Planned Out

Tamed And Untamed


[Play the song: So I – Super Junior]



No One’s POV



“They’ve completed the list in three days, and we’re not expected that this early. But hey—“


“What do you mean?”


“Yes dear, as you and Mr. Lee were away we kept an eye on our children.” Mrs. Park told her husband.


“What do you mean? Can you please tell us what happened?” Mrs. Park asked in interest.


Both Eunhyuk and Ha Rin’s parents were inside the study room of the mansion on the second floor in between Eunhyuk and Ha Rin’s rooms busy conversing about their children’s changes on their fourth day in the mansion.


“We’re all aware on how they said they eat together during breakfast and dinner as they said right? So that’s one.” Mrs. Park began.


“And also, they have the time to study together we’ve seen that. Fooling around from time to time like little kids is what they do best base on my observation.” Mrs. Lee shared with a giggle.


“The way they do things naturally like weren’t around was what struck me the most. They’ve been inseparable especially during Christmas. Everyone remembers that right?” Mrs. Park questioned.


“That I can attest to, they took good care of each other like a real couple now especially the way they look at each other.” Mr. Lee muttered.


“So in conclusion, its obvious to us that our plan of changing them for the better worked. Though its much more special now because they’ve fallen for each other deeply.” Mr. Park stated with a smile.



End of No One’s POV



Eunhyuk’s POV



As I went out of my room, I noticed the study room’s door with a little opening. I walked towards it and stopped instantly as I heard voices.


“Yes its special, but it’ll only hurt them more. I warned you about this.” I heard Ha Rin’s mom spoke up.


“It would but we have to do this for them too and you know that.” Ha Rin’s dad answered.


“How are we going to tell them then?” I heard my mom questioned in worry.


“Tell us what?” I asked in a whisper as I continue to eavesdrop on our parents’ conversation.


“Timing is the key on this.” My dad said in a serious tone.


“A timing on saying that our stay was really about them being under a probationary test. And now that they’ve done all the things we need they can be apart is that it?” My mom asked.


“Yes, this is what we aimed for in the first place right? And we all agreed they can live separately once we knew that they’re fine without each other and that time is now.” My dad told her.


My eyes widened from the things I’m hearing as I froze on my stand. “She needs to know about this.” I told myself and walked my way to her room and stopped in front of the door.


“I thought you said you never liked living with a nerdy loner like him?” I heard Min Young asked Ha Rin as she came in for a visit.


I hesitated on knocking and stayed outside to listen to their conversation instead as I had a feeling they’ll be talking about me.


“I do! Who would want to live with him? He’s old fashioned, boring, a nerd, and not even good-looking for crying out loud! It was such a shame that my parents chose him!” Ha Rin exclaimed in disappointment.


“I even thought of when this would end that he can finally leave this house and that I can have the mansion on my own.” Ha Rin said chuckling.


My heart stopped beating for a moment as I clenched it hard with my fist. “She still thinks of me that way then?” I asked myself and burst inside my room thinking of my next step with tears starting to flow freely out of my eyes.



End of Eunhyuk’s POV



Ha Rin’s POV


“What? But… You’re confusing me dongsaeng, I thought you…”


“Yes unnie, that’s how I think about him in the past but that’s all changed now. I have proved that he isn’t just a plain nerdy loner that we thought he was.” I told her as we stayed inside my room in the afternoon.




“He’s interesting that it came to a point where I literally let myself listen to almost everything he says and what he explains to me.” I began with a smile.


“He cares for me so much that I started to feel very special each day whenever he prepares breakfast for the two of us and how he would encourage me to study more.” I went on.


“And you all know that he’s the only one who risked his own life just so he could get the truth out of that jerk, that’s where he has really touched my heart.” I said and couldn’t help but blush.


“To cut the long story short, living with him made me realize that its possible to feel loved and special just around the four corners of a house.” I muttered with a smile.


“So you’ve fallen for the nerdy loner you live with huh?” Min Young unnie asked me with a grin.


I shrugged my shoulders. “I can’t imagine waking up in the morning not seeing him unnie.” I told her with a warm smile.



End of Ha Rin’s POV






No One’s POV



“This feels weird dongsaeng. Where are your parents?” Min Young asked Ha Rin as they went down the stairs at 9pm from chitchatting in her room the whole day.


“Oh! They told me that they have an event to attend to with Eunhyuk’s parents.” Ha Rin said and sat down on the couch in the living room.


“Where’s Eunhyuk then?” Min Young questioned still anxious about how silent the mansion had become as they exited her room.


“He must be in his room either studying or already sleeping at this time.” Ha Rin stated with a smile.


Min Young nodded and began to scan the room. Then she spotted something on top of the center table.


She took and read something written on the paper folded in half. “Ms. Queenka. That’s you right dongsaeng?” Min Young asked.


“Yes, that’s how Eunhyuk calls me.” Ha Rin told her.


“This is for you then.” Min Young said and gave it to her friend with expectant yet anxious eyes.


Ha Rin took the paper from Min Young and read what’s inside it with her heart thumping nervously.


A queenka like you is the type that gets what she wants in a snap and so there, I’ll give you what you want. You can have this mansion all for yourself. Have fun.

- The old fashioned, boring, a nerd, and not even good-looking for crying out loud guy you used to live with.


“No! This can’t be! What kind of prank is he pulling now?!” Ha Rin demanded and raced to his room to check.


She burst in the room with the door wide open and found no one including his clothes. A tear escaped from her eyes as she came back downstairs where Min Young was standing by the foot of the stairs waiting for her.


“He left unnie. He left me. What did I do? I can’t…” She began to choke and sob more. Min Young wrapped her arms around her consolingly.


“He must’ve heard our conversation and misinterpret everything.” Min Young said softly as she led them back to sit on the couch.

“And just decided to leave instantly? He said he’ll never leave me then where is he now?” Ha Rin spoke up with tears kept flowing from her eyes.


“How ironic is this? I just told you that I can’t… and now he’s gone.” Ha Rin added as she lay back on the couch covering her face with the pillow.


“I’m sure he’ll come back dongsaeng.” Min Young muttered.


“But what if he doesn’t?” Ha Rin snapped.


Min Young shrugged her shoulders and took her phone out from her pouch bag. “Let’s start finding him then.” She said and began to dial a number.


When she looked up, Ha Rin had already drifted off to sleep and for one last time a tear escaped from her now puffy eyes.



End of No One’s POV





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update soon
TGYulHae #2
Chapter 77: Thanks for your updates.
Miss them so much. Who's that?
i will wait for the next:)
sunsillver #3
please update~~
Chapter 60: I love this story Leeteuk, Minyoung, Donghae And those two love birds. Update soon ^^
TGYulHae #5
New Here! I always look forward to see your update. The story is so enjoyable that I can't wait.
Hope you'll make more often of update cuz i love it.Fighting!!
Chapter 37: I'm loving this story I always look forward to your post. Quite an enjoyable story can't wait to see what happens next between queenka & nerd boy.
leehyukjae0744 #7
Chapter 18: Yey!!! An update!!!! :D Thank You :")