just standing there?” G-dragon asked.


I can’t understand this man. Awhile ago, I’m like a ghost to him and now, he’s back from being soft again.

“It’s so great to see you here” he said, making me blush.

“Congratulations…you really rocked the stage” I told him.

He looked down shyly then giggled “Good thing you watched….that performance is for you”

Here he is once again with his sweet words. Please God! Help me not to fall deep! I’m serious, one more word and I’m off to lala-land of love already.

“That performance is for me? Jiyong….I don’t deserve it coz it’s way too good” I told him and he giggled.

He sighed “I’m really happy….you made this day extra special” he caressed my cheek and his gentle hand gave me shivers down my spine.

After that “sweet” moment, a staff called them for an interview and I worked my out once again. We finished after an hour and is packing quickly for we still got another client waiting for us in the studio.

“Billie….we got this” Sajangnim said when I was about to fo

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now