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[G-dragon surprises his girl]



As we all know, Big Bang’s leader, G-dragon is dating a photographer. Of course, when you’re in this line of job, you need to have your own studio to be able to do your thing. Rumors about the superstar buying a penthouse in one of the most popular and high-end buildings in Hongdae surfaced around the internet that was soon confirmed by his real estate broker days ago.

“It is true that Mr. Kwon bought a penthouse unit in one of the most expensive buildings in Hongdae” said the broker through an e-mail.

The broker didn’t go in detail, however, a reliable source spilled the most important once. It was said that the unit is for G-dragon’s girlfriend, Billie London who is currently working for the famous photographer to the stars, Hong Jang Hyun. Our source also shared that the Big Bang leader asked for help to his photographer friend who knows everything about photography.

“The unit was bought about six months ago…its renovation started a week after that…there are a total of 30 men who worked for that single unit….G-dragon is so hands-on with the construction…he visits to check once a week….from the door to the color of the carpet...he was the one who chose them all....but even though he’s the one who chooses everything….you can’t see his personality in the final result….he really matched the interiors to Billie London’s personality…he knows her so well” the source said.

The studio that was named, BKL Studio, is now open and is running.

On the other side of things, Big Bang’s Alive World Tour kicked off yesterday at the Gymnastics Stadium, Olympic Park.

As usual, the five member band gave their fans a good stage. Big Bang never fails the people, they even exceeded their expectations. From the stage to the members’ stage outfits, we can say that it was well planned. Not only that, behind the boys are their wonderful production team headed by Laurieann Gibson who has directed big names like, Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga and Beyonce. YG Entertainment also collaborated with Live Nation just for this world tour, making Big Bang the first Asian singers to be promoted by the well-known company.

Thousands of people from all over the world came to give their support to Big Bang. Of course, celebrities are also present. But the question if G-dragon’s girlfriend, Billie London attended the concert, the answer is, YES.

The English lad was spotted at the standing area together with her friend and sister, they are holding Big Bang’s trademark crown lightstick and is even singing along with the group. She’s all smiles to the people around her as her.

“I’m standing beside Billie London here at the concert, she greeted me and even asked if I’m having fun” tweeted a fan.

It seems like the couple is really going out in the public already which is good, because this can be a way to reach out to the fans and make them comfortable with sudden relationship.



“I have to finish this already” I am already in my panic mode.

Big Bang’s concert is just a few hours away and I’m still working my off. Truth is, I didn’t accept any work today and tomorrow as well but because Jang Hyun Sajangnim is sick, I have to fill up for him and I must say, it . As much as I want to rush things, I can’t for I’m shooting a big ad campaign that is detailed and high-end.

“Bubu” I called “How many frames do we still need?” I asked while waiting for the models to be ready.

She checked the photos on the screen “About five more….I’m not that confident with some of the shots to be honest”

I grunted then shook it off. I don’t have any choice but go with the flow because if things screw up, my boss’s name will be at stake.

Click. Click. Click. After a couple more frames, we finally got satisfied and wrapped the shoot up. One thing that you have to keep in mind when you’re in this line of job, you have to keep your standards high. You also have to know the difference of a y shoot and a shoot, and I must say, these models have given me worthy shots, giving me a freakin hard time.

“Gosh!” I plopped myself on the long couch in my new office.

Well, I’m already using the studio that G-dragon gave me weeks ago. Up until now I still cannot believe that I have my own already. To be honest, I’m a little ashamed of myself because I cannot even level the things that my man has done to me. Oh well, I may not have millions or even billions in the bank, but I have a lot of love to give him. Cheesy, huh?

“Seriously….there’s no need for you to panic…the stadium is just a few minutes away from here anyway” Bunny said while picking the photos that we will use for the ad.

I sighed “Why am I feeling so giddy when it’s not even my concert to begin with?” I asked, making Bunny laugh so hard.

“I don’t know to you….maybe you’re just excited to see Jiyong coz you haven’t seen each other for weeks now…right?” she asked and I gave her a nod.

For these past few weeks, all G-dragon did is rehearse for the concert and whenever we plan for a date, it’ll get cancelled every time because it’s either he’s too tired already or I’ve got a lot of commitments to attend to. I don’t know, but I think this is the challenge that we have to survive. Time is always an issue when it comes to relationships and even though it’s not yet becoming an issue to us now, I have a feeling that it’ll be one in the near future.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this? I mean Kenken…you’re so used to being together….yes…he’s going here and there for days….but we’re not talking about days here anymore…we’re talking about a whole year….can you handle it?” Bunny asked, making my heart and mind battle once again.

I shrugged “I don’t know…a part of me is saying that I can…while the other is saying I can’t” my mind is as wrecked as I am.

To be honest, I’m not that prepared for this long distance relationship thing yet. Ok. I know that it’s pretty stupid to think like this when G-dragon has offered to take me with him everywhere during the tour, but I really don’t think that being on the tour with him is a good idea. First and foremost, I doubt if we’ll have time for each other even if we’re together always. He’s too busy and occupied. I’ll just be a distraction as well. Secondly, even though my family is a bit stable with our finances these days, leaving them especially my brother would be so hard. And last but not the least, I can’t ditch work, simply because I’ve committed with a lot of clients already and disappearing in thin air is not going to be good.

“Do you think I can handle this? Do you think I can last without him here always?” I asked Bunny.

She sighed then stared at me for a while “You know what? I really think you can…but….I also have this feeling that you can’t….most especially….when things gets rough already….a world tour isn’t a small thing….it really needs dedication and focus….let’s admit it….Jiyong will change and not be the boyfriend that he is now because of the pressure and all the crazy things that will happen to him…I know you Kenken….you have this short string of patience even with him…I guess….you have to open your mind to these things to be able to keep up with it….one more thing…don’t expect too much from him starting from now on”

Bunny is totally making sense. As a matter of fact, I’m not expecting G-dragon to be there for me always anymore. Well, physically, but I know that whenever I need someone to talk to, he’ll always be there. All we have to do is keep the communication going coz once we drop that, our relationship will surely suffer.

“There’s something bothering me other than him being away all the time and being so occupied” I suddenly speak out after a long silence.

“What is it?”

I sighed then looked at Bunny intently “What if he meets a girl somewhere….get me? Of course…he is a guy….he’ll look for some fun….not that I’m doubting his loyalty…but…it’s possible…right?” I asked with my heart feeling heavy.

I know that this thought of mine is really pathetic, but I just can’t help but to think of the possibilities. We all know how men work. They are loyal to their girlfriends but once temptation lures them, they’ll bend without them noticing it then next thing you know it, he’s been playing with fire already.

“That’s what I’m waiting to hear” Bunny said then transferred from her desk to the couch.

She looked at me intently “Tell me…what is it that really bugs you?” she asked.

I shrugged “I don’t know” I answered.

She smirked “They’ll be going to Japan after this”

I looked straight into her eyes as if trying to grasp what she’s thinking “GOSH! Why are you so slow?” Bunny exclaimed.

I sighed heavily.

“We both know so well that he’s got an ex in Japan…you can’t fool me Kenken…I know and I can feel that you are worried about him meeting her” she said and I finally give in with a nod.

This might be so crazy, but after learning that he once dated secretly in Japan (I have to blame MG for this, if it weren’t for her, I won’t be this paranoid), a freakin thought came into mind that maybe once they see each other again they’ll realize that they still love each other or something like that.

“Have you talked about her with Jiyong?” Bunny asked.

I shook my head “No…because I’m not the type of girl who will dig up his past relationships….I’m focused on ours only and nothing more” I guess this isn’t applicable anymore.

Bunny chuckled “You have to erase that in mind Kenken….I’m telling you….your eyes….ears and all the nerves in your body should be on alert once Jiyong goes out of this country…why? Because you never know what will happen….he’s so far away from you….you can’t monitor him every second of every day….yes…you do trust him and I know so well that him cheating on you is not even in his book…but temptation and long forgotten feelings can h

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now