Where They Belong

Tamed And Untamed

[Play the song: 눈을 감고 – Rainbow]




No One’s POV




“Dongsaeng, wake up. We have school today, can you go to school?” Min Young asked cautiously as she tried to wake Ha Rin up at her guest room.


“Hmmm…” She grunted as she still has her back on her hugging a pillow.


“Are you going to school today or not?” Min Young asked again.


“Yes, but tell Eunhyuk to make our breakfast first then I’ll get up once its ready.” Ha Rin said unconsciously.


Min Young widened her eyes by what she heard from her. “And please tell him that I want some tea, my head hurts from yesterday.” Ha Rin added.


“Dongsaeng he’s not—“


“Right! I-I-I’m sorry. I forgot.” Min Young was cut off as Ha Rin sat up in alarm upon realizing what she was saying just now.


Min Young gave her a small smile. “Come on, breakfast is ready and I made you some tea even if you didn’t ask for it. Let’s go.” She told her.


“Okay, I’ll follow.” Ha Rin said and smiled at her best friend thankfully.


When she was alone in the room she ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. “Aiishh! This is the first day of change and his name was the first one you called out for?!” He questioned herself.


“It’s what you’re used to.” Her subconscious mind told her with a raised eyebrow. Ha Rin shrugged her off and came downstairs where Min Young was waiting for her.





“Dude! You prepared breakfast?! You really didn’t have to, you know.” Donghae questioned ecstatic as he went of his room his eyes twinkling with all the food in front of him at the dining table.


“It’s fine, this is what I do remember? Call Ha Rin so we can eat.” Eunhyuk said as he sat down on a chair across Donghae.


“Huh?” Donghae gave him a look. Then it hit him. “Right, I’m sorry about that. I’m in your house, not in the mansion, without her, yeah, copy that.” Eunhyuk said quickly and began to eat his breakfast reluctantly.


“It’s okay Hyukjae-yah, you’ll get used to it.” Donghae told him consolingly.


“And oh! I bought ice cream a few days back, maybe my instinct knew you’ll be moving in. The flavor’s chocolate by the way.” He informed Eunhyuk.


He looked up at him. “Chocolate ice cream, that’s her favorite you know. She’ll love to eat all of it, if only she was here.” He said and kept quiet the entire morning.





“Dongsaeng! Do you like some strawberry milk? I have it in the fridge. I can get it for you if you want.” Min Young said as she was already on her feet after they’re done with breakfast.


“No, its okay unnie, if Eunhyuk was here, he’ll volunteer to get it himself, he’s head over heels for strawberry milk.” She remembered with a small smile.


Min Young was silent and stared at her best friend and she was aware that this situation is hard for her just by the look in her eyes; it tells her that she’s hurting too.


“Right. Why don’t I clean the dishes now?” Ha Rin said and got up gathering the plates they used in her hands and came straight to Min Young’s kitchen to the sink.


“Why would you do that when I can ask one of my maids to do it for us?” Min Young questioned.


“Its what I do all the time back in the mansion with Eunhyuk so—“


“But you aren’t there right now and you’re not living with him anymore.” Min Young cut her off with a fact right straight through her face.


Min Young was shock by what she said and was about to apologize but Ha Rin smiled instead. “Thanks for reminding me unnie, this is part of my change too and today is the beginning for that.” Ha Rin muttered and started on cleaning without uttering a word.





“Unnie! Come with us at the cafeteria, let’s go.” Ae Rin whined as the bell rang for lunch that day and Ha Rin was remained unmoved at her seat reading her notes.


“No, I’ll eat my lunch here. I prefer to eat alone and read. You girls can go without me, go on.” Ha Rin told her friends with a smile.


“Why? Eunhyuk will be there for sure. He’ll—“


“Min Gi-yah!” Min Young shot her a reprimanding look. And in a snap Ha Rin’s mood died down with the mention of his name and as predicted by Min Young’s instinct she began quiet once again.


“Right, we’ll just see you later then dongsaeng. Bye.” Min Young muttered but heard nothing from her so instead she dragged Min Gi and Ae Rin with her to the cafeteria as she explained Ha Rin’s situation to them.


“Oh! Eunhyuk!” Ae Rin called out and as Min Gi was right since Eunhyuk was already at their table waiting for them and Ha Rin to come.


“So she’s not with you girls huh? Where is she?” Eunhyuk questioned in a straight forward tone and looked at Min Young for an answer and stood up from his seat at their table.


“She didn’t want to come out of the classroom, but please do understand her at this time. Give her the time that she needs, it’s for her own good anyway.” She told him.


He nodded. “Yes, I figured things out on my own and now I understand her decision. Besides, I know she’s safe with you.” Eunhyuk said and gave her a small smile.


Min Young smiled back. “Certainly, but let me tell you this, she misses you, even if it has only been a day.” Min Young updated him.


Eunhyuk smirked. “The feeling is mutual, more than she knows.” He said sadly.


Then there was an awkward silence. “Right, enjoy your lunch while I bury myself with my books. See you around girls.” He waved and exited their cafeteria without looking back at Ha Rin’s friends.


“So this means they really are serious about each other huh?” Ae Rin muttered in understanding.


“It was obvious. Slow brat.” Min Gi said and smacked the back of her head lightly.


“Let’s hope this will end soon so they can get back together, it’s where they belong.” Min Young whispered.


“To each other.” Min Gi and Ae Rin said in unison and the three girls sighed wistfully.



End of No One’s POV



Ha Rin’s POV



“Hi unnie! Look! I bought you these at the cafeteria, I know you couldn’t resist these love candies.” Ae Rin said and handed me three pieces of candies as they entered our classroom after lunch and we stayed standing by the door.


“Wait up! What are those girls doing in our—Aiissh! When will they learn?!” Min Gi said and glared at four girls who were currently sitting on their chairs.


She was about to approach the girls with Ae Rin on her side but I stopped them in an instant. “Where do you think you’re going?” I asked them with my eyebrows raised.


“To teach them a lesson, they’re—“


“No you won’t , let them be, they are a lot of they are a lot of vacant seats where we can sit anyway.” I pointed out.




“Let it go Ae Rin-ah, we’ll sit at the back. Go on.” I said and gestured them the seats at the back and to where my bag was.


They both sighed in loss and stomped their foot as they approached the chairs I pointed to reluctantly.


“So you are really serious about this change of attitude huh?” Min Young unnie asked while giggling at how Ae Rin and Min Gi began bickering on who would sit by the window.


“Who said I wasn’t serious about this?” I questioned her back.


“No questions on that but you know that you really don’t have to involve us right?” She joked and nudged my shoulders playfully.


“I thought you’re my friends? Shouldn’t you be supporting me on this?” I asked her.


Min Young unnie nodded. “We don’t really have a choice anyway.” She muttered factually and I smiled at her thankfully.


I looked at her direction and she was still watching Min Gi and Ae Rin who were now in the middle of a rock, paper, and scissors battle. I giggled with her and knew that my life would be much difficult without them, I’m lucky to have these brats with me.






“What? Are you sure you don’t want to ride with me home?” Min Young unnie asked again as she was already inside her car and I chose to ride the bus after school.


“I’m fine, I’ll take the bus home to your house. Don’t worry, I know the way.” I told her with a confident wink.


“Alright fine, but if you’ll have problems call me first okay?” Min Young unnie said and I nodded.


“Promise me you’ll take care of yourself. You just came out of the hospital. You—“


“I’ll be okay unnie, go home and I’ll be there in no time too. See you later.” I interrupted her and smiled as I waved good bye.


And in an instant her driver sped off fast. I turned my heel to go the bus stop but took a halt as I sighted a familiar figure in a distance.


In a blink of an eye I knew exactly who it was. I met eyes with him and there I sensed the same feeling I have inside.


“I miss you too Eunhyuk.” My subconscious mind cried out inside me. He managed to show me a small yet yearning smile.


I gazed straight at him trying to look expressionless as possible and restrained myself from running into his arms, instead I turned my back on him to walk the other way around to avoid him.



End of Ha Rin’s POV





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update soon
TGYulHae #2
Chapter 77: Thanks for your updates.
Miss them so much. Who's that?
i will wait for the next:)
sunsillver #3
please update~~
Chapter 60: I love this story Leeteuk, Minyoung, Donghae And those two love birds. Update soon ^^
TGYulHae #5
New Here! I always look forward to see your update. The story is so enjoyable that I can't wait.
Hope you'll make more often of update cuz i love it.Fighting!!
Chapter 37: I'm loving this story I always look forward to your post. Quite an enjoyable story can't wait to see what happens next between queenka & nerd boy.
leehyukjae0744 #7
Chapter 18: Yey!!! An update!!!! :D Thank You :")