Tamed And Untamed

Tamed And Untamed

[Play the song: Only U – Super Junior]




Ha Rin’s POV




“Hi mom! Is it ready?!” I asked excitedly as soon as I entered my parents’ house the next day in the afternoon after lunch.


“Wow! I missed you too honey. And I’m glad you paid us a visit.” My mom said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes at her.


“You even ditched school for this young lady, I thought you said you’re a changed person now?” My dad asked as he came out of his study and gave me a welcoming hug with a brown envelope on his hand.


“I am, but not for this one, this is really important to me. Haven’t I explained this to you guys enough last night?” I questioned them as we’re now sitting on the couch.


“Well sorry but that was past midnight and I hope you won’t do that again, calling us in the middle of the night crying your heart out for something that would also break our hearts.” My mom said and sobbed.


“Oh come on mom, you wanted this too and I know that. Am I right?” I asked them and grinned.


My parents then smiled as my mom caressed my cheek. “Are you sure about this dear?” She asked me in a serious yet concern tone of voice.


I nodded. “Its my happiness mom, and I hope you understand that.” I told them with a smile.


My dad folded me into his arms and rubbed my shoulders. “Our only daughter is growing up fast. I didn’t know this time would come at the last minute.” He whispered.


I let go and looked up at him. “Even so, I’ll still be your little girl. Besides, you know where to find me if you miss me too much.” I assured them and grinned.


“Right, so all you asked for are inside this envelope. I only got that this morning but its good to go so here, take it.” My dad muttered and handed me the brown envelope.


“Thanks dad, and mom.” I hugged them both and stood up.


“Ha Rin-ah…” My mom called out as I walked my way to the main door to leave. I turned my back and faced them again.


“Please remember that we love you alright? We love you so much.” My mom said teary eyed and I hugged them again before I actually leave the house.


“This is it Ha Rin, you can do this!” I cheered to myself before I ignite the engine of my car and drove off out of my parents’ driveway.





“So you planned everything without even telling us?” Leeteuk oppa questioned and raised an eyebrow at me since I dropped by to his house where all my friends are gathered.


“Oh come on oppa, its not like Min Young unnie, Min Gi and Ae Rin aren’t updating you with everything I do.” I exclaimed.


“And besides, is it my fault if the three of you are really busy with work touring around the world?” I asked them.


“Its for the betterment of our club, we have to do this to make a living.” Kangin oppa defended.


“My point exactly! Now you should understand if I had made decisions base on what my heart is telling me without waiting for your opinion because something like this can’t wait.” I pointed out.


“Okay, fine. We get it. but are you ready for this? It’s a big step dongsaeng.” Kyuhyun oppa questioned concern.


“You might have succeeded on throwing away your queenka attitude but this one is just…” Leeteuk oppa trailed off.


“She can handle this oppa, I just know she can.” Min Young unnie said in support and put his arm around my shoulder for encouragement.


I smiled at her thankfully. “And look at that, she even had time to come here before the actual thing happen.” Min Gi mentioned.


“That’s because she needs a little more push from us assuring her that we’ll be here to catch her anytime if she fails. Right?” Ae Rin stated and smiled at me.


I smiled as I looked at my friends around the room one at a time. “That’s really sweet, thanks guys.” I said and we shared a group hug we rarely do at the present time only now when I needed it the most.




End of Ha Rin’s POV







No One’s POV



“I wonder why Donghae asked me to come here at this time.” Eunhyuk thought as he arrived back at the mansion where he used to live in with Ha Rin around 7pm in the evening.


He looked around and noticed that nothing has changed since they both left it. “So she really never came back here after that night huh? He asked himself and stood by the couch in the living room.


“You’re right. I never did.” He heard her sweet voice echoed around the room. He turned around quickly and found her approaching him from the main door.


“But you’re here, what are you doing here? W-what are we doing here?” He asked her both confused and curious at the same time.


Ha Rin stopped just a foot away in front of him. “Were you the one who asked Donghae to call me up and send me here?” He questioned her again.


Ha Rin showed him an amused smile. “Things never change do they? You’re still fast at figuring things out, like now.” She said in praise.


Eunhyuk looked lost as ever but managed a cool vibe even if he was still puzzled about what she’s saying.


“What do you want from me then?” He demanded.


Ha Rin heaved out a nervous sigh. “First of all, I want to say sorry for leaving you like that and even rejecting you on that same night.” She began.


“I want to let you know that I didn’t regret it but I was hurt too, I knew I’m the one at fault about all these and I’m sorry if I’ve caused you pain. But if you must know, I was miserable too.” Ha Rin continued.


“I was miserable without you. And then you appeared and said words to me that got me thinking. Yesterday, with your words I realized that you still had a tight hold in my heart.” She whispered.


Eunhyuk couldn’t believe what he’s hearing but either way her words seemed to replay over and over again in his mind like he’s in cloud nine.


“I love you Eunhyuk, I love you so much that this time around I’ll be willing to risk my life for you, and just so I could have you back with me.” She said almost pleading.


“You don’t have to do that Ha Rin-ah.” He finally spoke up and took her hands holding it tight and this sent chills around his body as he missed her touch in his.


“I want to, that’s why I ask you to come here, for us to start over.” Ha Rin said and looked straight in his eyes.


“Start over?”


“Yes, start over. Not as strangers from scratch but as a married couple.” She said and got out papers from the brown envelope that her dad gave her that was on top of the center table all along.


She showed him the papers that indicate them as a married couple. “They fixed everything and got a copy of your—“


Ha Rin was interrupted by receiving a tight hug from him. She hugged back just as tight with a smile forming on her lips.


“I hope its not too late to accept your proposal. Although, either way you won’t have a choice because from today until we both die, we’re married.” Ha Rin exclaimed with a grin.


Eunhyuk let go and smiled from ear to ear. “Oh having you as my wife would be the greatest gift I’ll receive in my entire existence. I love you Ha Rin-ah.” He said sweetly and gazed into her eyes.


“I love you too. I’m sorry that I—“ Ha Rin was cut off once again and this time with Eunhyuk’s lips which had touched hers and started kissing her eagerly.


Ha Rin kissed back pleasurably as he began to deepened the kiss. “Oh, I missed this.” Eunhyuk whispered in her ear rather seductively.


Ha Rin smiled and broke off to gasp for air and smirked at her. “So I have untamed you well huh?” She asked him.


He grinned at her in content. “Oh yes you did, and I did a good job too. You’re a tamed queenka now.” Eunhyuk said proudly.


He pulled her closer and let their foreheads touch. “I love you my Ms. Queenka, forever.” He whispered melodiously.


Ha Rin smiled. “I love you too my Nerdy Loner, always.” She murmured back harmoniously.



End of No One’s POV




-----------------------------------------------------------------------------THE END-----------------------------------------------------------------------------



And that ends another story from yours truly, HIHI. :"> I hope you guys liked it and I thank you for sticking with me until the end. Until next time yeah? :"> THANK YOU DEAREST READERS! ALL THE LOVE! :* ♥♥♥

-MARIEgelica ♥




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update soon
TGYulHae #2
Chapter 77: Thanks for your updates.
Miss them so much. Who's that?
i will wait for the next:)
sunsillver #3
please update~~
Chapter 60: I love this story Leeteuk, Minyoung, Donghae And those two love birds. Update soon ^^
TGYulHae #5
New Here! I always look forward to see your update. The story is so enjoyable that I can't wait.
Hope you'll make more often of update cuz i love it.Fighting!!
Chapter 37: I'm loving this story I always look forward to your post. Quite an enjoyable story can't wait to see what happens next between queenka & nerd boy.
leehyukjae0744 #7
Chapter 18: Yey!!! An update!!!! :D Thank You :")