
Tamed And Untamed

[Play the song: I Am – Super Junior]




No One’s POV



“Yah! You’ll melt each other out with your staring game!” Kyuhyun yelled out which caught the attention of Eunhyuk and Ha Rin.


They both looked at a different direction at the same time as they knew they were both looking at each other for too long that their friends even noticed it.


Their faces gave out a light shade of pink as they avoid the stare their friends were giving them.


“What just happened?” Eunhyuk whispered to himself.


“How long were we staring at each other anyway?” Ha Rin asked herself in a low murmur.


“Don’t you two have dessert to serve us?” Ae Rin asked in expectation.


“Oh! Right! Let me get it!” Eunhyuk and Ha Rin said in unison and both stood up looking at each other.


All their friends were on the watch as to what the two will do next. “No, you stay here, I’ll get it.” Eunhyuk said firmly showing authority.


“I’ll help you then.” Ha Rin insisted.


“I said—“


Eunhyuk stopped as Ha Rin was already giving him a shut-up-and-let-me-help-you-look.


“Okay, whatever.” Eunhyuk gave in and Ha Rin smirked as they walked back to the kitchen.


Without their knowledge, their friends followed suit and hid themselves by the dining table.


“Ooohh! Chocolate ice cream!” Ha Rin cheered as Eunhyuk got it out from the freezer.


Ha Rin got small glasses and put it on a small tray. “Nine!” She exclaimed.


“Now you know how to count, good for you Ha Rin-ssi.” Eunhyuk praised her and patted her head.


Everyone witnessed this little interaction between the two and as soon they saw that they’re done preparing the ice cream they all came rushing back to the living room.


As Eunhyuk and Ha Rin returned to the living room and placed the tray in the middle of the table they began to scoop the ice cream with smiles on their faces.


“Everyone seemed to be excited about the ice cream. Why is that?” Eunhyuk whispered then again.


“Who wouldn’t get excited for this?” Ha Rin asked back and began to enjoy her favorite ice cream in the world like there’s no tomorrow.


Eunhyuk and Ha Rin were sitting together once again and all eyes were on them as usual with them unaware about it.


Eunhyuk suddenly got ice cream stain on his shirt as it fell on his shirt. “She’ll say something, wait for it.” Kyuhyun mumbled.


“And she’ll help him too, in three, two, one—“


“Aigoo! You really are clumsy! Aiish!” Kangin was cut off by Ha Rin’s voice as she began to wipe the stain from his shirt with her handkerchief.


Their friends began to laugh out loud as Kangin and Kyuhyun’s predictions were right. Eunhyuk and Ha Rin looked at all of them in confusion.


“What’s so funny?” Ha Rin asked and eyed her friends in bewilderment.


No one answered and continued on chuckling. “Yah, Lee Donghae!” Eunhyuk called out for his friend.


“N-nothing dude, we’re just enjoying the ice cream and the view around your house.” Donghae told him.


“Done! See! We’re finished in no time.” Leeteuk said and placed his glass on the tray again.


Afterwards, all the glasses were back on the tray as they were all done eating. “Who would help me clean all the dishes then?” Ha Rin questioned.


She scanned the room around with a smirk. “I’ll volunteer! Since none of our dongsaengdeul would do it anyway.” Min Young raised her hand.


“I’ll help—“ Leeteuk paused as he answered his phone.


“Okay, I’ll be there in a few.” Leeteuk said urgently and hung up.


“Sorry girls but I have to go, one of my staff called and they said they need me at the club right now.” Leeteuk expressed apologetically and stood up.


“Its okay oppa, its getting late anyway.” Min Young said and gave him a reassuring smile as all of them stood up.


“Yeah, and I think we should be heading home too. Thank you dongsaeng and thanks to you too Eunhyuk-ssi.” Kangin said and smiled.


“That’ll be our cue too, since Kangin oppa and Kyuhyun oppa would drive the two of us home as usual.” Ae Rin said.


“Thanks for tonight Ha Rin unnie.” Min Gi said as she hugged Ha Rin and Ae Rin did the same thing afterwards.


“We all had a great night, thank you Eunhyuk-ssi.” Kyuhyun stated and faced Eunhyuk.


“And it was nice meeting you too Donghae-ssi.” Kangin said and smiled as they got out of the house.


“Call me when you get home okay?” Leeteuk reminded Min Young as he pecked her cheek and went off.


“How about you, aren’t you going home yet?” Ha Rin asked Donghae as they were the only ones left in the house, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Min Young and her.


“I prefer to stay and help you guys here, if you don’t mind.” Donghae said and gazed directly at Min Young.


Eunhyuk and Ha Rin gave each other a knowing glance and smirked. “I don’t. Ask your best friend.” Ha Rin told him.


“You can stay here as long as you want with Min Young-ssi, dude.” Eunhyuk said and put an arm around Donghae.


“W-what?” Min Young spoke up.


“What he meant was, the two of you can stay here and help us.” Ha Rin said and smiled at her friend.


“You girls can clean the dishes while we tidy up here. Is that okay?” Eunhyuk suggested.


“Okay! Let’s go unnie.” Ha Rin agreed without arguments and pulled Min Young with her to the kitchen to start cleaning.



End of No One’s POV



Ha Rin’s POV



“You’ve changed dongsaeng.” Min Young unnie said as I opened the tap of the sink.


“Huh? What are you talking about?” I questioned her.


“There are some changes, I might not realize it but they exist now.” She told me.


“Will you please explain to me what you’re on about now?” I said impatiently.


“Alright, I’ll enumerate everything to you, since we’ll be cleaning a lot I suppose.” Min Young unnie muttered factually.


“This is the first one, you cleaning the dishes, you even initiated it earlier. Second would be the changes I’ve seen tonight with how you were with Eunhyuk.” She began.


I kept quiet as I listen to her attentively. “You went home because he said so, that means you follow what he’s telling you, though arguments were still there.” She went on.


“But those arguments were lessened into a calmer way, not like before when we can see both your ears flaring up with anger.” She said.


“How you move around each other is the third one, you two seemed to be very comfortable with each other now.” She elaborated.


“And lastly…” She paused and smiled at me as I wiped the plates with the sponge soaked in soap and water.


“What?” I asked her curiously.


“Its obvious that the two of you care for each other, everyone was watching the two of you as you eat, you even drink what he’s favorite milk is.” Min Young unnie wrapped up with a grin.


“Well I guess that’s how it goes because we live together and each day we learn something from each other.” I said and smiled.


“And you’re happy to live with him then?” Min Young unnie questioned me inquisitively.


I kept silent and just shrugged my shoulders. Then I thought of something that would really shock her system.


“Enough about me, you want to know a secret unnie?” I asked her and wiggled my eyebrows mischievously.


“Sure! What is it?!” She questioned excitedly.


“You’ve captured someone’s attention tonight, and that’s no other than, Lee Donghae; my housemate’s dearest best friend.” I exclaimed with a big grin on my face.


And there it is her priceless reaction, her little eyes as wide as it can be with her jaw dropped as I knew it.


I laughed. “This is impossible! Why are you even laughing at me?” Min Young unnie asked and slapped my arm lightly.


“Nothing, I just knew what your reaction will be, that’s why. So what do you say? Torn between two lovers now huh?” I .


“Y-yes… I mean no, I’m with Leeteuk oppa now, officially. He should realize that by now.” Min Young unnie said and looked troubled.


“Yeah he should. But do you think he cares?” I questioned her in a serious tone.



End of Ha Rin’s POV



Eunhyuk’s POV



“I don’t care! So what if she’s with someone else, did you think that would stop me?” Donghae exclaimed.


“No, I knew that’s how you’ll answer me. But you should think about this first you know, you must have felt different because it’s the first time you’ve seen her.” I reasoned out.


“I don’t think so, if its something like that, then I should’ve felt the same way with Min Gi and Ae Rin right? But no, its just Min Young dude.” He pointed out.


“Alright, what are you planning to do then?” I asked him as I wiped the center table.


“I’m not sure yet, but I know I can think of something soon.” He assured me with a smile.


“Have it your way, I’ll remain as your support system as usual.” I told him.


“And I’m your support system too, and I totally support your tandem with Ha Rin. You two are just a match-made in heaven.” He blurted out with a smirk.


“What are you talking about now?” I questioned him and gave him a look.


“You’ve changed little anchovy.” He said with a smile.


“Huh? How?” I asked him in confusion.


“You want me to give you my list then?” He said and I gave him a firm nod.


“You order a girl around, that’s on top of the list since you have never done that to any girl yet in your whole life.” He began.


“With your commands, she follows, that’s next. You both quarrel but in a gentle way. We saw how you two act at ease with each other tonight.” He continued.


“And last but not the least…” He paused with a grin.


“We came to realize how you two are concern for each other. See? And these all happened when you started living with her am I right?” He asked me.


I nodded. “Besides your mom, who’s the girl you give your full attention to?” He added.


“That would be…”


“No need to tell me because I know your answer anyway.” He muttered factually and winked at me.



End of Eunhyuk’s POV



No One’s POV



“I didn’t know that you’re good at cleaning the dishes now dongsaeng. It makes me so proud of you.” Min Young expressed as they walked back to the living room.


“You can still be conceited as ever!” Eunhyuk exclaimed and punched Donghae’s arm as they were lounging at the living room as they were done cleaning too.


“We’re done in the kitchen! How about you guys?” Ha Rin asked the two gentlemen.


“Look around you, its like no mess were done right?” Eunhyuk bragged.


“Now you’re calling me conceited when you’re conceited yourself? Where did you learn that?” Donghae questioned him.


“Ask the queenka right in front of me.” Eunhyuk muttered.


“Guilty as charge!” Ha Rin admitted with a grin and sat down on the couch comfortably.


Donghae realized Min Young was still standing. “Have a seat here Min Young-ssi.” He said and gestured the space next to him.


“No. thanks I’ll sit with Ha Rin.” Min Young said and was about to walk where Ha Rin was sitting.


But instead Ha Rin pulled Eunhyuk by his wrist and made him sit on the couch where they were sat earlier.


“No space unnie, sorry, just sit beside Donghae-ssi.” Ha Rin said and smiled cheekily at her friend who glared at her as she sat down beside him eventually.


An awkward silence fell around the room. Min Young then looked at her watch to check on the time.


She gasped. “Its late! I should go home.” Min Young exclaimed and stood up.


“How are you going to get home?” Donghae asked in concern.


“I’ll just take the taxi.” Min Young answered without looking at him.


Donghae stood up. “I’ll take you home, its dangerous for a girl as beautiful as you to be alone in the streets.” He said sweetly.


“I-I-Its okay, I can handle myself, thanks.” Min Young stuttered as she declined his offer.


“I didn’t know your best friend can be really cheesy.” Ha Rin whispered in Eunhyuk’s ear as this time its their turn to watch their best friends talking right in front of them.


“And I didn’t know that your best friend can blush that much.” Eunhyuk mumbled back with a grin.


“No, really, its okay.” Min Young said no again.


She then looked at Ha Rin for help, and Donghae did the same and turned to face Eunhyuk.


“Dongsaeng…/Dude…” They called out for their best friends’ help.


“Huh?” The two pretend to be clueless.


“I insist I’ll send you home. Let’s go.” Donghae said firmly and held onto her hands tightly and went off without even saying goodbye to the owners of the house.


“Did your best friend just take away Min Young unnie by force?” Ha Rin asked Eunhyuk as she faced him.


“And did your best friend still came with him even if she had said no a couple of times?” Eunhyuk questioned back.


“We didn’t even do anything about it!” They both said at the same time and laughed evilly.


“I wonder how they’ll be.” Ha Rin stated.


“We’ll find out about that tomorrow, now we should get some rest. It really is late.” He said and stood up.


Ha Rin smiled and stood up after him. “You’re right. Good night Eunhyuk-ssi! See you in the morning!” She muttered and smiled as she went up the stairs to her room.




End of No One’s POV





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update soon
TGYulHae #2
Chapter 77: Thanks for your updates.
Miss them so much. Who's that?
i will wait for the next:)
sunsillver #3
please update~~
Chapter 60: I love this story Leeteuk, Minyoung, Donghae And those two love birds. Update soon ^^
TGYulHae #5
New Here! I always look forward to see your update. The story is so enjoyable that I can't wait.
Hope you'll make more often of update cuz i love it.Fighting!!
Chapter 37: I'm loving this story I always look forward to your post. Quite an enjoyable story can't wait to see what happens next between queenka & nerd boy.
leehyukjae0744 #7
Chapter 18: Yey!!! An update!!!! :D Thank You :")