
Tough Girl
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The week passed by nice and quietly. Thursday afternoon came and there was a note placed on Maki's desk to meet in the school gymnasium after school. She sighed, she knew better. It was probably another attempt to get her to join a club
She sighed, "I can't keep my people waiting now...can I?" She smirked to herself.

She met Jae Joong after school. Kissed him lightly on his lips when she walked up to him, "Don't wait for me. I have some business to attend to."

"Are you sure? I could wait."

She sighed, "I don't know how long it's going to take."

"How many people are going to be there?" He asked, already knowing what she was going to go do.

"Don't know...5...maybe 10. Depends."

He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Maybe I should go with you."

"Please...I can do it myself."

"It's not you I'm worried about....maybe I'll tell RH to keep an eye out on you."

She groaned, "YAH! Jae Joong-ssi!"

He held up his hand to stop her, his eyes still closed, his fingers still pinching the bridge of his nose. Finally he put his hand down and opened his eyes, "Fine but be nice."

She grinned, "I always am." She reached up and kissed his chin and walked away.

"She's going to hate me..but I don't care." Jae Joong muttered and pulled out his cell phone, calling Hye Su.

Maki made it to the gym. No one was there, she sighed. In the middle of the gym, a banner was placed that had Maki's name on it. She walked over to it to take a look at it. She narrowed her eyes, this was getting really weird. Suddenly she heard the doors...yes doors, to the gym open and girls began to pile in. Maki was still just as confused as ever. She noticed that some of the girls wore different uniforms. She scratched the back of her head. They piled into the gym...about 100 girls.

One girl stood out before them facing Maki.

"YAH! ARE YOU REALLY DATING JAE JOONG OPPA?!" She yelled at Maki in a high pitched voice.

Maki's mouth dropped open, this is what it was all about...if she would've known that she would've never came. "Why does it matter?"


Maki winced, the high pitch of her voice was killer on her ears, "I really don't think I have to answer to you. You see what you see."

"I dated Jae Joong oppa, why would he dump me for you?!" Another girl stood out from the crowd, she wore a green school uniform. Maki shrugged, as if she cared. Grumblings went around from all the girls.

This was stupid, "Are we done here? I really don't think this is necessary." Maki pushed her way past the girls. Something smashed into the back of her head, she felt the gooey substance slide down the back of her hair...the best part? It was rotten. She turned around, "Who did it?!" She growled, another girl pushed past the crowd, she held a small basket in her hand filled with more eggs. She was tossing one of them around in her hand.

"Me...what's it to you." She said acting all badass like. 

Maki grinned, "Just making sure." The girl was pissed at Maki's 'I-don't-care-attitude'. She threw the egg in her hand at Maki, Maki caught it easily and instantly threw it back at the girl. It hit her right in her forehead, rocking her head back from the impact. She screamed in disgust and dropped the basket, the eggs breaking easily and the smell filled the room. Some of the girls screamed and scattered. Others stood at their place, their hands going up in a defensive stance. " asked for it."

Maki's fists went up as well and she motioned for one of the girls across from her to come forward. She did but Maki turned left and punched the girl that was standing next to her. Then Maki did a roundhouse kick, kicking 5 girls in the faces. The other girls finally came too their senses and they started to barge in on Maki. Maki fell to the ground and she could feel the punches and kicks raining down on her body. But this w

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TVXQ4everJJ #1
Two of my favorite groups Yaay
Dailycommenter #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Chapter 81: Revisiting once again
teddiebears #4
love this, thank you
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 81: Rereading the story and it is still awesome
Emerald_Lee #7
Missed this site especially your fanfics, re-reading all?
maiquie24 #8
Second time reading this! Lol! Great story!
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 81: Lovely...
Just lovely :)