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I have never imagined that distance will make me go crazy. I swear. A month of not seeing G-dragon is good with me, but him in another country without me is making me nuts, totally nuts that I don’t even know what to do with myself anymore.

Yes, I’m worried because he might do something crazy there, like meet girls.

For this past month, all I wish and pray for is to see G-dragon even just for a few minutes. Talking over the phone and video calls aren’t enough. Yes, I know so well and can understand what he’s going through right now, but it’s really getting the best of my sanity. We’re in one city and is even living an hour away from each other but we don’t meet at all and it’s all because of our busy schedules.

I can’t blame his job for this coz mine is demanding so much from me as well. Weeks ago, Jang Hyun Sajangnim talked to me and offered a very good deal. I was being requested by an advertising agency to be their resident photographer. At first I was hesitant because I know that it’ll eat most of my time and I’m going to have a new boss which is a bit worrying for me coz we all know that I’m not good with bosses. It’s just with Jang Hyun Sajangnim that I became so good and comfortable with working for a company.

And after countless deliberations with Mummy and G-dragon, I was able to make a decision and that’s to accept the job but I’m not going to work there full-time. Why? Because I can’t leave Bunny and Jang Hyun Sajangnim. I’m still a part of their team and will forever be.

“Aigoo” I said the moment I arrived at our office.

Bunny is so busy with editing pictures that she didn’t even notice me walk in.


She jerked up then looked at me in surprise “Oh! You’re already here!” she said, making me roll my eyes.

“I arrived a few minutes ago ….you’re so occupied and focused in editing that you didn’t even notice me” I told her and she plopped herself on her black-leather office chair.

She sighed “Did you know that this is a rush?” she faced her computer monitor to me “I still have ten frames to edit and it’s already what? Four in the afternoon? I haven’t even eaten lunch yet….I swear….this is killing me!” she complained.

In all fairness to Bunny, she’s really working her off in every project that was given to her. If we’re going to look at it, she has improved a lot in terms of her work attitude coz if we’re still our own bosses, she will not even bother to edit a picture after another.

“What do you want to eat? I’ll treat you” I told her and received a shocked look.

“Are you freakin serious? You’re going to treat me?” she asked in disbelief, making me hiss.

I nod my head “Yes…..I’m going to buy whatever you feel like eating” I answered.

Her eyes got big and opened in shock. OK. I know that I’m one of those people who is so tight with money that I don’t even want to waste a single penny, but people change and they can go out of their tight zones as well.

“My buds are in for some Chinese food” Bunny said while browsing on the net for a good restaurant to go to.

And off we go! I let my lovely best friend choose the restaurant and made her order whatever she wants. Bunny deserves a treat anyway for she’s being so helpful to me in everything.

“So…how are you and Jiyong? I’ve heard that he’s flying to Japan later” she asked while munching on some dumplings.

I sighed then took a sip of my drink then cleared my throat “Actually Bubu….he and the boys are about to leave now….I think…they have boarded already” I answered, making her gasp.

“Then why are you here? Shouldn’t you be sending him off? I mean….Kenken….he’s your boyfriend…and I think it’s just right for you to say goodbye…right?”

I rolled my eyes then smirk “Bubu….Jiyong is just going to be away for three days….it’s not that long and you know me….I hate goodbyes….and I’m pretty sure that once I go there…I’ll just feel bad because I can’t come with him”

She sighed heavily “You guys are just so busy these days that your relationship is slowly being washed out from your systems….OK….fine…I know that you both got this….that you have talked well about your arrangement…but….don’t you think this is too much already? Days or a week max of not seeing each other is still good…but a month? It’s pretty alarming …you’re living in the same city….you can pay each other a visit even just for a few minutes….but…you two are choosing work more than love….and it’s quite a drag coz….it shouldn’t be like that” Bunny is making me feel crap with this talk.

I must admit, G-dragon and I are a bit wrecked with how our relationship is going and we’re just brushing it off because we both know that once we give a damn on this issue, things are just going to screw up and it’s gonna be so hard to fix.

“I don’t know Bubu….but….I guess this is the price that we have to pay….I mean….this is what we signed up for….there are going to have times wherein we’ll always be together…while other times we’re gonna be apart….actually…I’m quite confident that we’ll survive this challenge….after all….we’re talking every single day on the phone or video chat…our communication is so open and I think that’s one of the most important things” I told her and she just shook her head.

After that, my head is filled with “what if’s” once again and I must say, this isn’t going to be easy coz reality is slowly sinking in. I know that in a matter of months, G-dragon will be busier and I doubt if he can still do good in our relationship. Oh well, I’m not gonna give a about this at all because I believe in my man, he’s not going to let his work get the best out of our relationship.

Another day is going to start and of course, G-dragon’s morning message kicked it off, as usual.

FROM PRINCE CHARMING: Good Morning Kenken! First off, I would like to apologize for not calling you last night. I was so dead beat that I can’t even bring myself to talk anymore. Anyway, we’re heading to Osaka right this very minute and it’s freezing out here. I’m in need of your tight hug and warmth, but all I can do is imagine you here beside me. Aigoo. I love you so much! I’ll see you soon! Mwah!



TO PRINCE CHARMING: Yaaaa Oppa! Ahaha! Good Morning! It’s still so freaking early and you’re awake already. Clap! Clap! Clap! Jiyong, I know that this is hard, but let’s embrace reality in and it up. Not having you here beside me is really saddening, but we don’t have a choice. Our work calls and we don’t have any options but to attend to it. Just always remember that I’m here for you and I love you so much!

PS: I really don’t like the picture that you sent me. You look so thin and tired. PLEASE. Take care of yourself coz I swear, I don’t even know what to do once I hear that you’re in danger because of your health. I attached a picture of me. I just woke up and my face is a bit bloated, but hell, I’m still pretty. Haha! I love you! Mwah!



I know that messages will not lessen our longing for each other, but this is our only way to show and express our love while we’re miles apart.

Working for two companies isn’t easy at all. My list of to do’s is really long already and only a super human can attend to all of it. I’m still lucky though, because there are people who are willing to help me finish all that I have to finish.

“Billie” my boss from the ad company called. I walked to him right away with a big smile on my face “I want you to meet Mr. Ryu Hyun….his father is our newest client”

The moment I saw Hyun, I nearly knocked him out because of annoyance. Why does he have to be where I am? I actually thought that he’ll be out of my life completely already after what happened to him, me and G-dragon in the hospital.

“Hi there” this is just so unbelievable. Can someone smack this guy’s head so that he can wake up from this madness? Gosh!

“Their company is one of our biggest clients Billie….we gave you this task because we’re confident that you can handle and manage it well” my boss said, flattering me.

He looked at Hyun who is all smiles at me “Mr. Ryu…Ms. London is one of our bests….she’s a good photographer and you will never go wrong with her….she has won first price in an international competition years ago….and she’s the youngest to have ever won that award”

Hyun smiled at me then at my boss “I know that” he told him.

Actually, the reason why I was able to enter that photo competition is because of Hyun. He was the one who registered my name in that competition and also funded for my trip to Brussels with Bunny. I’m gonna be honest here, Hyun is and G-dragon have a lot in common. From the way they handle a relationship to the way they treat their women, it’s so much alike. But of course, G-dragon is up a notch because he’s not as stupid and selfish as Hyun.

At first I turned down the project and told my boss that I cannot handle a major client anymore coz I’ve got two under my wings already, but he talked me out and next thing I know it, I’m sitting in a round table, talking with Hyun and their company representatives about their plans for the ad that they are eyeing to release by the end of next month.

I don’t know, but I have a feeling that once I tell this to G-dragon, he will ask me to stop working and I really don’t want that to happen because even though I still got a job under Jang Hyun Sajangnim, being in this huge company is such a big help to our family. My salary is doubled and with my other salary combined, I can shoulder all the medications that Drake needs, I can even pay the nurse using my own money as well.

“Billie” Hyun called when I was about to leave the conference room already.

I turned to look at him then rolled my eyes “What?”

He walked towards me then scanned me from head to foot “You look so….beautiful…stunning as ever”

If this douche bag thinks that he can get me with his over the top compliments, he’s wrong. No matter what he does, I’ll never forgive him, if that’s what he’s going to ask from me.

“OK…talk time’s over….if you’ll excuse me…I still have a lot of things to do” I brushed off what he just said because I don’t want to take a compliment from stupid people like him.

I turned my back at him and was about to go out when he grabbed me by the arm “Let go!” I removed his hand from my arm then stepped back. I have to calculate my moves now. I have to because he might do something bad to me and I really need to escape right away.


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will be rolling later. Can't last to be i in hiatuss:-)


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 95: ???
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 7: Ohhh I live in AL and it's near TN hehe xD This is kinda cool
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 1: OMG the names hahahahaha
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 95: Oh my!! I finally finished reading your daebak story....its so sad! I cried han river!!
jessicabyun #5
Chapter 17: I love this chapter!! Hahaha she surrender the flag!!
14 streak #6
Chapter 95: Omo... omomo nooooo!!!! Why does it have to end so sad??!?!? I cant believe im crying right now at 2 am.... imma miss Billie
Chapter 95: Wonderful story like always ♡♡
zanavip #8
Chapter 95: my tears keep running on my face. this story so wonderful. so so beautiful and thanks for this story author-nim~
zanavip #9
Chapter 75: did you mention MALAYSIA?!!!! HAHA. freaking out of me. im here~~~ aigoooo seems im sooo into this story. good job ciam24!
savygirl #10
Chapter 66: Kinda rem4nds me of a walk remember :-( im crying now