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When love knocks on your door, it’s up to you if you’re gonna open it or just ignore it. Before, I keep on ignoring even if the line of guys in front of me is a little bit long (I’m not being boastful, I’m just stating a fact). I don’t know, but maybe I’m really waiting for someone and that “someone” happens to be the little boy who I hate and love at the same time.

To be honest, I’ve loved two boys in my entire existence. This got you curious? I think I really have this weird thing in me for I always fall in love to the guys who played me. First is G-dragon and second is the guy who nearly had me by his whole gang. But of course now, it’s just G-dragon for the BMW obsessed bastard is nowhere to be found anymore and I don’t even give a damn on him as well. What’s important now is that I’m happy, and I will try my very best for this happiness to last.

It’s been two weeks since I opened my heart and better say, given up everything to G-dragon. Up until now I still cannot believe that I am working out a relationship. Yes, we’re not yet official and there are no commitments at all, but I know that sooner or later, things are going to be in its right places and we’ll be living with labels and will be claiming it with pride as well.


This is one of the very few times that I’m singing while taking a bath. Seriously, these past few days, my mood is always light and I’m giggly as well. I feel like a happy bunny every freakin day even if there are times wherein people are ing and some things are totally out of control.

OK. Fine. Let’s just say that I am in-love and because I am in-love, there are no sadness, problems and sorrows in my world even in reality, there is and these things are actually the one embracing me right now.

A week ago, there are articles that were released online saying that I am the reason why G-dragon and his ex-girlfriend broke up. If before, I am just a in their eyes and mind, now, they are making me look like a home wrecker which I cannot understand because as far as I know, G-dragon and his ex are not even married nor they are living in one roof. Things went a bit far and I don’t even know how I’m handling it right now. I’m being feasted upon by people even if they don’t even know my name yet. Yes, up until now, the masses doesn’t know my basic information, which is all cool to me because I know so well that once they know my name, they are gonna dig up my crazy life and I won’t be as private as I am now.

Is this all cool to me? Well, NO. Thing is, as much as possible, I don’t want to bother and bug G-dragon about this because he’s got a lot in his hands right now and I’m sure that my issues with his fans and my feelings about this whole “scandal” will just affect him big time, so I better act like I don’t give a .

“You are so freakin…….GORGEOUS!” I am once again playing around and forgive me coz I’m just one happy gal who is a bit delusional while looking at herself in the mirror.

*phone beeping*

FROM PRINCE CHARMING: Good Morning Billie boppity boo! Haha! I just want to tell you that I love you so much. AISH! It’s been weeks. TWO WHOLE WEEKS since we last saw each other and I’m about to cry already because I’m missing you so badly. I’m being cheesy once again, but that’s what I really feel. I even dreamt of you last night and I must admit, that dream is the one who put a smile on my face this morning. And because I know that you’re missing so damn much as well, I decided to send you a very beautiful and drool worthy picture. 



Aigoo…look at this woman. She’s drooling non-stop. Yeah. I know. I’m hot. What can I do? Sorry lady, I’m taken and my girl isn’t cool with sharing. Ha! I LOVE YOU! Enjoy my body!

This man has lost his marbles early in the morning and it really made my day.

Weeks of being away from each other is pretty hard because ever since we started “dating”, we spend most of our time together even though we’re so damn busy. But now that Big Bang has started their promotions in Japan already, they’re always out of the country and I must admit, the distance is also driving me insane.

And because of his sweet and super crazy message, I decided to level him. I don’t know, but our morning messages and pictures are always a jump start to our days, and I’m telling you, without his messages, my day is as crappy as it can be.

“AH!” I snapped my fingers, run out of the bathroom with a dripping hair and still wet body. Grabbed my camera, set it, and click!

Ha! This will surely kick his lean out.

TO PRINCE CHARMING: Good Morning G-sizzle! This is a shock! You’re up so early! Oh let me guess. Your manager has bugged the hell out of you once again leaving you without a choice but to get up. Well, yeah. I’m missing you so damn much as well, but I haven’t gone to a crying point yet. Dude, man up! Hahaha! No, but seriously Jiyong, I’m near to booking a flight to Japan already just to see you. I swear. This week is so dead and totally lonely. COME BACK NOW! PLEASE! *puss in boots eyes*

Damn! I just realized, I miss your body as well! (this sounds weird, huh). And because of your hot and sizzling picture, here’s mine. This is just a quick shot. Nothing big. It’s not even going to make you hot. Enjoy! I love you too!



And his messages poured in after I sent mine. I guess my picture really made him crazy and I must admit, it’s making me feel so damn good.

After fooling around with him through messages, I started my day already and this is not just any ordinary day because Bunny and I are going to have our first major photography gig and we owe this to Jang hyun Sajangnim because he trusted a big time client to us.

“Yo what’s up?’ Bunny is obviously in a good mood.

I giggled “Am good!” I said while trying so hard to sound American.

“Damn! Kenken….you’re getting more beautiful as days pass by!”

Here we go again. Bunny is showering me with compliments once again and it’s just so odd because she’s not like this before at all.

“What in hell is wrong with you? I mean….Bubu….you keep on complementing me…well…it’s not bad to tell the truth” I joked and we both laughed “But….it feels a bit weird because all I can hear from you are good words about me”

She burst out laughing “ooohhh….am I turning into a lesbo?”

I laughed “No….that’s SO impossible…YOU….turning lesbo? Gosh! You have fooled around in bed with so many men already and it’s gonna be so freaky if you’re going to fool around with women this time”

“Can’t I joke?” Bunny slapped my playfully, making me shriek.

“Whatever Bubu! You don’t look like you’re joking….and if you can still remember….you really have lesbo tendencies…does the name Amy ring a bell?” I asked, making her look at me in disgust.

“GOSH! That’s so 2008!” she exclaimed.

I giggled “It’s a bit old but hell! You really went gaga over Amy who looks like Goofy….but walks like Donald Duck and talks like Mickey Mouse”

She laughed out so loud, making the staffs to look at her “Kenken!”

“She’s a hybrid of all the Disney characters” I cannot stop from laughing to the point that I nearly knocked down the vase beside me.

Just to clear things up, Bunny is a girl and she will stay like this till she dies. This has tendencies but that’s possible only if she’s bored or desperate for love.

“Look at this” Bunny pulled me closer to her and showed me a new article about me.

“G-dragon’s present and past are in the middle of a war” I read the headlines then sighed.

No . When will this end? Why are these people so interested in me and her? I’m gonna be honest, this is really going out of hand already. I mean, I haven’t even met “her” and I don’t have any plans in meeting her, at least for now. This is really making me nuts because I’m not doing anything at all and in all fairness to her, she’s not saying a thing as well. I don’t know the reason why they’re doing this, but I swear, it’s

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now