
Tough Girl
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Hye Su stood up quickly, Maki laid motionless on the ground. Ae-Cha went to Yoochun who started to clean her up. Hye Su circled around her body, "That's what you get you stupid ! I told you to stay away from him and I told you he belonged to me! You can never have him and if you try again I'll stop you every ING TIME!" Hye Su yelled in anger, "You don't know anything about Jae Joong, you don't deserve him!"

Changmin felt Jae Joong's body tense in his grip, "Calm down hyung. Don't give up on her yet..." he whispered. Jae Joong didn't move but he didn't relax either.

Suddenly Maki's body began to move, her legs tried to find grip in the sand to stand up, her hands clenched as she tried to push herself up, she struggled onto all fours and Hye Su kicked her in her midsection. Maki groaned as the wind was knocked out of her.

"So what if I don't know what's best for him...I can learn can't I? He can talk...I can listen." Maki struggled to gather herself.

Hye Su yelled in frustration, "Stop trying to act all high and mighty. This will be your first loss and Jae Joong will be mine!"

"IT'S NOT YOUR IN' DECISION! He will choose his own path! YOU DON'T OWN HIM!" Maki yelled looking up at Hye Su. Maki finally got up to her feet, her body was aching. Her head throbbing.

Hye Su charged at Maki again and Maki moved away in the last possible second, she grabbed Hye Su by her hair and pulled her back towards her, Maki turned and put Hye Su into a headlock and started to land blows onto her back with her elbows. "You're not the only one who is willing to fight for him." Maki growled. Hye Su broke her grip and Maki back fisted her in her face, Hye Su's head snapped back but she reeled back and caught her footing.

"If you in' love him then lose to me!" Hye Su yelled at Maki and came charging at her.

Things started to happen in slow motion as thoughts ran in Maki's mind, "What is more important? Winning or love? Do you love Jae Joong?" Maki asked herself.

Her mind flashed back to

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TVXQ4everJJ #1
Two of my favorite groups Yaay
Dailycommenter #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Chapter 81: Revisiting once again
teddiebears #4
love this, thank you
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 81: Rereading the story and it is still awesome
Emerald_Lee #7
Missed this site especially your fanfics, re-reading all?
maiquie24 #8
Second time reading this! Lol! Great story!
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 81: Lovely...
Just lovely :)