Change of Plans

Tamed And Untamed

[Play the song: Perhaps Love – Howl & J]



No One’s POV



“Come on! We’re already late, we’ll be in—“


“Sorry if we’re late, we came here by bus so—“


“What?! You’ve managed to let our daughter ride a bus Eunhyuk-ah?!” Mrs. Park questioned in both shock and disbelief as both their parents invited them for dinner the next day at a fancy restaurant.


“Wait! You’re Eunhyuk right?” Mrs. Park asked as he began to look at Eunhyuk from head to toe.


And with that, all the adults including his parents began to scrutinize him on their seats. “He’s a changed man now, physically at least. How do you like it?” Ha Rin questioned with a grin.


Mrs. Lee approached Ha Rin and gave her a big hug. “I don’t what you actually did but thank you so much dear.” She said gratefully.


Ha Rin was taken aback at first but she hugged back eventually. “Now as for you young lady, since when did you learn to ride a bus huh?” Mr. Park asked in interest as they all sat down.


Without realization, Eunhyuk and Ha Rin ended up sitting beside each other. Ha Rin then faced her dad with a big smile on her face.


“I think it has been weeks, when Eunhyuk taught me I never used my car from then on, right?” Ha Rin asked and turned to look at Eunhyuk.


“Yes, actually she uses it if its really necessary but to save up her car expenses we come together and ride a bus instead to and from our school.” Eunhyuk explained.


“Wow! And you liked it?” Ha Rin’s mom asked. Ha Rin nodded eagerly.


“Good! At least now you can save up some of your money at the same time.” Her dad stated.


“How about you son, your new look suits you well. I assume Ha Rin’s behind it this time huh?” Mr. Lee questioned.


Eunhyuk nodded. “Yes and she asked help from Yoojin noona, you know her right mom?” He said.


Mrs. Lee nodded. “I do, she’s famous and she’s great. No wonder you looked so good.” She said with a smile.


After a minute, the food that their parents ordered came and they all began to eat and share stories at the same time feeling as if they’re a one big family gathered together.





“Ahem.” Mr. Lee coughed which caught Eunhyuk and Ha Rin’s attention that were both busy playing with Ha Rin’s phone after they were done with their dessert.


“We can see that you two had helped each other in many ways and we’re really happy about it.” Mr. Lee began.


Eunhyuk suddenly tensed up worried on where this conversation might end. Ha Rin felt it and tightened her hold in his hand with their fingers intertwined under the table.


“Actually, its more than what we expected it as planned; we’re at a point where you two can leave the mansion and start to live separately on your own.” Mr. Park added.


“But then it all changed when Eunhyuk came home into our house and eventually came back to the mansion, and that’s where you are Ha Rin.” Mrs. Lee went on.


“So since we knew better, we thought that instead of letting you live alone without each other, we decided to let you two live together in the mansion for good.” Mrs. Park gave the news with a big smile on her face.


Eunhyuk and Ha Rin had their eyes wide open as if it’ll bulge out of their eye sockets any moment now. “Seriously?!” They asked at the same time.


“See that? You two speak at the same time too, how can we possibly tear you guys apart?” Mrs. Lee teased playfully.


Ha Rin giggled with Eunhyuk’s low chuckle. “That’s great news then. Thank you mom and dad, and to  the both of you Mr. and Mrs. Park.” Eunhyuk muttered politely.


“Yes! Thanks mom and dad, don’t worry we can guarantee you that we’ll maintain this and even learn a lot of new things from each other.” Ha Rin assured them with a bright and happy smile.



End of No One’s POV







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update soon
TGYulHae #2
Chapter 77: Thanks for your updates.
Miss them so much. Who's that?
i will wait for the next:)
sunsillver #3
please update~~
Chapter 60: I love this story Leeteuk, Minyoung, Donghae And those two love birds. Update soon ^^
TGYulHae #5
New Here! I always look forward to see your update. The story is so enjoyable that I can't wait.
Hope you'll make more often of update cuz i love it.Fighting!!
Chapter 37: I'm loving this story I always look forward to your post. Quite an enjoyable story can't wait to see what happens next between queenka & nerd boy.
leehyukjae0744 #7
Chapter 18: Yey!!! An update!!!! :D Thank You :")