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[G-dragon and non-showbiz girlfriend, Billie London is now in splitsville]


Just a few days ago, G-dragon released an official statement where he admitted his relationship to a girl that has been linked to him for months already. The superstar bravely asked for acceptance from the fans which some has given. However today, there are talks about them splitting up. It was said that the two decided to part ways because of the accident that happened to Billie’s brother days ago that was caused by the fans. According to some reliable sources, Ms. London is the one who initiated the break-up that was willingly taken by the superstar for he knows that this will bring peace to the girl’s family. Their love flourished and has grown fast. Now, heartache hits them fast as well.

Up until now YGE has not replied to any of our messages and is not entertaining our phone calls for confirmation as well. 



I hate being the center of attention and I hate people getting into my business. Seriously, all the things that are happening to me right now are beyond what I imagined. I actually thought that my life will still be a bit peaceful even with G-dragon’s name connected to mine but it seems like it’s the other way around. Not only am I in a mess, my family is being dragged in my mess too and it hurts to see them getting hurt and in pain. Right now I feel like I’m in a cage where all I can do is stare at the people outside while they look at me. Before, I was free as a bird in the sky. Now, I’m caged and is itching to fly away already.

I know that this is the whole package of being a “superstar’s girlfriend”. I’ll be known. People will love or hate me. Every movement is counted and watched. I’ll have easy access on some things. And last but not the least, my privacy that was promised to be protected will be invaded and taken away from me no matter how hard G-dragon and his people keep it intact.

Every person has limitations and I must say, I’ve already reached mine. Believe me, I’ve tried it all up but I’ve reached my end point already and no matter how hard I try to push it long, I can’t anymore.

“OH!” MG got shocked upon hearing what I just told G-dragon.

I shut the door on his face with a heavy heart. My whole body is shaking, my mind isn’t running well anymore and all I want to do is shut my whole being down for me not to feel any pain.

My tears are flowing down like waterfalls. I slid down to the floor and curled myself into a ball. I look like a little child that was just scolded by her parents.

“Ugly” MG went to me and gave me a hug “It’s all right…sssshhh” she said while rubbing my back gently.

“I hate myself….I’ve hurt him” I keep on saying “I promised to be like the others….turns out I’m also one of them”

I keep on blabbering these words while crying. I cannot believe that I hurt him when I vowed to myself that all I’ll give him is love and nothing more.

“Stop it now” MG said and helped me to the couch.

“I’m really bad….so bad…..I cannot forgive myself for this”

She sighed then shook her head “If you’re thinking like that then why are you doing this to Jiyong Oppa? Why are you hurting him?”

“I’m doing this because I want the people to stop feasting on us….I want to be free again….I want to have our family’s privacy back too” I answered.

“But Ugly…it’s not right for you to sacrifice your own happiness just for us….look at what you’ve done…not only are you hurting yourself….but you’re hurting that one man who really gave you his all….everything that he’s got….the man who took the risk just to keep you”

Hearing what my sister just said is really a blow by blow hit to me.

“Look….I appreciate what you’re doing….actually….I’ve foreseen this coming…but I brushed it off my mind coz I know that you will fight for your relationship till the end….you’ve got a good one right here and letting it go just because of some crazy circumstances is a bit foolish and dumb….have you even thought of this for a million times? If I were you….I’ll weigh things a bit more….what do you know….maybe this is just a short time thing….I’m sure that sooner or later you’ll get used to Oppa’s world already and his world is gonna grow on you as well while its people will get used of having you around” my sister is putting some sense in me, but no matter how hard I try to open my mind to all of it, I just can’t for it’s already locked close.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five.

Five days has passed by with us not having any communication at all. Drake is still the same; motionless and lifeless. To be honest, I’m near to giving him up already since I can’t last seeing him with numerous tubes inserted in his body. The bubbly kid is losing his grip on life already and I don’t want to prolong his pain anymore.

“Why isn’t he waking up yet?” I ask this to the doctors every single day and they all have the same answer.

“We don’t know”

The whole world is crushing down on me. My life that was always fun and crazy is now full of dread and misery. I’ve lost the love of my life already and if I’m going to lose my brother next, I don’t know how to pull myself up anymore.

“Be honest with me” I snapped “Is he still going to wake up or not? Coz I swear….it’s been days and I feel like we’re just waiting for nothing”

Mummy went to me and calmed me down. If there’s someone who is hurting more now, it’s my mother for she’s absorbing my pain from my break-up with G-dragon and the pain of seeing her youngest in a hospital bed without knowing what will happen next, if he’s still going to wake up or if he’s going to give up already.

“Bill….I think you should rest first…you’ve been here for two straight days already...c’mon….listen to me….please” Mummy begged.

Going home is not an option coz I don’t want to be alone at all. I don’t want to be left with my mind for I’m afraid that I might just break down more. I’m trying to stay strong for my family not to be dragged by my misery anymore for they’ve got enough, but from the way it looks, they’re more burdened because of me than I am.

“Hey Kenken” Bunny who is really supportive of me comes here every day to accompany me watch over Drake.

I can’t say anything more. Bunny is really a true friend for she sticks with me even though I’m a walking disaster. She’s my shock absorber whenever I break loose and the one who keeps me sane when I’m about to hit insanity level already.

“You look like trash already Kenken….I swear….you should give yourself a break and rest” she said.

I sighed heavily “I’m all good….no need to worry….I can handle myself” I lied.

Pretending that you’re fine when you’re not is really hard, but this is the only way for the people around you to not get that worried because of you. 

“You see….there’s  a fine line between being OK and pretending to be OK” Bunny faced me fully “I know  that you’re going through a lot and things hasn’t died down yet….but….you should learn how to shut things off for a while and let yourself be at peace”

I don’t know why, but up until now, the media is still feasting on us. My name is still ringing the bell. What happened to my brother has become a nationwide phenomenon coz according to some, what happened to Drake is an eye opener to the entertainment industry and its supporters. According to them, the accident will teach the fans about limitations. Not only that, my break-up with G-dragon is circulating already and I’m receiving phone calls every day from the press. Some fans are hating on me more for I’ve broken their idol’s heart. I actually don’t get it. Before, they don’t want me in his life. Now, they are angry at me for leaving him. These people should really get their minds straight.

“I’m planning to get back to work already” I told Bunny in the middle of lunch.

She looked at me like she’s having second thoughts “Are you good with it already?” she asked.

“Bubu….it’s been

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now