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Dear God, if you’re going to take me away from them already, please make things lighter and easier to accept especially to my husband. I’ve gone beyond your rules and disobeyed you a lot but I swear, I’m all praise and loyal to you. I’ve asked for so many things as well that you have answered right away even if I always forget to thank you, but for the very last time, I’m pleading you, please keep my family and all of the people that I love safe all the time. Please make me my husband’s angel so that I can guide and protect him even if I’m not with him physically anymore.

This is my prayer while I’m being driven to the hospital. I’m still conscious during that time but all my senses blocked after a while. I don’t know what will happen to me. What I’m sure of is that, I’m up for something serious this time and what do we know? I might be kissing the world goodbye already.

I actually thought that I’ll be seeing myself lifeless with all of my loved ones surrounding me while crying their hearts out, thankfully, I didn’t coz the moment I opened my eyes, I saw MG right away while sleeping on the solo couch beside my bed. I can easily tell that there are a lot of people inside my suite and they are freakin loud.

“Why did you even come here? You should’ve just saved your time and money!”

It’s Mummy, I’m so sure of that.  Why is she shouting? Not only that, I can hear anger in her voice and it’s building up my curiosity.

My head is still spinning and I can feel a tube inserted in my mouth. What the heck have I gone through? Why do I feel like I’m more critical than before? Gosh!

And because the tube is getting out of my way, I reached for it and pulled it out from my mouth. I’m a for doing this coz I just hurt myself, but I don’t care about the pain anymore for all I can think of is my mother. Why is she raging in anger? Who is she fighting with anyway? Oh please! Don’t tell me that it’s Dad or Jiyong coz if my hunch is right, I’ll definitely go insane.

My weak body is totally a drag. I’m putting a lot of strength just for me to be able to sit up. I’m pushing myself to talk but all I can hear from me is air.

“Mummy!” I shouted with all my might. My throat is aching badly for it’s so dry.

“Jiyong!” I called out.

A cold hand touched my arm “Ugly!”

It’s MG. Finally! Someone heard me.

I lifted myself up with her help but when I was about to get out of bed, she stopped me with a worried look on her face.

I turned my head to look at her “What is going on? Why are they so loud?” I asked her.

I cannot see them at all. The hospital suite that I’m in has two divisions, all of them are at the other half. The glass door that is separating the two rooms is open but I can’t see anybody from this angle, all I can hear are their noises.

MG looks frightened and nervous. I don’t know what the heck is happening in the other room, but I’m sure that something big is going on. I even have a feeling that they are having a heated conversation because of me. Maybe they’re debating on whether to just give up on me or what.

My patience is already draining. My lovely sister just won’t tell me what’s happening and I’m about to explode from annoyance because my curiosity is killing me.

“Help me to stand” I told her and she hesitated.

I looked at her with darting eyes “Fine! You don’t want to lend a hand” I moved inch by inch to the edge of the bed “I’ll do it by myself” I said and almost fell straight to the floor when I tried to stand.

My knees are still weak and it goes with all the parts of my freakin body. I can feel the cold marble at my feet and it gave me chills. I’m telling you, being sick and weak can really take out all the sanity in you.

“Ugly…please…don’t push yourself” MG said while holding me up.

I smirked “I will not do this if you answered my question” I told her and she sighed heavily.

“Sit down” she said then pushed me down to my bed.

This is really nerve-wracking. My brain is ed up and I don’t even know what to think anymore. I’m afraid of whatever MG will say.

She took a deep breath then stared at me for a while “Ugly” she called then touched my shoulder “Gramps and Gran is here”

The moment I heard this, I almost fainted. Why are they here? I thought it’s impossible for them to travel already. Why do they have to be here when I’m in this situation? What will I do now? They will surely get sad and miserable after they learn about my condition.

My mouth gaped open “But….” I looked at the open door then listened to the people outside.


It is true. Our grandparents are really here and I’m pretty sure that they just had the biggest shock of their lives. The mere fact that Mummy and Dad are here together is enough to make them go crazy, what more see me and Drake?

“Help me…we have to stop them” I told MG then forced myself to stand again.

With my shaking legs, I walked like an elderly. MG even has to hold on to me tightly because I can fall any time.

The moment we entered the visitor’s area, their voices became louder than before. There are only five people in this room but they sound like there are hundreds of them. Mummy and Gramps talk at the same time, while Gran and Dad are just listening to them. My husband is completely stoned in one corner. I swear. G-dragon looks like a little kid who is so scared with whatever he’s hearing and seeing.

“STOP YOUR !” I yelled on top of my lungs.

Mummy and Gramps stopped from talking and they looked at my direction with shocked expressions on their faces upon seeing me.

“Kenken” G-dragon called and ran to me right away.

He got me from MG and made me sit on the chair near us. The room that is so chaotic and loud a while ago is now silent that you can already hear the drop of a needle.

I looked at my parents and grandparents intently. To be honest, more than being angry, I can feel happiness. Why? Because this is the first time that I saw these four together, before I always pray that one day these people will reunite and maybe accept each other already. Well, it’s obvious that they haven’t yet, but I’m wishing for a miracle to happen.

“What the is going on here?” I asked.

My grandparents were shocked for they have never heard me trash talk before. In their eyes, I’m close to being an angel for they see me as a good girl who doesn’t know how to talk and do crap. If only they know that I’m a complete opposite.

“Bill” Mummy went to me then crouched down in front of me “Let me handle this” she said then looked up at my husband.

“Jiyong…bring her back to the other room now” she said and I shook my head in protest.

“No…you won’t” I told G-dragon who is now torn on who to listen to.

I looked at my mother deep into her eyes “I will stay here and nobody will go out of this room until you patch everything up” I said and they all looked at me like I just said the lamest joke of all time.

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now