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Before, I’ve promised myself that I will not let the men who have hurt me in my life again. And even if our paths cross, I will not give a damn on them. I guess I’ve spoken so early, resulting for me to eat my own words.

I don’t know how this whole thing happened. Months ago, I’m just a normal girl who is living her every day crazily. I’m even burdened by a lot of things. Now, here I am, weighing my feelings for a special man, who is a part of my painful past. Maybe I’m really destined to this. Maybe God made a way for us to meet again and patch things up as well. We started off badly, but we’re both wishing and hoping that after all this, we’ll end happily.

My relationship with G-dragon is still a little complicated because I don’t want any label and commitment yet. I know that this is really pathetic of me, but I really think that it’s better to not own each other and not have much responsibility to each other as well, simply because it’s easier to handle things this way.

Waking up in the morning knowing that once you check your phone, a sweet morning message was sent especially for you feels really good. G-dragon and I have been exchanging these cheesy messages for days now and I must admit, I love it even though I in being sweet sometimes.

“OH! Why didn’t he leave any message this morning?” I asked sadly while looking at my phone.

This is totally out of my league. I cannot believe that I’m sulking and being so sad just because he didn’t leave a good morning message for me.

“Maybe he’s busy” I comforted myself even if I know that no matter how busy he is, he will find time to send me a cute heart or a simple “I love you”.

Lesson #1: Don’t expect too much from him.

Of course, even if that man is sweet as hell, he cannot be sweet all the time. After all, this is good as well coz I really don’t want to get used to these things for me not to miss it if ever “we part ways” (I don’t want to be sure of us yet, that’s why I’m saying this).

But even without a good morning message from him, I decided to send one to him. It’s so sweet of me, huh? Gosh!

TO PRINCE CHARMING: GOOD MORNING! Rise and shine! It’s a Saturday which means that I’m off from work and because you’re gonna be busy the whole day, I have decided (just a few seconds ago), that I’ll just bum around here in the apartment. Don’t ya worry, I’m gonna watch your performance later and will critic it once again. Haha! Anyway, thank you for last night. I know that you still got a lot of things to do in the studio but you stayed with me till Mummy and the two monsters come back. Have a good day! Xoxo

And because we’re so used to sending pictures to each other, I zoned out for a while and think of a good one to send. I usually send him cute dogs and have only sent him one picture of me.

TO PRINCE CHARMING: I hope this gives you a boost this morning and an inspiration the whole day. Mwah! 



I know that a picture of my lips is a little sensual, but it’s all good. I just thought that our cheek pictures are so overrated already and it’s time for lip photos now.

I just realized; when you’re in-love or inspired or whatever you want to call it, you feel so light even when there are still a lot of heaviness in your heart. It feels like the pain is being completely washed out by the love that your partner is giving you.

“Hey Mum!” I sat on the long couch then watched Mummy do Yoga.

This woman is starting to embrace the fact that she doesn’t have a job anymore, but of course, she’s still a bit dramatic over it. Mummy is on a job hunt these days. Thing is, she’s having a hard time coz one, she’s over age already. Two, she is too choosy (she doesn’t want small companies). Three, she’s over qualified in most positions that she’s applying for.

“Where are the monsters Mummy?” I asked while looking around.

This is weird. Those monsters usually bums in front of the television every Saturday morning, but from the looks of it, none of them seem to be around. This is life! I got the apartment all by myself once again. What I’m wishing now is for Mummy to go out as well.

Mummy changed her position then looked at me “They are in the kitchen” she answered.

I looked at her curiously “Kitchen? What are they doing there?” I asked.

She chuckled then changed her position again “Cooking” she answered.


MG and Drake are cooking? This is really a shock. Those two doesn’t even want to go near a stove. Now, they are having a bonding moment there.

And because I’m too lazy to even move my an inch, I just continued watching Mummy doing yoga. In all fairness to her, her body is well tone already, making her look younger. I’m telling you, she doesn’t look like a mother at all. There was even a moment when she’s with MG and some college dude asked for her number instead. Of course, my lovely sister got a bit insulted coz she actually thought that, that college dude will ask for her number.

“I wonder what they’re cooking….it smells so good Mummy” I said.

The delicious aroma of whatever the two monsters are cooking are embracing the whole apartment, making my stomach rumble. It’s getting me so excited. All I’m hoping is for their dish to be as delicious as it smells.

“I’m going dead now because of curiosity” I told Mummy and she just chuckled.

I stood up from the couch “I’ll just check on them” I told her then dragged my lazy body to the kitchen.

I swear. The smell coming out of the kitchen is making me so damn hungry and up until now, I still can’t believe that my brother and sister, who haven’t cooked at all, are the ones making breakfast.

“Monsters!” I called in a cheerful, sing-song voice.

“OW!” I gasped upon seeing them just sitting on the chairs while watching someone cook.

No. This isn’t real. Don’t tell me….

“Jiyong?” I asked.

It’s not that hard to tell that it was him. What is he doing here?

“Good Morning!” he greeted with a sweet smile on his face.

He’s wearing Mummy’s yellow glittered apron and an orange beanie. He looks so weird to me, but hell! He looks so damn hot. If this man is going to be a chef, he’ll be the best looking chef ever.

I just stared at him then after awhile, I shifted my gaze on my siblings. They have these wide smiles on their faces that mean two things: One, they’re happy for me. Two, they are happy because we’ll be eating a different dish for breakfast today.

Still in a state of shock, I walked beside him and checked on what he’s cooking “We’re baking” he told me when I reached his side.

I gave a nod then bent down to look at the oven “What are you baking?” I asked curiously.

No . Whatever it is that they’re baking, it smells so good to the point that it will make your mouth water.

“Jiyong Oppa”

Did MG just called Jiyong, “Oppa”?

I looked at my sister with an eyebrow raised “Oppa?” then look at G-dragon.

He chuckled then looked at my sister “What is it?”

“Are you good now? She’s already here” MG said.

G-dragon smiled at her then gave a small nod “Thank you for helping me dongsaengs” he told them, shocking me more.

It seems like these three has bonded over baking and it made me so happy. I’m delighted coz G-dragon is reaching out to my siblings, making them more comfortable with him.

“We’ll go out now Hyung” Drake stood up then walked to the door.

“Alright….thanks again” G-dragon gave him a salute and he saluted back.

Just by looking at Drake, I can tell that he’s happy to have found a big brother in G-dragon. Actually, he’s really wishing me to be a boy so that he can experience having an older brother and it seems like he will not wish for it anymore because G-dragon is here to make him feel how it is to have a big brother.

The moment my siblings left, G-dragon pulled me closer to him then kissed my temple. I walked in front of him then wrapped my arms around his waist “What’s this? Why are you here?” I asked.

He wrapped his arms around me as well then smiled “Because I want to” he answered, making me smirk.

“I thought you’re busy today?” I asked “Have you received my message?”

He gave me a nod “Yep! I’ve received both” he answered “I’ve already kissed your lips actually” he said, making me blush.

“You like it…huh?” I asked, earning a wide smile from him.

“Not just like….I love it” he said, making my face tomato red.

“But the real one is going to be much better” he said.

I sighed then leaned in closer to him with my lips pouted.

And we found ourselves kissing passionately once again and if it weren’t for the food that he was baking, we will not stop yet.

“WOW!” I said the moment he pulled the dish out of the oven.

“This smells so good” he said as I sniff its sweet aroma once again.

“I’m starving already” I told him, making him laugh.

“Aigoo” he said while pinching my cheek.

He and the monsters made an Apple-Berry Baked Oatmeal and matched it with a fresh orange smoothie. I don’t know where he knows about these dishes, but they are so damn good.

“Jiyong….you are so welcome to cook here” Mummy said while munching on her food.

I chuckled “Mummy….this man is so busy….and cooking is not really his forte” I said while patting G-dragon’s shoulder.

He looked at me then smirked “That’s what you think” he said, making my family laugh.

I can now say that he’s not only close with my siblings, but he’s close to my mother as well. Believe it or not, he’s calling her Mummy now and I’m pretty sure that it’s making my dear mother’s wag at its best.

After eating, I decided to clean the table and wash the dishes. Truth is, I rarely do this, but because I’m so happy and is in a really good mood, I just grabbed this job from MG, making her really happy.

“You don’t have to be here…just go to the living room and talk with Mummy and the monsters” I told him.

He shook his head then slipped in a glove on his hand “I’ll help you wash the dishes”

I sighed heavily then looked at him “Seriously Jiyong…I can manage” I said, but he didn’t even give a damn.

Half way through washing the dishes, he suddenly became so playful. He kee

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now