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I must’ve been crazy coz I let myself into this when I know so well that I cannot stand up for it that much. I don’t know, but the moment I heard that there are people waiting for our arrival, my body frozen and my whole being suddenly wants to disappear in thin air. If before I don’t give that much damn on these things, now, I can’t even get my mind off it. Walking with a throng of people following you with cameras being shoved right into your face and people shouting, “Leave him!” “You’re ugly!” and many more, is definitely dragging. I feel like I was brought back to middle school where I’m being bullied to the core.

Honestly, I really can’t understand why these people just won’t leave us. Yes, I do understand the fans, but heck are the media. They are the ones making this big and I’m sure that they will make hideous and out of proportion articles once again.

“Excuse me” there are so many people and they are pushing themselves to me. The guards are protecting me as much as they could but it’s not enough I guess coz my right arm is stinging and I feel like someone just scratched or ran something sharp or pointed on it.

“I can’t walk Ugly” Drake, who is holding on to my arm, said.

I turned to look at him then gripped him tightly “We’re almost there” I told him.

Mummy and MG are behind us and from the looks of it, they are having a hard time as well. I swear, this is the first time that we caused this much of fuss in a public place.

“I can’t continue walking anymore ugly” Drake is acting like a baby now and it’s annoying me to the bones.

I know where he’s coming from and why he’s acting like this. It really is hard to walk when you’re being pushed and you can’t even see where you’re walking at.

And because I can already feel that he’s going throw a fit any moment soon, I decided to just carry him.

“Hold my bag for me” I handed it to him and he willingly carried it.

He’s heavy and is a total pain in the . I’m wearing a tight fitting dress and sky high heels. My feet are aching and are about to break already. Drake is not that tall but he’s chubby. This is more than a week’s workout.

“OH!” he suddenly jerked up in surprise but I didn’t give a damn on him at all for I’m focused in walking.

“Where’s the car?” I heard Mummy asked the security.

I turned to look at her “We’ll just get a cab Mummy”

This is an unexpected decision and I didn’t shock my family only but myself as well.

I know that this will surely fire things up between me and G-dragon later, but I don’t care about it anymore for all I want is to get my family out of this hell right away. They are not to be involved in this and now that they are photographed and seen by the people already, whether they like it or not, they’re already involved and that .

In all fairness to them, they are handling this whole thing coolly except for Drake who is sticking his tongue out to every fan girl that he laid his eyes on. He’s a kid and it’s just natural for him to be childish. I really hope they can understand and just let this one slip away coz I don’t want my brother to be a hot topic because of being a bully to fans.

“Let’s load everything now” I told them then started loading in our suitcases.

“Check if they’re complete” Mummy instructed.

“All in!” MG called to her and I counted the suitcases once again.

“Get in now” I told my sister then dragged my brother inside the car.

“Are you sure of this? Aren’t you going to call Jiyong Oppa to let him know that he’s waiting for nothing already?” MG asked after I settled beside her.

I sighed heavily “I’ll do that later” I answered then told the cab driver where we’re heading.

I’m feeling really bad for I’m leaving G-dragon clueless, but I really have to do this because things will just spark up once we’re seen riding in one car, plus I don’t want to burden my family more with the chaos and the wildness of the people.

“I’m sorry for dragging you to this world….but please….please….please….hold on….I’m begging you….hold on”

The moment I heard him say this, my tears started pooling in my eyes. He’s begging for me to hold on and I can feel how sorry he is just by the sound of his voice.

I’m gonna be honest, I don’t know where and how to pull things up right now. My mind is just so twisted that I don’t want to think of this whole thing anymore. What I know is that, I’m in deep and my privacy and the life that I’m used to living will soon be taken away from me and I’m not prepared for it yet.

The moment I got off the car, I checked my surroundings first, looking for any signs of the media or the fans.

“Clear” I told myself then sighed.

All throughout our ride home, I keep on praying that no one from the fans or the media are following us because if they are, going out of the house will be a tough job for I’m so sure that there’ll be people hanging out outside, waiting for some scandal worthy things to happen.

“Monster” I called on Drake who is lying on the couch with his head buried under the throw pillow.

“What?” he asked, still with his face buried under the pillow.

I sat on the other end of the couch then tickled his foot “UGGGGLLLLYYYY!” he keeps on wriggling and laughing.

“Where’s my bag?” I asked, still tickling him.

He kicked my hand, making me shriek in pain “HEY! Why did you do that? It’s freaking painful!” I told him in rage.

I think I just twisted a finger.

“Ugly” he sat up then looked at me with apologetic eyes.

I looked at him curiously, what’s up with this boy “What?” I asked.

He took a deep breath then moved closer to me “Promise me first that you’ll not get mad” he said, making me more curious and suspicious.

“Count Dracula Kim….what did you do?” I asked in a scary tone.

I tend to sound like my mother whenever I’m this serious and I know that it’s making Drake’s body tremble in fear already.

“What?” I asked impatiently.

He sighed then bowed his head “Your bag”

Why is my heart beating so damn fast all of a sudden?

“What about it?” I asked.

“WHAT?!” this kid is making me so impatient. I swear. I hate being hanged.

“It was snatched” he finally spitted out.

I gasped the moment I heard what he said. I don’t know what to think and do. My soul just went out of my body. Of course, I cannot blame Drake for it and even if I do, it’ll not change anything.

“Where was it snatched?” I asked with my mind drifting off its shell.

“At the airport….while we’re walking….a girl suddenly got a hold of its strap….then it snapped after a while…next thing I know it….it’s out of my hands already” he answered.

Gosh! What’s in that girl’s head? If she’s thinking that she’ll get something in there, sorry to say but I’ve secured all my important things in one suitcase including my camera and all the crazy things that G-dragon bought for me when we went shopping days ago.

“!” I snapped after being silent for some time.

“What’s going on here?” Mummy asked.

“I lost Ugly’s

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now