
Tough Girl
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The girls rushed over to her, "ARE YOU INSANE?!" The girls yelled at her.

"What? I needed to let off some steam." Maki answered.

"Would you please just go and talk to Jae Joong?" Sanny asked.

"Nothing to talk about."

" can't be serious." Yuri asked.

"Yes I am. Look, Aya and him are PERFECT together. His parents are happy. They look happy."

"What do you have against her anyways?" Hye Sue asked.


"BULL." Ae-Cha said.

Maki sighed, "It's complicated."

"Try us." Eun and Song said together.

She looked at them and smiled, "Not right now."

"Aren't we your friends?" Sanny asked quietly, "Don't we mean anything to you?"

"You do...but right now...this doesn't concern you guys. Eventually you guys will know more about me, I promise."

"That's not good enough." Hye Su said annoyed.

"Well right now it's going to have to be." Maki said smiling sadly.

"Oy Oy OY!" What is going on here?!" A voice yelled at them. The girls turned and saw a man walking towards them, with about 30 people behind him. Maki looked at the ground, only four guys were there.

"," she muttered under breath.

"What?" One of the girls asked.

"One of them went to go get re-enforcements." Maki answered. "You guys make a run for it, NOW!" She said.

"Hell no! We're in this with you, if you like it or not."

Maki shook her head, but it was pointless they weren't going to listen. "Fine! Sanny, you and Yuri make a run for it now. Get in a ing cab and go straight back to the guys. DO YOU HEAR ME?!"

"No we want to stay."

"Let us fight with you."

"NO!" Maki said angrily. She sighed, "I'm sorry but as much as you two have improved you guys won't be a match for these guys. Just get to the guys now. Please!"

"Ok ok...we'll go."

"Please be careful." The girls said and disappeared.

"Go after them!" The man yelled. Two guys ran towards the girls but Maki stopped them.

"I don't think so." She said grinning and punched one in the face and kicked the other. The man unleashed the rest of his guys on the girls and although they were outnumbered, the guys were outbeaten.

"OY!" Maki called out.

"WHAT?!" The man yelled back.

"These girls had nothing to do with it. Your fight is with me."

"MAKI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Song hissed at her.


"Did you get hit in the head too many times?!"

"Why would we only want you?" He asked, ignoring the other girl's ranting and raving..

"Because you'll never get to them, if you can't get through me first. If you try to cheat and get to them...I can't promise you what is going to happen. It's only fair. I mean I am only one girl."

"Fine, we'll play your game. But you promised." The guys charged at her...and she charged right back.

Sanny and Yuri ran hand in hand back into the banquet hall. People stared at them in disbelief as they ran inside not caring and definitely not dressed for the occaision. They found the guys sitting outside drinking. Yuri ran up to Yunho and held him tightly.

"What's wrong? Where are the other girls?" He asked concerned. She tried to talk but her emotions were getting the best of her. Yunho looked at Sanny, who was holding hands with Hyo, the other guys staring at her with worry.

"Maki got into a fight with a group of guys downtown...someone went to get back up and now she along with the other girls are fighting them." Sanny reported, she looked straight at Jae Joong who sat quietly not a single emotion on his stone still face.

"We'll take you to them...I don't think they're going to be able to hold them back...and I think Maki's drunk. She only said we had to come back here she didn't say we couldn't tell you guys." Yuri stated.

"Ok let's go." Yoochun said in a dead serious tone. If anyone laid a hand on Ae-Cha...he was going to kill them. Even though he knew she could take care of herself...he hated the idea of

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TVXQ4everJJ #1
Two of my favorite groups Yaay
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Chapter 81: Revisiting once again
teddiebears #4
love this, thank you
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 81: Rereading the story and it is still awesome
Emerald_Lee #7
Missed this site especially your fanfics, re-reading all?
maiquie24 #8
Second time reading this! Lol! Great story!
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 81: Lovely...
Just lovely :)