
Tamed And Untamed

Ha Rin’s POV




“YAH! Where are you taking me?! don’t you know that I can sue you of kidnapping?!” I yelled out as this unknown person kept on dragging me out of our school.


“Are you even a student in our school?! Who the hell are you?!” I rumbled on.


“He was right, you really are a brat.” My kidnapper muttered and chuckled.


“Who’s he?” I demanded. And we finally took a halt in front of a luxurious and expensive car parked on side opposite from my school.


The window of the car’s backseat rolled down only to reveal the nerdy loner I’m living with inside it.


“What are you doing there?! Do you know this psycho?!” I asked him. He then nodded nervously.


“What?! Are you behind this kidnapping too?!” I questioned him and gave him a death glare.


“Kidnapping?” Eunhyuk and the psycho asked at the same time.


“Aigoo! How can you put up with her?” My psycho kidnapper questioned Eunhyuk.


“YAH!” I yelled and sneered at him.


“Okay, just get in Ms. Queenka.” Psycho said and opened the car door for me.


“How did you…”


“Just get in and sit beside nerdy loner.” Kidnapper told me and I widened my eyes as I got in the car confused on how this psycho knows so much about me and Eunhyuk.


“Ready to go?” Psycho asked as he got in the passenger seat in front beside the driver.


“Where to?”


“Your house, where else?” Kidnapper said with a smirk.


“My house? You mean…” I trailed off and looked at Eunhyuk.


“Yes, don’t worry. You’re safe, we’re safe.” He said with an assurance and gave a go signal to Psycho’s driver and we’re off.




“Just trust me on this will you?” He looked at me in full honesty. I gave him a firm nod and a small smile.


Then I remembered something, “If we’re together right now in the middle of a school day, this means…”


“YOU’RE CUTTING CLASSES?!” I exclaimed in amazement with my eyes widened at Eunhyuk.


He then smiled cheekily at me. “Yes, besides I just gave our school an honor so they wouldn’t mind if I’ll be out today right?” He bragged with a proud smirk.


I grinned at him. “That’s more like it! You’re learning from me now. Good job!” I praised him in content.


“That’s what your influence is doing to me.” He told me.


“And it feels good right?” I asked and giggled. He laughed with me heartily.


“Ahem.” Kidnapper coughed which caught our attention.


I gave him a disapproving look. “Oh, right. You’re there. Do you know exactly where we’re going?” I challenged him.


“I gave the driver instructions.” Eunhyuk whispered.


“And look at that, we’re already here, this is it right?” Psycho asked the two of us.


I looked outside and yes, we’re right in front of the house. I got out quickly with Eunhyuk towing behind me.



End of Ha Rin’s POV



No One’s POV



“So now that we’re here, can you please mind explaining who you really are?” Ha Rin demanded and she stood up with authority in the living room.


“Hi Ms. Queenka, I’m sorry if we have to meet under these circumstances but I’m Eunhyuk’s best friend, Donghae, Lee Donghae.” He introduced himself.


“Stop calling me that, I’m Ha Rin, Park Ha Rin. Wait, you’re his best friend?” Ha Rin asked again who seemed to be in doubt as she took a glance from him to Eunhyuk.


“Oh, so that’s your name! yes, I’m his best friend. Unbelievable, right? You must be asking yourself how on earth Eunhyuk got a friend as handsome as me.” Donghae said with a smirk.


“YAH!” Eunhyuk said and smacked Donghae at the back of his head and the three of them sat down on the couch.


Eunhyuk was sitting in between Donghae and Ha Rin but then Donghae stood up and faced the two with an eyebrow raised.


“Eunhyuk hasn’t told me how you two end up living together. Would you mind telling me Ha Rin-ssi?” Donghae asked her cautiously.


“Do I really have to? We’ve been on about this explaining thing over and over again. For once, can’t you at least just let it go?” Ha Rin muttered.


“Besides, take this as your apology to me since you acted like a kidnapper earlier.” She added quickly.


Eunhyuk gave Donghae a look. “Alright, if that’s what you want then okay.” Donghae said with a smile.


“Thank you. And I want to say sorry too, for calling you names. If I have known that you were his best friend that I should’ve acted—“


“Am I hearing things right? You’re apologizing to him on how you were earlier and because he’s my friend?” Eunhyuk cut her off in disbelief.


“Well, yeah. I judged him for inappropriate reason so I—“


“Wow! Ha Rin-ssi! This is just… Wow!” He interrupted her again.


“Aiish! Will you please stop cutting me off and let me finish on what I want to say?!” Ha Rin raised her voice on him.


Donghae was startled by this, “Uhmm…” He whispered.


“You don’t have to shout! I’m just beside you, and my friend’s right here you know.” Eunhyuk pointed out.


“Exactly! And I was talking to him—“


“STOP!” Donghae shouted loudly. Eunhyuk and Ha Rin turned their heads and looked at him.


“The two of you doesn’t have to fight over me, just saying.” Donghae reassured them.


“We’re not fighting!” Eunhyuk and Ha Rin said in unison.


The two realized what they said and looked at each other and began to laugh. “Are you guys okay? You two seemed…”


“We’re fine. This is normal for us, right Eunhyuk-ssi?” Ha Rin said with a grin on her face.


“Oh, certainly, Ha Rin-ssi.” Eunhyuk agreed and smiled at Donghae.


Donghae looked at the two of them as if he was freaked out by their actions. “Let me guess, symptoms of living together?” He asked the two cautiously.


Eunhyuk and Ha Rin locked eyes with a smile on their faces. “Maybe.” They mumbled at the same time still gazing at each other’s eyes.


Donghae let the two enjoy their staring game with a smirk playing on his lips. A sudden ring was heard and Ha Rin scrambled through her pouch and got her phone.


Eunhyuk took a peek on who the caller was and he frowned in an instant. “You’re in touch with him again?” He asked in a cold tone of voice and looked straight.


In a strange way, his tone of voice made Ha Rin felt nervous as she knew this would annoy him.


“Since when?” He asked again grimly.


“Since the day when we talked about second chances, you remember that right?” Ha Rin reprimanded him carefully.


“I remember that perfectly well, but I think second chances are given to people who deserve and Jonghyun is not on the list.” Eunhyuk told her off with a frown.


“I disagree, I think everyone deserves one and especially if you know that person is willing to change for you.” Ha Rin pointed out.


“And are you sure that he’s sincere this time?!” Eunhyuk demanded in a loud voice which made Ha Rin jump from her seat.


That includes Donghae as he was the one who got surprised since its his first time to see his best friend raise his voice towards a girl.


“What if he really is? He said he wants us to work this time around.” Ha Rin argued and glared at him.


“And you believe him again and let yourself get hurt all over again is that it?!” Eunhyuk ranted on.


“I may dumb academically but I think I can handle myself on this, I’ve learned from this and you know that! Aiissh!” Ha Rin grunted and stormed off to her room upstairs.


Ha Rin banged her bedroom door. “She’s mad.” Donghae whispered in terror after he had witnessed their argument.


“Why is she so stubborn anyway?! Jonghyun had hurt her feelings already, wasn’t that enough?!” Eunhyuk complained in frustration.


“Will you tone your voice down and try to relax?” Donghae said calmly.


“How can I relax if—“


“Woah! Hold up for a second there, why are you overreacting? Is this just about that Jonghyun guy and Ha Rin or this has something to do about you too?” He asked him.


Eunhyuk gave him a confused look. “How can I be involved in this?” He questioned Donghae.


“Oh sure you can, you and your genuine feelings dude. You like her huh?” Donghae threw the question at him casually.


Eunhyuk was caught off guard by this and took a moment to let it sync in his mind before answering.


“W-w-what are you talking about?” Eunhyuk stammered and lowered his head avoiding his friend’s teasing look.


Donghae chuckled. “Alright, say no more. I get it now.” He said and shook his head.


“Actually, I know who Jonghyun is, I saw him talking to Ha Rin before I dragged her with me.” Donghae admitted.


“So, now you know that I’m nothing compared to him huh?” Eunhyuk asked him and sighed in loss.


“Its not like that, you living with her is something already, so don’t be discouraged. You have all the advantage here.” Donghae consoled him.


“Yeah sure, I live with her but I’m not the person in her heart. It’s still him, even after what he had done to her.” Eunhyuk mumbled in defeat and slumped on his seat.



End of No One’s POV





Eunhyuk’s POV



“Your friend Donghae already left?” Ha Rin asked me tediously as she came by the foot of the stairs facing me expressionless.


“Yes.” I said in almost a whisper but enough for her to hear and I stood by the living room.


She just shrugged her shoulders and went to the kitchen without uttering a word to me.


“You like her yes, but don’t let your jealousy eat you up dude. You should be on her good side all the time, that’s the first step.” This statement from Donghae replayed in my mind.


I gather up the courage left in me for the day and approached her in the kitchen. “Ha Rin-ssi…”




“I-I’m sorry, I have to admit that I was over the line. Sorry.” I apologized as genuine as possible.


Ha Rin didn’t say anything as she poured water on a glass. “I shouldn’t be minding your business with Jonghyun, whatever it may be.” I added.


“Please just make decisions base on how you really feel and not what others will tell you to, its your heart and not theirs.” I stated cautiously.


“Thank you, that’ll be enough. I appreciate it.” She finally spoke up and showed me a small smile.


“So you’re not mad at me?” I asked her just to be sure.


Ha Rin shook her head. “Sorry if I raised my voice on you too. I didn’t mean to.” She stated in guilt.


“You have nothing to apologize for.” I reassured her with a satisfied grin.


“I’m glad to meet your best friend by the way, at least I know you weren’t alone all your life, you have him.” She said and came by the stairs to go back to her room.


“And now I have you too right?” I muttered in a low voice.


“What?” She turned and looked back at me as she was halfway up the stairs.


“N-nothing, I said good night.” I lied and smiled at her instead.




End of Eunhyuk’s POV






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update soon
TGYulHae #2
Chapter 77: Thanks for your updates.
Miss them so much. Who's that?
i will wait for the next:)
sunsillver #3
please update~~
Chapter 60: I love this story Leeteuk, Minyoung, Donghae And those two love birds. Update soon ^^
TGYulHae #5
New Here! I always look forward to see your update. The story is so enjoyable that I can't wait.
Hope you'll make more often of update cuz i love it.Fighting!!
Chapter 37: I'm loving this story I always look forward to your post. Quite an enjoyable story can't wait to see what happens next between queenka & nerd boy.
leehyukjae0744 #7
Chapter 18: Yey!!! An update!!!! :D Thank You :")