Game Over

Tamed And Untamed



[Play the song: Don’t Don – Super Junior]



No One’s POV



“That’s one of the things I hate about that school.” Kyuhyun muttered as everyone was gathered inside Leeteuk’s house including Donghae and Eunhyuk sitting beside each other.


“Yeah, they tolerate the queenkas and kingkas matter and don’t care but if something like this pops up they should have given it a thought at least.” Kangin added.


“And that’s why we’re here, to do the work on our own.” Leeteuk said with obvious leadership on the group.


“What are we going to do then oppa?” Ha Rin asked cautiously as she sat in between Min Young and Min Gi just across Eunhyuk and Donghae.


“We’ve done enough research and we found out who was behind all the photos yesterday spreading false rumors.” Leeteuk stated.


Kyuhyun smirked. “We found it really funny and immature of them to do something like that.” He said and chuckled.


“But its something smart too as we ourselves didn’t expect it was them who were behind it. We mistook other groups around the school for them.” Kangin elaborated.


Eunhyuk then cleared his throat that caught everyone’s attention. “I really appreciate the thought, but why bother finding out who did it?” He asked carefully.


“And why does it seem like you’re taking this such a big deal than we do? As far as we’re both concerned, the rumor is gone already. So why fuss about it?” Donghae added avoiding eye contact with Leeteuk.


Leeteuk exhaled. “Its important to us because Ha Rin matters to us since it kind of involves her too.” He said and looked towards Ha Rin with a smile.


“Is it because Eunhyuk lives with me that I—“


“Not just that dongsaeng. The group behind this immature act is none other than Jonghyun the jerk.” Kangin announced.


All of them huffed in anger upon hearing his name. “I should have known. He’s doing this as a revenge, on me.” Eunhyuk mumbled in rage.


“Precisely. But why take on him now, you should be wondering, am I right?” Leeteuk asked and everyone nodded excluding Kangin and Kyuhyun.


“He has done too much damage on the school and mostly on all the students’ lives and since the school’s honorable owner wasn’t even bothered one bit, I thought we’ll make the move.” Leeteuk clarified.


“We let him slip off a couple of times now and we figured it’s the right time to get over the filthy game he’s playing on.” Kyuhyun uttered.


“Alright!  Count us in.” Donghae cried out with a confident smirk.


“He’s right. What’s the plan?” Eunhyuk questioned.


“Oh no, you’re not Mr. Lee.” Ha Rin blurted out as she stood up and glowered at him.


Eunhyuk gave her a look and stood up from his seat too. “What? Why not? I should be in this too. It’s the—“


“No lovers’ quarrel please. Girls, go shopping for awhile and we’ll just meet you later tonight. We’ll give you a call.” Leeteuk interrupted Ha Rin and Eunhyuk.


Surprisingly, they didn’t object when they heard him call it as a lovers’ quarrel. “Yeah sure, but Eunhyuk’s coming with me.” Ha Rin protested.


“No dongsaeng, I said girls didn’t I? He’ll be with us for today. Trust me in this, he NEEDS to be in this.” Leeteuk said in emphasis and winked at her.


“Aigoo! You live with him already; one day without each other won’t make a difference. You can’t get enough of him now huh?” Kyuhyun joked which brought laughter to the group.


And it left Eunhyuk and Ha Rin blushing like mad. “Aisshh! Fine! Shopping it is.” Ha Rin said and walked to the door.


She took a halt and looked back at Eunhyuk who was already watching her. “We’re not done yet.” Ha Rin threatened.


“I’ll see you later. Take care.” Eunhyuk mumbled and gave her a small smile. Ha Rin stomped her feet and walked out of Leeteuk’s house completely with her friends towing behind.


“You and Ha Rin had gotten used to each other very well now huh?” Kyuhyun commented upon his own observation.


“I think its more than that now Kyuhyun-ssi, judging by how he was still looking out the door like he would like to run after her in no time.” Donghae said.


“Oh! So you know something we don’t? mind telling us what it is?” Kyuhyun asked Donghae in interest.


“What’s the plan again?” Eunhyuk questioned all of a sudden as he faced the guys who burst out laughing all of a sudden.


“What’s so funny?” He asked in bewilderment.


“Oh yeah? Its more than that alright.” Kyuhyun laughed out the loudest and high-fived with Donghae like he found a new best bud in him in a snap.


“Okay! Stop fooling around now and let’s get down to business.” Leeteuk exclaimed humorless.



End of No One’s POV






Ha Rin’s POV



“Dongsaeng! Stop pacing around! You’re making us dizzy! Will you relax?!” Min Young unnie demanded and pulled me down to sit beside her on the couch back here at Leeteuk oppa’s house late at night.


“Relax? How can I relax if I know that Eun—I mean our oppadeul are out there right now and who knows what they’ll do with Jonghyun? Aissh!” I sighed in frustration.


“Our oppadeul? Really? Or you’re just concerned about Eunhyuk? Admit it dongsaeng!” Min Young unnie teased and nudged my shoulder playfully.


“W-w-what? No! of course its our oppadeul I’m concern about the most, Eunhyuk is just…”


“He’s just the guy who spent your morning with at our school’s park today, yeah right.” Ae Rin blurted out.


Min Young widened her eyes and turned to face Ha Rin. “Not just that, she was lying on his lap like they’re—“


“Shut up Min Gi-yah!” I intercepted giving her a look.


“Oh my god! You’re hiding something from us! What is it?! what happened last night?!” Min Young unnie showered me with her questions.


“How did you that it happened last night?” I asked back. Then I looked away realizing what I asked her.


All three of them widened their eyes as if it’ll bulge out of their eye sockets. “So something happened last night. Come on. Spill.” Min Young unnie said in a commanding tone.


“There’s nothing to spill.” I said and stuck out my tongue at them.


“Oh come on unnie~ Just tell us. Please~” Min Gi clung onto my shoulder trying to convince me.


“I like where this would lead so come on, tell us unnie.” Ae Rin forced me more and smiled widely.


I sighed in loss. “More. Its working.” I told them and laughed.


“I’ll give you a pint of ice cream, the flavor you love the most.” Min Young unnie bargained.


With the mention of ice cream, I gave in quickly. “Alright, so last night when he came home…” I began retelling them what happened last night with a smile plastered on my face.



End of Ha Rin’s POV



No One’s POV



“Are you sure this is the place you told them to go hyung?” Kyuhyun asked as they walked inside an abandoned building near Leeteuk’s club.


“Yes, they’ll be here soon.” Leeteuk said and looked around the place.


And as if on cue, five figures appeared in a dim light at the center of the room walking through the back door of the abandoned building.


“Looking for us?” Jonghyun questioned arrogantly as they approached Leeteuk’s group which were consist of Kangin, Kyuhyun, Donghae and Eunhyuk standing alongside each other.


“Here comes the devil.” Kyuhyun sneered and glared at Jonghyun in hatred.


“Why do such a stupid thing Jonghyun? I expected more from you, but the pictures and spreading something inappropriate? You’ve disappointed me kid.” Leeteuk began.


“Oh! So you’ve called out for us because of that nerd again and that precious Ha Rin of yours? Wow! What a waste of time.” Jonghyun spat.


“Though I must say, you’ve figured it out faster than we thought you would.” He added and narrowed his look on Eunhyuk who was glaring back at him the whole time.


“That’s because we work fast and much more professional than you do.” Kangin bragged proudly.


“We’re not bunch of childish brats like you.” Kyuhyun added.


“Why do such thing Jonghyun?” Eunhyuk suddenly spoke up.


Jonghyun chuckled grimly. “I thought you were a nerd? You should know the answer to that right?” He said.


“Oy little devil! You’ve given too much insult and harsh words towards my friend. When will you stop this and try to grow up?!” Donghae grunted.


“Oohh! He brought his lover.” Jonghyun teased.


“ENOUGH! Let’s settle this right Kim Jonghyun. So we’re here to—“


“Have you ever heard about less talk less mistakes?” Jonghyun cut him off. Leeteuk was silent and waited for him to go on.


“If you think you can take us down now, I’d like to do it on our own way. Boys!” Jonghyun called out and that’s when it all started, one split second punches were thrown around like there was no tomorrow.



End of No One’s POV





Ha Rin’s POV



“THEY’RE HERE!” Min Gi shouted out as she was peeking at the window and with this I quickly went to open the main door of Leeteuk oppa’s house with my friends behind me.


As we opened the door, they came in one by one with bruises either on the face, on the arm or by the side.


I was craning my neck as I grew impatient and there he appeared in front of me being held by both of his side by Donghae and Kyuhyun oppa.


I felt something and there it occurred to me. “Déjàvu!” My subconscious prompted and I blinked my eyes open and he was being drag on the couch already.


I rushed to his side and held his hand instinctively. “I knew this would happen! I told you not to—“


“Will you stop the nagging dongsaeng? He’s the one who is hurting the most among all of them, can’t you see?” Min Young unnie exclaimed.


 And as I looked around at all of the guys he indeed had the most bruises all around his face and his body.


“What happened exactly?” I asked trying to fight back my tears as I looked at how fragile Eunhyuk is right now.


“To cut the long short, that Jonghyun jerk started it when he said he wanted to do it on his own way and that’s when they attacked us.” Kyuhyun oppa began as Min Gi was tending him.


“And that kid beside you fought the most, which would explain all the bruises he got.” Kangin oppa added.


“I was shocked myself, it’s the first time I saw him like that ever, he was furious. I’m glad he beat the out of that Jonghyun guy though.” Donghae muttered as he was left no choice but to tend to him alone stealing glances at how Min Young unnie took care of Leeteuk oppa.


I glanced at Eunhyuk who kept on grunting in pain from time to time as I dabbed an ice pack on his face lightly.


“I get it that he wanted his own revenge on Jonghyun too but this is just too much.” I mumbled softly.


“That’s one reason dongsaeng, but it’s more than that because know he has someone to fight for, someone really important to him that he’s willing to risk everything.” Leeteuk oppa elaborated with a smile.


My heart skipped a beat hearing this and felt my cheeks flaring up again on its own. Then I felt him squeezed my hand lightly.


I faced him and he was giving me a small smile. “His game is over now Ha Rin. It’s over.” He murmured and closed his eyes as a tear escaped my eyes out of the blue.





End of Ha Rin’s POV







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update soon
TGYulHae #2
Chapter 77: Thanks for your updates.
Miss them so much. Who's that?
i will wait for the next:)
sunsillver #3
please update~~
Chapter 60: I love this story Leeteuk, Minyoung, Donghae And those two love birds. Update soon ^^
TGYulHae #5
New Here! I always look forward to see your update. The story is so enjoyable that I can't wait.
Hope you'll make more often of update cuz i love it.Fighting!!
Chapter 37: I'm loving this story I always look forward to your post. Quite an enjoyable story can't wait to see what happens next between queenka & nerd boy.
leehyukjae0744 #7
Chapter 18: Yey!!! An update!!!! :D Thank You :")