Sugar coated

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Sooshu short stories



Mostly SooShu. May content other pairings in second plan. Various styles of writing.


I never tire of repeating, our girls are the most creative group of this generation ... Revenge is perfect, Yeh Shuhua... damn!
When did they have time to record this mv? No wonder they were sick, working 24/7


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1242 streak #1
Chapter 706: Oh thank God it didn't end like that last part 😭
1242 streak #2
Chapter 705: Oh that 😭😭 Yuqi 😭😭
1242 streak #3
Chapter 704: LMAO not her falling in love with the dog only to find out there's another one secretly
1242 streak #4
Chapter 703: The big smile I have on my face right now because I could truly see them all in the future having kids and thing just not changing despite the years
1242 streak #5
Chapter 702: So thank the nice barista 🤣🤣
1239 streak #6
Minpd_ #7
Chapter 700: I have been here for 4 years, and now im losing interest in kpop generally... but i will still support our girls <3 and your os, i will read it times to times :)
1242 streak #8
Chapter 700: I've been reading so long I couldn't even tell you when I first started reading this but I honestly give props to you for going for so long dispute everything that's been going on with idle over the years.
I've been reading this story since 2020, the start of it all, and I must say thank you for still updating it 4 years later. It warms my heart to still see sooshu somehow alive somewhere, hope you will still feeding my heart in the future !
1242 streak #10
Chapter 699: Now if you play bloodredroses while reading this 😭