Quiz Bee

Tamed And Untamed

No One’s POV



“Ha Rin-ssi, will you be at the competition this morning?” Eunhyuk asked as soon as she landed on the first floor all dressed up for school on a Monday morning.


“Hmm, I don’t know. I’ll be in school by lunch, so I’m not sure.” Ha Rin said and walk her way to the house’s main door.


“But I wanted you to be there.” Eunhyuk whispered in a sad tone and lowered his head.


Ha Rin heard him as she was still standing by the door and a smiled formed on her lips and left afterwards.





Eunhyuk is already with the other contestants at the stage of their school’s gymnasium since it was the chosen venue for the event.


He looked around hoping that he would see Ha Rin but he didn’t so his face fell immediately.


A few minutes later, Eunhyuk’s phone rang and stared at the number for a moment since it’s not saved on his phonebook.


He answered nervously, “Took you long enough to answer nerdy loner.” The person on the other line said.


“Ha Rin-ssi?” He whispered still unsure.


“Who else?” Ha Rin said with a smirk playing on her lips.


“But how did you…”


“The angel told me, but that’s not important. Look in front. Now.” Ha Rin commanded quickly.


Eunhyuk gazed around once more and there it was the person his eyes wanted to see, standing by the bleachers in front with a smile on her face.


Ha Rin winked at him and he smiled widely. “Good luck! You better win this one; I came here just to see you beat everyone. Fighting!” She said and fist pump in the air and hung up.


“I’ll win this just for you Ms. Queenka.” Eunhyuk mumbled and smiled to himself.


“Eunhyuk-ssi, were you saying something?” Hyoyeon popped out beside him and asked.


“N-nothing, were you there all along?” He asked nervously thinking she had heard his conversation with Ha Rin.


Hyoyeon shook her head and he sighed in relief. “We have to be in our own desk, it’ll start in a few minutes.”She said and came to their desk on the right side.


“What has gotten into you huh? You don’t usually watch this kind of competitions.” Min Young questioned as she was sitting beside Ha Rin.


“Yeah, especially if it’s a contest between those nerds in front of us right now!” Min Gi added as she sat in between Ha Rin and Ae Rin.


“Is this because of the guy you’re currently living with unnie?” Ae Rin interrogated and looked suspiciously from her friend to Eunhyuk.


“That’s not all; you even asked his number from me.” Leeteuk blurted out since they all came together to see the quiz bee.


“And that’s just to inform him that you’ll be watching.” Kangin muttered.


“Are you still the queenka Ha Rin that we know dongsaeng?” Kyuhyun asked in doubt.


“Guys shut up! It’s starting already!” Ha Rin hushed her friends and focused on the national quiz bee happening.


“Now she’s even concentrating? What has happened to our Ha Rin?” Kyuhyun wondered out loud and sighed in bewilderment.







“YOU’RE CORRECT!” The MC announced loudly.


“We finally have a winner and from our very own school, Ms. Kim Hyoyeon and Mr. Lee Hyukjae. Congratulations!” The MC shouted with a big smile on his face.


A sudden feeling of delight spread through Ha Rin as she stood up from her seat and smiled as she searched for Eunhyuk.


Her eyebrows creased together as she felt irritated as she looked at the view in front of her.


“Aiisshh!” She sneered and stormed off leaving all her friends behind giving each other confused looks.


They looked for Eunhyuk and there he was hugging his quiz bee partner tightly upon the announcement.


They knew instantly why Ha Rin walked out on them and followed Ha Rin immediately.


Eunhyuk let go of Hyoyeon and gazed around the room to see if she’s still there but he found no one on the spot where she sat earlier with her friends.


He searched around for more and he found her rushing out of the gymnasium and he knew exactly that something had annoyed her.


“She’s going home already?” Eunhyuk asked himself out loud.


“Who’s going home?” Hyoyeon appeared once again with a question.


Eunhyuk was shocked to see her standing beside him. “N-no one.” He said simply and looked at the gymnasium’s door hoping she would come back.


“Come on! The principal wants to talk to us.” Hyoyeon stated and dragged Eunhyuk with her pulling him by his wrist.





Eunhyuk's POV


"YAH! Stop flirting and go home!" Someone yelled out. When I tilted my head to see who it was I froze.


"Leeteuk-ssi, I wasn't..."


"Just get yourself home Eunhyuk." Kangin commanded.


"But I... Where's Ha Rin-ssi?" I asked.


"Go home and there you'll see who you're looking for." Kyuhyun stated and smirked.


"What do you mean?” I asked in confusion. They ignored my question and shot me a glare instead.


"On my way." I whispered and scurried off away from them quickly.



End of Eunhyuk’s POV



No One’s POV



"You're home, finally." Ha Rin said in an annoyed tone.


"Yeah, your friends told me to." Eunhyuk stated.


"And if they didn't? You'll rather stay where your quiz partner is and the other nerds huh?" Ha Rin demanded.


"No, I wanted to go home first thing after the competition." Eunhyuk began.


"What for?" Ha Rin intercepted him in curiosity.


"That's because want to tell you that I won it since you told me to and that I did it for you." Eunhyuk mumbled as he lowered his head.


Eunhyuk didn't hear any response from her but when he look up Ha Rin already had her arms around his neck, hugging him.


"W-w-what?" Eunhyuk stuttered as he was caught off guard by her action.


"Congratulations! You were great back there." Ha Rin muttered and let go of him with a smile.


"All the studying you had done paid off well right?" Ha Rin added. Eunhyuk was speechless as he stared into space still shock upon their interaction.


"Yah!" Ha Rin yelled out and snap her fingers at him.


He was back in reality in an instant. "Y-yeah." He managed to say and gave her a shy smile.


"And to celebrate it, I have something for you. Follow me." Ha Rin told him and walked to the dining table excitedly.


Eunhyuk obeyed immediately and had his eyes wide open as he saw what's on top of the table.


"Ta-dah!" Ha Rin cried out with a big smile on her face.


"What's this? How did you—“


"The angel told me that you love sweets but didn't specify anything so now you have all the sweets you can find in this world." Ha Rin explained.


"These are too much Ha Rin-ssi, you didn't have to." Eunhyuk said but his insides are jumping in joy.


"No, I wanted to. Besides, you need to treat yourself for once. You've worked hard for this." Ha Rin told him.


Eunhyuk was quiet as he admired all the sweet food on the table in laid out front of him.


"So... What's first on your list? Chocolates? Cake? Cookies? Or that ice cream?" Ha Rin enumerated his choices.


Eunhyuk thought for a moment but then noticed Ha Rin eyeing the chocolate ice cream cravingly.


He smiled. "Ice cream, I like to share." Eunhyuk said.


Ha Rin's face lit up instinctively. "Good choice!" She said happily as she grabbed the pint on the table and gave it to Eunhyuk with two spoons already on her hand.


Eunhyuk looked at her spoon and smirked. "Just in case." Ha Rin said and scooped first in delight.


The two began to share the ice cream with light conversations here and there as they seemed to enjoy each other's company all night.



End of No One's POV






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update soon
TGYulHae #2
Chapter 77: Thanks for your updates.
Miss them so much. Who's that?
i will wait for the next:)
sunsillver #3
please update~~
Chapter 60: I love this story Leeteuk, Minyoung, Donghae And those two love birds. Update soon ^^
TGYulHae #5
New Here! I always look forward to see your update. The story is so enjoyable that I can't wait.
Hope you'll make more often of update cuz i love it.Fighting!!
Chapter 37: I'm loving this story I always look forward to your post. Quite an enjoyable story can't wait to see what happens next between queenka & nerd boy.
leehyukjae0744 #7
Chapter 18: Yey!!! An update!!!! :D Thank You :")