I still get jealous

Sugar coated
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Soojin wanted to say that she didn’t get jealous, she and Shuhua had been together for a few years and she knew Shuhua loved her as much as she loved Shuhua but at that moment, she couldn't have been more jealous, because apparently all her co-workers couldn't take their eyes off her girlfriend. Shuhua was usually a very conservative dresser but for Jeon and associates' New Year's Eve party she'd opted for a silky, dark gray dress that clings to her curves with a little cleavage that contrasted delightfully with her pale skin and her long black hair that was now pulled back in a bun with some loose threads... Shuhua's neck seemed to invite Soojin to bit it and from the way Chou Tzuyu looked at Shuhua... she had the same thought


I don’t like the way he’s looking at you
I’m starting to think that you want him too
Am I crazy? Have I lost ya
Even though I know you love me, can’t help it


Chou Tzuyu is tall, with long skinny legs, a slim waist and gorgeous face, she could easily be a model but she had preferred the law and Soojin couldn't help her little huff as she watched Shuhua laugh at something Tzuyu had said, how could Shuhua pay attention to her like that? It was clear that Tzuyu was attracted to her, her eyes were fixed on Shuhua and more than once Soojin had seen she reached out and touched Shuhua's arm as she laughs


I turn my chin music up

And I'm puffing my chest

I'm getting red in the face

You can call me obsessed

It's not your fault that they hover

I mean no disrespect

It's my right to be hellish

I still get jealous


Soojin finished the champagne that was in her hand as she followed Shuhua and Tzuyu's conversation from afar, she knew nothing would come of it but jealousy was an irrational thing and Tzuyu was beautiful, elegant and Taiwanese just like Shuhua, almost a match made in heaven and she wouldn't let Tzuyu try her luck with her

-Hey baobei, hey Tzuyu

Soojin said as she approached the two, trailing her hands along Shuhua's back, making her react with the touch as she slid to her side

-Soojin ssi, good night

Tzuyu bowed to her and Soojin smirked as she wrapped an arm around Shuhua´s waist

-I see you've met my girlfriend

-Jin ah, why didn't you tell me you had a Taiwanese colleague? She was born in the same city as me

Soojin smiled at Shuhua's excitement, she knew how much she loved meeting other Taiwanese

-I forgot baobei

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I never tire of repeating, our girls are the most creative group of this generation ... Revenge is perfect, Yeh Shuhua... damn!
When did they have time to record this mv? No wonder they were sick, working 24/7


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1290 streak #1
Chapter 709: She's not so drunk now is she
1290 streak #2
Chapter 708: Like throwing all care to the win it can come later 🤣
jisookim1243 #3
Chapter 708: hello?@??÷? thjs made my day hehe thank u for ths💕
jisookim1243 #4
Chapter 707: the tororo part is so cute, but i need to see shu alpha more
1290 streak #5
Chapter 707: The tittle made me chuckle LOL
1290 streak #6
Chapter 706: Oh thank God it didn't end like that last part 😭
1290 streak #7
Chapter 705: Oh that 😭😭 Yuqi 😭😭
1290 streak #8
Chapter 704: LMAO not her falling in love with the dog only to find out there's another one secretly
1290 streak #9
Chapter 703: The big smile I have on my face right now because I could truly see them all in the future having kids and thing just not changing despite the years
1290 streak #10
Chapter 702: So thank the nice barista 🤣🤣