Question Of Loyalty

Tamed And Untamed

No One’s POV



“Aaaahhh!” Ha Rin screamed and ran inside Eunhyuk’s room on a Saturday morning.


Eunhyuk wasn’t awake by her loud scream so she shook him intensively instead. “Wake up! Wake up!” She rattled on.


“Aissh! What is it?” Eunhyuk complained groggily with his eyes still closed.


“There was a burglar last night!” Ha Rin exclaimed.


Eunhyuk sat up quickly with eyes widened in alarm. “What?! What are you talking about?! Are you hurt anywhere?!” He panicked and checked her arms for bruises.


“I’m fine! But my closet isn’t! My clothes are all gone; this is what’s left of me!” Ha Rin pointed out and looked at herself with her jeans on and a plain pink shirt.


“Aiisshh!!!” Eunhyuk yelled out in frustration as he understood what’s really happening.


He then poked her head lightly. “There was no burglar Ha Rin-ssi, all your clothes are in the laundry and that includes mine too. We never thought of doing the laundry yet ever since we lived together…”


“So you’re saying that, we have to do it today am I right?” Ha Rin asked unable to comprehend what they have to do.


Eunhyuk nodded. “No laundry, no clothes. What do you reckon?” He questioned her as he knew she would argue more of not wanting to do it.


“Aissh! Fine! Now get up!” Ha Rin commanded as she stood up and pulled Eunhyuk with her downstairs to their laundry room.





“Now what do we do first with all these?” Ha Rin asked as they got inside the laundry room with all their clothes piled up like a mountain.


“Segregate the plain white ones from the colored ones.” Eunhyuk instructed.


“What? Seriously?! But they’re a lot! I dunno where to start.” Ha Rin whined.


“Aigoo! If we don’t start now we’ll go nowhere. Start wherever, I’ll do the colored ones and you’ll do the white ones. Understand?” Eunhyuk asked cautiously.


Ha Rin nodded and began in no time. Eunhyuk smiled and followed suit with the pile of clothes nearest to where he’s standing and Ha Rin was on his other side.





“Urgh! This one really stinks!” Ha Rin expressed as she held up a white sock disgusted by its smell. After almost an hour of being stuck inside the laundry room done with half of their clothes.


Eunhyuk widened his eyes by the sight of it. “Is this yours?” Ha Rin asked and Eunhyuk was left unspoken.


“You got smelly feet? That’s gross!” Ha Rin blurted out and laughed out loud still holding Eunhyuk’s socks.


“Aiiishh! Give me that Ha Rin-ssi! Please.” Eunhyuk begged as he tried to reach for it but Ha Rin held it away from him playfully.


Ha Rin had nowhere to go and had her back on the door laughing hysterically. “Is this one of your secrets too Eunhyuk-ssi?” She teased even more in between giggles.


“Yes. Happy now? Come on, just give it to me.” Eunhyuk pleaded without realizing that their faces are only a few inches away from each other.


“No! You…” Ha Rin paused as she noticed how close they are from each other as she looked up to meet his eyes.


Eunhyuk knew it afterwards as he began to stare into her eyes. He studied her face features from her eyes and stopped when he reached her lips.


His heart began to race fast as he began to lean in more closely. Ha Rin knew what he was about to do but she thought about something else and smirked playfully.


She intentionally let her cheeks brushed against his. “Better do something with your socks alright?” She whispered on his ear teasingly and left the room.


“That’s what you get for not kissing me back.” Ha Rin muttered to herself and laughed evilly.



End of No One’s POV






Ha Rin’s POV



“Now that we’re done with the laundry, let’s hit the mall and eat. What do you think?” I suggested as we stood across each other in the kitchen.


“Just so you know, I did half the work on my own.” He informed me with a stern look.


“Yeah, I know that. It’s the reason why I suggested we eat at the mall. So, are you coming or are you coming?” I asked him.


“I don’t think you’re really giving me an option to choose from.” He said factually.


“Exactly! Now come on! I’m starving.” I commanded and he quickly went upstairs to his room to get ready.



End of Ha Rin’s POV





No One’s POV



“Why does my salad taste weird?” Ha Rin asked as they eat their lunch in Pizza Hut at the mall.


“I’m sure they all taste the same Ha Rin-ssi.” Eunhyuk told her and smiled.


“No. Here, have a taste of mine and I’ll taste yours too.” Ha Rin insisted and the two tasted their salad at the same time.


“See! Yours taste better! Swap!” Ha Rin demanded and was about to exchange hers with his but Eunhyuk stopped her.


“I don’t think so.” Eunhyuk declined and shook his head placing his hands on top of his own salad protecting it from her.


Ha Rin thought of a way and she smirked. “Look! A mascot!” She said and pointed at somewhere randomly.


Eunhyuk followed where she directed it and in no time Ha Rin swapped their plates quickly. “There was no—“


“Mehrong!” Ha Rin stuck her tongue out at him and grinned in triumphant as she enjoyed his salad which she owns now.


“It hurts to know that you didn’t invite us dongsaeng.” A familiar voice said. Ha Rin and Eunhyuk looked up to see who it was at the same time.


“Oppa…” It was the only thing that came out of her as she and Eunhyuk just stared at her friends with the tables being fixed for all of them to sit together.


“So, what’s the occasion that you didn’t call us huh?” Kangin asked Ha Rin in suspicion.


“What? No. there’s no occasion, we just wanted to…” Ha Rin trailed off and looked at Eunhyuk for help who was sitting beside her.


“Eat somewhere else besides the house after doing the laundry and cleaning the house.” He finished off for her.


Ha Rin nodded in agreement and grinned at her friends. “Aigoo! No worries dongsaeng, our oppadeul are just playing with you two.” Min Young said and smiled.





“I don’t really give a damn! Their loyalty isn’t with us anymore! Let them go!” Leeteuk cursed in his phone and hung up looking really annoyed and drank water from his glass still at Pizza Hut with everyone.


“What’s wrong hyung?” Kangin and Kyuhyun asked at the same time in a bothered tone.


“Some of our employees at the club slacked off and went to our rival without giving me a formal resignation letter.” Leeteuk explained.


“I’ve been strict enough about loyalty aren’t I?! In only a matter of weeks of observing how our rival club had been progressing they changed paths?! Aiissh!” He ranted on.


“Just stop thinking of those scumbags. At least you can be sure that our loyalty is with you. That’s a promise.” Kangin said in reassurance.


“I know that. Right Min Young?” Leeteuk asked and looked straight into Min Young’s eyes.


Eunhyuk and Ha Rin exchanged nervous glances thinking about this one person and knew that it’s the same person that’s in Min Young’s mind right now.


“W-w-what?” Min Young stuttered and avoided Leeteuk’s gaze. Leeteuk then tilted her head by her chin and made her face him again.


“Your loyalty, to me and our relationship; I can count on you on that right?” Leeteuk questioned again with a smile to die for showing his dimples.


“Y-y-yeah.” Min Young muttered trying to sound convincing as possible smiling half-heartedly as deep inside she was unsure with her answer.


“She’s in trouble.” Eunhyuk whispered in Ha Rin’s ear.


“You bet she is.” Ha Rin murmured back looking worried for her best friend.


“Is whispering to each other became your habit already?” Kangin stated his observation and raised an eyebrow at Eunhyuk and Ha Rin.


They shrugged their shoulders at the same time and Ha Rin grinned at Kangin in guilt. “We better do something about this.” Ha Rin whispered again.


Eunhyuk gave her a firm nod. “Unnie, can you come with me at the rest room please?” Ha Rin asked Min Young kindly with a smile giving her a knowing glance.


Min Young nodded in silence as she stood up quickly and Ha Rin dragged her away from everyone immediately.


“This is so screwed up you know that?!” Min Young exclaimed and hid her face with her hands as she and Ha Rin stayed inside the rest room.


“Yeah, that’s why I’m here. We need to do something, and I already thought of a way.” Ha Rin said and smiled at Min Young.


“And what is it?”


“You trust me right?” Ha Rin asked. Min Young nodded. “And you trust Eunhyuk too am I right?” She questioned her again and Min Young nodded simply still worried.





“Dude! What’s up? I should’ve been here half an hour ago but I was caught up in traffic so…” Donghae trailed off as he noticed his friend’s unchanged expression as he pulled him inside the house.


Donghae was left confused as he found Min Young sitting quietly on the couch with Ha Rin sitting beside her.


“What’s going on?” Donghae asked and looked from Eunhyuk to Ha Rin then to Min Young with worry in his eyes.


“We have to talk.” Min Young said in a serious tone not meeting Donghae’s gaze.


Donghae knew that something was wrong by the tone of her voice and quickly sat beside her and put his arm around her shoulder cautiously.


“Yah.” Eunhyuk called out for Ha Rin but she didn’t seem to hear him so instead he pulled her up and dragged her in the dining area leaving Donghae and Min Young in the living room.


“I want to be there too! I want to hear what they’ll talk about.” Ha Rin told him.


“No. They need their privacy.” Eunhyuk pointed out.


“But aren’t you curious on what they’ll—“


“Let them be alright? And as for the two of us, I have something that’ll keep you distracted as we wait for them to finish.” Eunhyuk proposed with a smile.


“And what is that?”


Eunhyuk smirked and took something from the chair which made Ha Rin’s jaw dropped. “Seriously?! What do you want me to do with those encyclopedias?!” Ha Rin raised her voice.


“Ssshh! Tone down your voice! You’ll help me review. Now sit down.” Eunhyuk commanded and pulled her down to sit on the chair beside him.


Ha Rin sighed in loss and pouted as she didn’t have any other option but to follow what he wants her to do so she quickly browsed the book and began to ask him questions reluctantly.



End of No One’s POV



Eunhyuk’s POV



“What would be the sum if you add up 62,345,890 to 345,372,748 and subtract it to 233,487 and dividing it by two?” I asked Ha Rin after almost half an hour of waiting for Min Young and Donghae.


She frowned just by trying to think about the answer. I chuckled. “Uhmm…”


“Dude/Dongsaeng.” Donghae and Min Young called out for our attention at the same time and we both stood up quickly.


“Are you guys…” Ha Rin began and paused as she looked at Donghae and Min Young cautiously.


“Yeah, we’re good. Right oppa? Friends right?” Min Young said and managed a smile.


“Certainly.” Donghae said in a firm voice showing her a half-hearted smile.


“That’s good, I guess.” I stated and smiled at the two of them genuinely.


“Yeah, thank you guys for letting us talk. I think we should be going, its getting late.” Min Young said and hugged Ha Rin.


“Thanks dude.” Donghae faced me and I gave him a you-sure-you’re-alright look and he gave me a firm nod as to answer my question.


“We’ll be going. Bye!” Min Young said as we walked the two of them to the main door.


“Their break up came at a short notice right?” Ha Rin muttered as I closed the door behind me and we stood across each other here in the living room.


“It’s not a break up because they weren’t a couple to begin with.” I stated factually.


“Well you’re right. At least now Min Young unnie won’t have any more issues with loyalty.” She pointed out with a smile of relief.


“If it was you, would you be loyal too?” I asked her curiously.


“Of course! I’m a loyal person especially when it comes to relationships. Guys are the ones unfaithful, not us girls.” She exclaimed.


I instinctively took a step closer to her and gaze in her eyes. “You can count me out on that because I’m loyal too, to you specifically.” I blurted out and smiled at her truthfully.



End of Eunhyuk’s POV




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update soon
TGYulHae #2
Chapter 77: Thanks for your updates.
Miss them so much. Who's that?
i will wait for the next:)
sunsillver #3
please update~~
Chapter 60: I love this story Leeteuk, Minyoung, Donghae And those two love birds. Update soon ^^
TGYulHae #5
New Here! I always look forward to see your update. The story is so enjoyable that I can't wait.
Hope you'll make more often of update cuz i love it.Fighting!!
Chapter 37: I'm loving this story I always look forward to your post. Quite an enjoyable story can't wait to see what happens next between queenka & nerd boy.
leehyukjae0744 #7
Chapter 18: Yey!!! An update!!!! :D Thank You :")