Long Day

Tamed And Untamed


[Play the song: I Need You – ZiA feat. Huh Gak]




No One’s POV




Ha Rin stirred in her sleep as the sun’s rays from her window irritated her eyes and disrupted her deep sleep.


She looked around and then remembered that she wasn’t alone. She tilted her head to the side and found herself nuzzled in Eunhyuk’s arm with her head resting on his now broad chest.


She tightened her arms around him with her blankets draped over them and smiled as she closed her eyes.


She then gazed up and saw him still sleeping soundly. She propped up to have a good look of his sleeping face.


“You look so calm.” She said softly and tapped his nose lightly. “Good morning to you too.” He blurted out all of a sudden and smiled as he opened his eyes slowly.


“Oopps! Sorry if I wake you up, go on. Go back to sleep.” Ha Rin muttered quickly and turned her back on him embarrassed.


“It’s okay, I was planning on getting up to prepare our breakfast anyway. I’ll call you once its done.” He said and pecked her cheeks and stood up afterwards and went out of her room.


Ha Rin smiled and covered her blushing face with her pillow and tried to go back to sleep and after a minute she had finally came back to her dream land.



End of No One’s POV



Ha Rin’s POV



“AAAHHH!” I heard a painful scream and I sat up in alarm. I looked around thinking that it must’ve been a dream but then I heard it again.


I put on my pajamas and a tank top I took from my closet as fast as I could and stride off downstairs to find Eunhyuk’s finger bleeding really badly.


I rushed to his side in an instant. “Yah! what happened here?” I asked in worry and took the knife away from him.


“I really wanted to open that can of corn but then I sliced my finger instead.” He said in one breathing and it was obvious enough that he was hurt judging by his voice.


“Aiissh! Come on! I’ll drive you to the hospital.” I dragged him with me and took my car keys on top of the dining table and went to the main door.


“Wait, I don’t think I’ll let you go anywhere with what you’re wearing right now. That’s too—“


“I don’t care! Getting you to the hospital this instant its what’s important to me. Now, let’s go.” I demanded and went out of the house with him behind me.


I opened the passenger seat’s door for him and I immediately went to the driver’s seat beside and sped off to the nearest hospital.





“Ms. Park.” I heard Dr. Choi’s manly voice called out my name and I stood up from my seat just outside the emergency room in the hospital.


I turned my head and found Eunhyuk beside him with his now bandage pinky. “Is he okay now Dr. Choi?” I questioned still worried.


Eunhyuk came to my side and I held him by his arm instinctively. “Yes, but I had to give his finger five stitches. Either way, he’ll be just fine. So don’t worry now Ha Rin-ah.” Dr. Choi said and smiled at me.


“Thanks Dr. Choi, I’m sorry if we had to disturb you this early. We—“


“Its okay, anytime for you and your friends Ha Rin I’m always here. Now you two care okay? Have a nice day.” Dr. Choi said and flashed me his ever famous killer smile.


I couldn’t help but blush and smiled thankfully in return. He turned his heel back and walked his way to his office.


“Now for you mister clumsy, don’t do that again okay? You got me worried to my guts. So please, Aigoo.” I said with a sigh as we walked out of the hospital.


“Its okay, anytime for you and your friends Ha Rin I’m always here. Now you two care okay? Have a nice day.” He then mocked what Dr. Choi said as we were now inside my car.


I looked at him and he was frowning. “What’s up with that now?” I asked and ignited the engine.


“He was obviously flirting with you and by the way your cheeks flushed told me that you liked it. Aissh.” He grunted and gazed out of the window.


“And by the way you’re acting now tells me that you’re jealous. Right?” I asked him holding up my laughter.


He stayed silent and sighed instead. I placed a hand on his shoulder tapping it continuously until he turned around and faced me with his eyebrows still knitted together.


I inched my face closer and smiled. “Do you know that you look so cute when you’re jealous?” I told him and he ignored me as he hung his head down low.


I lifted his chin up for our eyes to meet. “I think I should flirt around with other guys often to see that cuteness of yours huh? What do you think?” I .


“No! I won’t let you!” He exclaimed and frowned even more gazing into my eyes.


I stared back. “Of course you won’t. But I’m too pretty honey, boys around couldn’t just get enough of me, its inevitable that they’ll flirt with me.” I informed him playfully.


He breathed out annoyed and was about to turn his back on me but I was faster and stopped him by his wrist and made him face me again.


“No worries, they can flirt with me as long as they want but I’ll never return the favor.” I assured him with a grin.


He had finally eased up by what I said as his frown slowly disappeared. “How can I be sure of that?” He asked.


I smirked. “Wasn’t last night enough of assurance for you?” I reprimanded him mischievously.


He grinned widely and pecked my cheeks. “I’ll take that as a yes.” I said and began to drive out of the hospital’s parking.


“Where are we going? This isn’t definitely the way back to our house.” He said surely.


“Oh of course it isn’t. Its time we crash someone else’s house today and let us feed breakfast.” I told him and winked evilly.



End of Ha Rin’s POV



No One’s POV



“Dongsaeng? Eunhyuk? What are you two doing here?” Min Young asked as soon as she opened her house’s main door and found Ha Rin and Eunhyuk smiling at her naughtily.


Without answering her friend Ha Rin came in with Eunhyuk following her only to find someone else already inside her house.


Min Young closed the door before her and faced Ha Rin who was already glaring at her. “What is he doing here? Don’t tell me you’re still seeing each other?” She accused.


“Yeah, I thought both of you made it clear in our house? What’s up with you?” Eunhyuk added and gave his friend a look.


Min Young stood beside him. “I thought we talked about being loyal? Why is Donghae here in your house this early unnie?” Ha Rin questioned and raised an eyebrow at her and Donghae.


“YAH! You two came crashing in and began accusing us on something we aren’t guilty about in my own house?” Min Young stated in a raised voice.


Ha Rin and Eunhyuk were both startled by this as they stood much closer to each other. “Yeah, before you blab, hear us out first will you?” Donghae asked.


“Okay, go on.” Ha Rin said and sat on the couch beside Eunhyuk comfortably.


“He’s here because he’ll be tutoring us, me, Min Gi and Ae Rin for our upcoming exams.” Min Young began to explain.


“Why didn’t you call me to join you then?” Ha Rin questioned still in doubt.


"Well that's because we knew you had Eunhyuk to do it for you." Min Young pointed out.


"She's got a point there." Eunhyuk whispered to her factually.


"And for your information, Leeteuk was the one who asked me to do this for them." Donghae blurted out.


"Okay fine. You're both clear. But where are Min Gi and Ae Rin?" Ha Rin asked. "They'll be late as usual." Min Young said.


"What about you two? What are you doing here still in your pajamas?" Donghae questioned and looked from Ha Rin to his friend suspiciously.


Then he noticed the bandage around Eunhyuk's finger. "And what is that?" He asked.


Min Young followed his gaze and waited for Ha Rin and Eunhyuk's explanation as it was their turn to be interrogated.


"We just woke up and this guy here sliced his finger while he tried to open a can of corn." Ha Rin started as she put an arm around his shoulder.


"And this paranoid girl rushed me straight to the hospital and as usual, the ever famous Dr. Choi helped me." He said with an obvious edge on his voice.


"Who said Dr. Choi's name?!" Two girly voices yelped and popped out by the door of Min Young's house.


"Oh! Hi unnie, Eunhyuk. We didn't know you'll be here too." Min Gi greeted as they noticed Ha Rin and Eunhyuk sitting on the couch.


"Yeah, we can really feel the warm welcome guys. Thanks." Ha Rin muttered sarcastically and rolled her eyes.


"Aigoo, enough of the chitchats and you girls help me prepare breakfast. Come on." Min Young said in her leader kind of voice.


Ha Rin stood up. "While you're at it, lend me some clothes first so I could change and freshen up. Is that okay unnie?" She asked nicely.


"Yeah, sure. You know the way. Help yourself." Min Young said and exit her way to the kitchen with Min Gi and Ae Rin towing behind her.


"I'll come with you!" Eunhyuk cried out as he stood up. All heads snapped at his direction and eyed him in disbelief.


"To the bathroom?" Donghae asked.


"And into my room?" Min Young added.




"No, stay here with them. I'll be quick." Ha Rin said firmly. "It’s okay, I can wait outside. Let's go." Eunhyuk said quickly and dragged her by the stairs.


Their friends were left dumbfounded. Ha Rin met eyes with Min Young. "I'm sorry." Ha Rin mouthed quickly just before she stepped up the stairs with Eunhyuk in front of her.


"What was that about?" Ha Rin asked him as soon as they came inside Min Young's room with clothes she got from her closet on her hands.


Eunhyuk turned her around towards the bathroom door inside Min Young's room and pushed her to it.


"Go on and freshen up. I'll wait for you here." He said as he opened the door for her and closed it quickly.





Ha Rin came out of the bathroom 30 minutes later changed to Min Young's clothes and found Eunhyuk on the floor fast asleep with his head wobbling from side to side.


She came towards him and kneeled down by his side. "Wakey, wakey sleepyhead." She said softly and knocked his head lightly.


He stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes to a smiling Ha Rin in front of him. Eunhyuk couldn't help but smile back at her. "Are you done?" He asked.


She nodded. "Sorry if I made you wait for too long. I was rushing this morning unlike you who had done it when you got out of my room." She explained.


"I wasn't complaining, so you really didn't have to explain." He pointed out.


"You're right. Come on, breakfast must be ready by this time." Ha Rin assumed as she stood up and held out a hand to him.


He took it and stood up afterwards, and now that they're face to face they couldn't help themselves not to stare at each other's eyes.


Ha Rin smirked as she remembered something. "By the way, I'm glad you had worked out with Donghae. It really paid off well." Ha Rin winked teasingly and let go of his hand and walked towards the door.


Eunhyuk stopped her as he yanked her closer to him turning her around to face him again. "So now you're saying that you did like it?" He asked and Ha Rin knew he wasn't only pertaining to his abs but to almost everything that happened the night before.


Ha Rin encircled her arms around his neck and inched her face closer. "Oh, like was an understatement honey, I loved it." She said and made it sound as seductive as she could.


Eunhyuk felt ecstatic by her words and smiled from ear to ear. Then he suddenly became conscious of something.


"You know what, I think we should go down because I honestly couldn't believe that we're flirting with each other right now inside unnie's room under her roof. It’s inappropriate." He muttered.


"Yeah, I guess you're right. But I won't pull back unless you do." She challenged. Eunhyuk hesitated and kept her close to him instead.


But Ha Rin knew better and let go first. "Come on, we seriously need to get down before they barged in here thinking we're doing something we shouldn't." She said and opened Min Young's door and went downstairs straight to the dining area where everyone were already seated ready to eat.


"So... You two finally thought of coming down huh? Please don't think of my house as your dating place alright?" Min Young clarified.


Ha Rin sat down. "Oh really unnie? It’s not like you didn't use our house as your dating—“


Eunhyuk understood where she might lead and quickly shut her up by clasping with his hand as he sat beside her across Min Young and Donghae.


"What? What did Min Young unnie took your house as Ha Rin unnie?" Min Gi questioned and looked from Min Young and Ha Rin curiously.


The foursome; Eunhyuk, Ha Rin, Donghae and Min Young gave each other a knowing glance since they were the only one who knew about Donghae and Min Young's relationship.


"Oh! M-M-Min young unnie used it as her studying place before." Ha Rin began to make up a lie.


"But it was only for a short time. Right Min Young?" Eunhyuk asked Min Young with a ride-along smile.


"Y-y-yes. Of course." Min Young agreed and Min Gi shrugged her shoulders who bought their excuse casually.


And on their luck, Ae Rin was preoccupied eating the food on her plate, or else the interrogation might have gone off longer.


Afterwards they all began to eat their breakfast together enjoying a light conversation about things and their common interests.





“We forgot to ask, why were you guys talking about Dr. Choi when we came in earlier?” Min Gi questioned as they started on their group study at Min Young’s living room in pairs sitting on the floor.


Eunhyuk and Ha Rin sitting closely with each other just across Donghae and Min Young and Min Gi and Ae Rin in between them with all their books scattered on the center table.


Eunhyuk sighed. “What’s the big deal about him anyway?” He asked uninterested.


Min Gi and Ae Rin narrowed their eyes on him. “Of course it’s a big deal! It’s Choi Siwon for crying out loud!” Ae Rin exclaimed.


“He’s effin’ gorgeous!” Min Gi and Ae Rin squealed dreamingly together. Min Young and Ha Rin on the other hand shook their heads with a sigh.


Donghae and Eunhyuk then exchanged confused glances. “Tell us, Dr. Choi isn’t just the typical doctor you and your friends have huh?” Donghae questioned.


“He is, for me and Ha Rin at least, but not for those two.” Min Young explained as Ae Rin and Min Gi began to argue about a topic they’re reading about.


“Oh yeah? But he was flirting with her this morning.” Eunhyuk blurted out in an annoyed tone of voice.


Min Young smirked. “He always does, to the four of us, all the time.” She emphasized rolling her eyes.


“And Leeteuk hyung doesn’t mind? Eunhyuk questioned.


“Or Kangin hyung and Kyuhyun?” Donghae added.


“No, not at all.” Ha Rin muttered as she shook her head.


“But why?” Eunhyuk and Donghae questioned as their curiosity and confusion were eating them up as the girls were giving them short answers.


“They’re not threatened because its clear to Dr. Choi that we’re totally off limits, especially Min Young unnie.” Ae Rin answered.


“Oh, right. Okay.” Donghae said in understanding and checked the problems he asked Min Young, Ae Rin and Min Gi to do.


“Dongsaeng, where did you get your books? I didn’t see you with your bag when you came in.” Min Young questioned Ha Rin who was busy reading a page about elements.


“Huh? Its in my car, I kept it there for no reason before but now it came in handy.” Ha Rin said and grinned.


“Yah, you’ve been on that page for almost ten minutes, get a move on.” Eunhyuk commanded and turned the page for her.


“YAH! But I’m not done yet! Let me read it first so I can answer your question when you ask me later!” Ha Rin raised her voice and turned back to the previous page she was on.


“No! You’ve had enough on that.” Eunhyuk insisted.


“I think we need to give them some privacy and let them argue more, its what they do best together. Let’s get some food in the kitchen.” Min Young whispered and her friends and Donghae followed her lead quickly to leave Eunhyuk and Ha Rin alone.


“You did that on purpose huh?” Ha Rin accused as she kept her eye on her book.


“Yes, because I know you want to ask me something. Come on, say it.” He told her.


Ha Rin looked at him and smiled by the fact that he has finally known her that well. “Why did you come with me in Min Young unnie’s room?” She asked straight out.


Eunhyuk heaved out a sigh. “I had a feeling that Donghae would ask me something about what happened last night since we all came from the party and after that we…” He trailed off and lowered his head.


“And what? You’re embarrassed about me then? About last night?” Ha Rin asked with her voice hurt.


Eunhyuk shook his head intently and held both of her hands tightly. “No! In fact it was the best night of my life and I’ll always remember that until the day I die.” He said sweetly with a smile.


Ha Rin blushed. “My feelings are mutual on that. But what’s wrong then?” She asked anxiously.


“That guy’s nosy and he’s up for juicy details but I won’t share it to him just yet because for me its something that’ll be between us, its personal and very special.” He told her.


“Then keep it in, don’t tell him anything because I’ll keep my lips sealed from my friends too.” She said and winked.


“Right! It’ll stay as secretive as it can be, just between us.” Eunhyuk said and smiled. Ha Rin smiled back and went back to reading her book.





“Today was indeed very tiring yet informative; we’ve done so much studying the whole day.” Ha Rin expressed in exhaustion as she and Eunhyuk was standing across each other outside her bedroom door in their house late at night.


“At least you thought about it as informative, I wonder if Min Gi and Ae Rin feel the same way.” Eunhyuk muttered and chuckled.


Ha Rin laughed with him for a moment and they both stopped almost at the same time. “Right now, it’s time to sleep.” Ha Rin said.


“Where is it going to be this time? Yours or mine?” Eunhyuk asked suggestively wiggling his eyebrows.


Ha Rin smiled. “I’ll sleep in my room and you’ll be in your room. Go on. Good night.” She said and came inside her room quickly which left him no choice but to go to his room rather reluctantly and they both called it a night.



End of No One’s POV





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update soon
TGYulHae #2
Chapter 77: Thanks for your updates.
Miss them so much. Who's that?
i will wait for the next:)
sunsillver #3
please update~~
Chapter 60: I love this story Leeteuk, Minyoung, Donghae And those two love birds. Update soon ^^
TGYulHae #5
New Here! I always look forward to see your update. The story is so enjoyable that I can't wait.
Hope you'll make more often of update cuz i love it.Fighting!!
Chapter 37: I'm loving this story I always look forward to your post. Quite an enjoyable story can't wait to see what happens next between queenka & nerd boy.
leehyukjae0744 #7
Chapter 18: Yey!!! An update!!!! :D Thank You :")