General Cleaning?

Tamed And Untamed

[Way For Love – Super Junior]



Ha Rin’s POV



The sun’s rays irritated my eyes and I was left with no choice but to open them slowly as I knew my sleep was already ruined.


I then noticed the blanket that was over me. “That’s why I never felt cold.” I said but felt confused since I never had this with me before I sleep here in the living room.





“Yes, but you had admitted that he wins over you most of the time. And he’s the only one that had done that to you. Right?” Ae Rin asked me.


“Don’t get us wrong unnie, Ae Rin and I are still on your side about hating nerds like him but I think he’s different, I think he’s much more than that.” Min Gi said.


“This time, I agree with Ae Rin and Min Gi, dongsaeng. I think its right that you give him a chance.” Min Young unnie advised. Min Gi and Ae Rin nodded too.


“What chance are you girls talking about?”


“You’re not that dumb dongsaeng; the two of you aren’t put together for nothing you know.” Min Young unnie said with a mischievous wink.






“It could have been him. But…” I paused trying to think hard as a part of the conversation I had with my friends last night flashbacked in my mind.


“Good morning Ms. Queenka!” He greeted interrupting my thoughts.


I stood up quickly and looked at him holding a rug on his hands with a doubtful smirk on his face.


Out of the blue the rug he was holding came flying at me and I almost stumbled just by catching it.


I held it with one finger in front of me in disgust. “Why the hell did you throw this at me? What do you want me to do with this?!” I ranted on.


“What else? Its used for cleaning, right?” He said and gave me duh-look.


My annoyance boiled inside me even more. “And your point is?” I asked him impatiently.


“It’s a weekend and we should clean this enormous house for it to look tidy at least. You said it was filthy right?” He told me.


That took me by surprise. “No time to waste Ms. Queenka. Start now.” He said in a commanding tone.



End of Ha Rin’s POV



No One’s POV



“You’re commanding me to clean with the rug but you’re just standing there watching me suffer?” Ha Rin demanded.


“No, I’ll mop the floor. See.” Eunhyuk said and quickly grabbed the mop with his right hand and the spray on his left and started on the living room.


“You better be.” Ha Rin said as she wiped the center table reluctantly.


“Now what’s next?” Ha Rin asked him after five minutes of cleaning the center table.


“Get the glass cleaner spray on the table and clean the windows. You can do that right?” Eunhyuk said.


“Seriously?!” Ha Rin questioned in disbelief but got up to her feet and walked towards the dining table eventually.


“We’re doing a general cleaning Ms. Queenka, just so you know and I plan to do this every week.” Eunhyuk told her.


“Why do I have to do this too? If you really want to, you can do it alone you know.” Ha Rin argued.


“That would be unfair, don’t you think? You live here too and your parents entrust this house to you too and that goes for my parents as well, so we have to be responsible enough to take care of it.” Eunhyuk explained.


Ha Rin was silent and as usual, she knew he had a point once again. “Besides, you’ve done one already, stop whining and just do it until we’re done with everything. Okay?” Eunhyuk said with a warm smile.


Ha Rin gave out an evil smirk as something came into her mind. She walked in front of Eunhyuk who’s halfway through the living room’s floor.


She began to spray the floor with her glass cleaner spray on the spot which was already done by Eunhyuk.


“YAH! I still have to vacuum the carpet you know! ” Eunhyuk shouted not expecting what she had done.


Ha Rin giggled like a little girl and sprayed everywhere non-stop. “Mehrong~” She said and stuck her tongue out at him.


“Cute.” Eunhyuk blurted out in low whisper.


Ha Rin didn’t hear what he said since she was distracted by playing by spraying continuously on the floor.


Eunhyuk bit his lip upon realizing what he said. “F-fine! Spray more; I’ll just do it again.” Eunhyuk said trying to sound irritated.


“You’re such a boring person! I was just trying to entertain myself from these things that you’re asking me to do!” Ha Rin exclaimed and went to start on the windows.


After ten minutes, Ha Rin was still working on the windows when suddenly a fingerprint on the part she had already done appeared.


“Who…?” Ha Rin murmured and when she turned around Eunhyuk was grinning at her mischievously.


“I WAS DONE ON THAT PART ALREADY!” She screamed out loud.


“What? I was trying to entertain myself.” He said naively and stuck his tongue out at her this time.


Ha Rin couldn’t help but giggle as he had imitated her exactly. “Now we’re even.” Eunhyuk said and smiled at her.


“Not quite.” Ha Rin stated and began to spray on Eunhyuk.




Eunhyuk was intercepted by more water being sprayed to him by Ha Rin. He had to do something and ran to get his own spray and began to spray on her too.


“YOU! THAT’S TOO MUCH!” Ha Rin screamed.


“Now we’re even?” Eunhyuk asked her.


Ha Rin took a moment to think but smirked playfully and began to spray him more running away from him.


“I don’t think so!” She exclaimed in between giggles. Eunhyuk unconsciously chased her spraying on her too.


Eunhyuk and Ha Rin began to play around the first floor of the house running around spraying at each other and from the very first time they weren’t arguing and having fun instead.





“Now I’m tired.” Ha Rin stated as she and Eunhyuk sat down on the couch all wet at the same time after playing around for a good fifteen minutes.


“I would like to agree to that.” Eunhyuk said with a smile.


“Have you realized that this is the first time that we had agreed at the same thing?” Ha Rin said in comprehension.


“And to think that we agreed to something like running around and making this place much worse than it was earlier.” Eunhyuk stated and laughed heartily.


Ha Rin smiled and watched Eunhyuk laugh involuntarily. “Is there a problem Ha Rin-ssi?” Eunhyuk asked as he noticed her looking at him.


Ha Rin quickly looked away after getting caught of gazing at him too much. “I-I guess, we have to clean everything all over again?” She asked.


Eunhyuk widened his eyes. “Clean? That came from you right? Are you sure you’d want to clean?” He asked unbelievably.


“Exaggerating much? You said we have to take care of this huge house right?” Ha Rin reprimanded him.


“I learned that from you today nerdy loner, and I admit that.” Ha Rin added and managed a small smile.


Eunhyuk felt glad by hearing this, “And I learned something from you too Ms. Queenka.” He said in almost a whisper but enough for her to hear.


“Huh? And what is that? Making ourselves dripping wet running around the house?” Ha Rin questioned him with a giggle.


Eunhyuk chuckled. “Besides that, I learned that we could sit and talk without shouting at each other.” He expressed.


“Like this? YAH!” Ha Rin screamed at him.


“Seriously? Don’t ruin it please.” He said.


“I’m kidding, let’s start cleaning.” Ha Rin laughed and stood up stretching her arms.


“Without changing and eating breakfast yet?” Eunhyuk asked her.


“Pssh! Screw those things, clean first its almost noon anyway. Come on nerdy loner!” Ha Rin demanded and walked towards the windows.


Eunhyuk sighed. “There she goes again.” He mumbled.



End of No One’s POV



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update soon
TGYulHae #2
Chapter 77: Thanks for your updates.
Miss them so much. Who's that?
i will wait for the next:)
sunsillver #3
please update~~
Chapter 60: I love this story Leeteuk, Minyoung, Donghae And those two love birds. Update soon ^^
TGYulHae #5
New Here! I always look forward to see your update. The story is so enjoyable that I can't wait.
Hope you'll make more often of update cuz i love it.Fighting!!
Chapter 37: I'm loving this story I always look forward to your post. Quite an enjoyable story can't wait to see what happens next between queenka & nerd boy.
leehyukjae0744 #7
Chapter 18: Yey!!! An update!!!! :D Thank You :")