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There are things in life that you’re itching to discover and experience but you can’t, because you have a name to protect and a reputation to maintain. When you’re in the world of the “famous and known”, your life will totally revolve in it, everything feels limited and it can sometimes be suffocating. I know that there are a lot more to life and I’m trying my hardest to discover them all and in one way or another experience it, but I always end up worrying people for the things that I do is totally crazy and troublesome for them. I want to at least feel how it is to be normal or ordinary once again.

Watching people walk to and fro in front of you, making crazy scenarios and just observing and absorbing everything around you is really great. I haven’t thought that these things would be so much fun. Sitting on this bench with only my sunglasses and a beanie on for disguise happen once in a blue moon and when I thought that people will recognize me right away, they’re not even giving a damn on me. I don’t know, maybe to them, I look ordinary. I don’t give out the idol feeling that they get unlike when they see a person who has bodyguards or people surrounding him or her for security. This may be a petty thing, but to me it is everything. I feel so free and I’m going to cherish every second of this coz I know that once this day ends, I’m going back to being G-dragon again.

“It’s already 9 in the evening….aren’t we leaving yet?” Billie asked.

I looked at her then sighed “Do you want to go home already?”

She scanned my face as if she’s reading my mind “I’m good with staying a bit longer” she answered.

“If you want to go now….let’s go….I’ll drive you home ….this day has been so long for you and I’m sure you’re tired already” I told her.

She touched my arm “No….I’m all good” she said with a sweet smile on her face “Do you want to walk around? Coz…seriously….my is numb already coz we’ve been sitting here for three hours now if you haven’t noticed”

I laughed then nod in agreement “Alright…let’s walk and window shop this time” I said and she gave me a thumb up.

This is the longest that I’ve been with Billie and I must admit, I’m floating on air right now. This woman really knows how to make simple things so fun. I’m also surprised coz she’s not that awkward to me anymore. We talk a lot and shared some things about ourselves but like before, she’s not sharing much about herself.

“ooohhh….this is cute” she said while holding a teddy bear.

“You want that?” I asked.

She looked at me, surprised then shook her head “No”

I smirked then grabbed the teddy from her “Oh! What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m going to buy it” I answered with a smile on my face then walked to the cashier without looking back at her.

I know that she will not let me buy this teddy bear for her. It is so clear that she wants this huge stuffy friend for her eyes glistened when she saw it.

“Oh!” the cashier gasped in surprise upon seeing me.

I just smiled at her then handed the teddy bear. Billie looks frozen in one corner and I think the reason why she’s not going near me is because there are quite a few people who recognized me and as expected, their cameras are right in front of my face again.

“Here” I handed the teddy bear to her, earning an awkward smile from her.

“You should’ve not bought this….seriously…..this costs a lot and I don’t have anything to do with this anyway” she told me.

She doesn’t have anything to do with it but her grip on the teddy is so tight and I can see in her that she really loves her new friend “Just treat it as a thank you gift” I said.

She smirked then sighed heavily “Alright….thank you as well for this” she hugged the bear tightly with a smile on her face.

“Oh!” she gasped in shock upon seeing some people behind me, still with their cameras on.  This is really dangerous and at the same time risky not only for me, but for Billie as well.

I don’t know, but it seems like Billie is not even alarmed upon seeing these people, it’s so far from what I’m thinking. She still got a smile on her face and is not even awkward.

“Let’s go now…I’m sorry to say this Jiyong….but…your being ordinary ends here….I think  I really have to get you out of here before the crowd goes thick again” she told me and I just gave her a sad nod.

With some fans still trailing us, we walked to my car and went inside like no one is watching or filming our every move. I don’t know how she does it, but she still acts so cool even when some of the girls shouted at her to leave me alone.

“That was crazy…huh?” she asked and I just sighed in desperation.

I looked at her then sighed “I’m sorry….I should’ve not taken a risk...if I didn’t push to buy that teddy bear….we would still be walking by now and window shopping”

She chuckled “There’s nothing to apologize about….you see…taking risks are fun….you just have to it all up if things fail…yes…you just gave yourself out to the people by making yourself visible to them….but…it’s all good….they didn’t see you do something wrong….you just bought a cute teddy bear and gave it to an ugly woman” she is totally out of her mind. She calls herself ugly when there is a long line of boys who are dying to be in my place right now.

“….they wouldn’t give a about this...or if they do….just let them be! After all…it’ll die down sooner or later”

I stared at her then a smile crept up on my face “You really don’t mind being photographed with me? Didn’t you hear the girls shouting at you?”

She smirked “Of course I heard them!” she laughed “YAAAA….WHO ARE YOU? LEAVE OUR OPPA ALONE!”

This is hilarious. When I thought that she’ll take this as a serious matter, all she did is imitate those girls and laugh. She’s really one of a kind.

We reached her apartment later than we thought for traffic is really bad and we came a long way. It’s a bit late and I’m worried because Billie’s mother must’ve been worrying about her now.

“Are you sure it’s just OK with your Mum?” I asked worriedly.

She chuckled “Ow it’s all good! Don’t worry….she won’t scold me for going home late….I’m not a baby anymore….there’s no need for curfews….and….” she looked at the parking lot “….it seems like she’s not home yet”

I gave a nod “It’s so late already” I said.

“Yeah….well…we’re used to her coming home late anyway” she said and I just smiled at her.

“uhmmm….I think you have to go now….it’s not that I’m shooing you away ….it’s just that…it’s already late and I’m sure you still got work tomorrow” I like how concerned she is to me.

“Alright…I’ll go now” I said then sighed.

“Why do I feel lik

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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now