Fall For You {Dongtian}

Random Stories,Thoughts and Music



Fan Fiction

I was just browsing from my old stories,and it sort reminded me how I used to have fun in writing before.And like every paragraph and every little story that I wrote bring a smile to my face and was quite an achievement in itself.And somehow,sort of how my mind will just fly away when I am writing.I am still having fun writing,but somehow the degree of satisfaction and happiness have diminished,like a feeling of being in love,the first few weeks is so exciting and every little things is like a milestone in itself.But after sometime,maybe you want more...or maybe the novelty have wear off..or maybe I have lost my creative ideas...if ever I got one...

For now,I am writing Dongtian...after Jirlina...and after this...I'll be writing Selina with Fahrenheit...and so yes next is Arrolina,then Chulina and then Ruxuan.I am almost there...my 100 mark...I guess I will be very happy when I hit that mark...

I have a story on my mind a way back and have lost it...hoping I can find it back.....Jiro and Hebe I knew you can fire me...

Fall For You by Second Hand Serenade

The best thing about tonight that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I'm trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold you're breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed
But I have loved you from the start oooh

But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Oh I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible

So breath in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold unto your words
Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When you're asleep

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find.


Jiro looked at his watch and it says three o clock.Few more hours and then it is almost time to go home.Somehow,there has been some nagging thoughts that made him unable to concentrate on the case that he has been studying,as he put it aside.

He stood up and look at the window outside.The sun is up after the morning drizzle,which is the sign of an early springtime.There were greens sprouting on the trees and plants as he stared at them.Springtime,is almost here.How the times flies,he thought.They have been together for four seasons already,almost a year...no wonder she is restless.

Face of Hebe came into his mind.Hebe,the girl that he have affection the most.He had strings of girlfriends before,but only her did he dare to take the relationship to the next level. They have been living together for almost a year now ,with no promises of anything in the future.She went along and agreed,she must have loved him then.

But now,he is faced with a decision,whether to take the next step,and that is the final commitment,the marriage thing.Being a divorce lawyer,marriage doesn't sit on his list.He have seen so many marriages crumpled before his very eyes.He still have to see a true and everlasting love that will withstand temptations and time.

But Hebe is starting to show signs of restlessness.He knew it , he can feel it .He have to act fast,if he does want to keep her in his life.Why can't they just stay as they are?Why do girls wants commitment in paper?Isn't it enough that he goes home to her every night,and that she the only girl in his life right now.

Does,he love her?He does not believe in love,anymore..like true love ,the crazy kind of love,like some foolish romantic guy.He knew,he have feelings for her,there is an attraction and yes there is chemistry between them.If not,what is the pull that she have ,that he cannot seem to forget her,that made him think of her always.For Hebe is more than a pretty face,she is that and much,much ,more,and her effects on him electrifying.He never seem to get enough of her.Making love to her,or is it having with her is such a bliss.She is the only ,that have made him soared to the heights of passion,which he never experienced with any other girl before.

But is it enough to put my ring on her finger?Will it change once ,we have taken our vow and have put our signature on the paper,to prove that we belong together.But if he doesn't,will he be ready to lose her,and start on the dating game all over again?He have found the right girl,why go out and find another one?He have so many things on her mind,and as he thought of a person that will clear his mind.

He knocked on the door,as the elderly lady opened the door for him and was glad to see him after all this time.

"Jiro,you have come after all this time.She have been waiting for you." said Joann,their maid and used to be his nanny,as Jiro hugged her with affection.

"Where is she?" Jiro asked.

"In the garden,she is starting to plant her bulbs.After all it is springtime." she said.

Jiro walked in and went out to the hallway and found his Mom bent down planting her bulbs of flowers.She loves gardening,it is what keep her sane.

"Mom,I'm home.What are you doing so bent down like that." he asked.

"Oh Jiro,you're home." as she tried to get up,but unable to,as Jiro helped her up and gave his Mom a kiss on the cheeks.

"You shouldn't be doing that anymore.Just ask somebody to do that for you." he said.

"I love doing this.I love gardening.It keeps me busy,and my mind full." she said."Come on let us sit down "as they sat on one of the benches .

"What brings you home?" she said"I am sure,it is not because you miss me.Is something wrong between Hebe and you?"

Jiro shook his head,but his Mom knew if something is bothering him.She can read through him.He doesn't even have to say anything.

"We'll I can't blame her,you have been living for a year already.When are you going to make an honest woman out of her?I guess,I am from old school,and you are my son.You have to make you decision soon,or for sure,you are going to lose her.She is such a sweet girl,it will be hard to find a girl like her." she said.

"Mom,stop,I knew it already,you don't have to tell me.I am the one living with her,not you." Jiro said.

"We'll the important question is ,do you love her,truly love her,like the way your Dad have loved me?Don't let the cases in your job ruin your view of love and marriages,you will be surprised the there is an ample number of people,who found and still have their one true love." she said."Marry Hebe then give me a grandchild,and I will die happily,that I have fulfilled my obligation to you,that I have lead and guided you to the right path."

"Mom,how did you know?" Jiro said.

"You forgot I bore you? I know and I can feel you." she said.

"I love you Mom.Say a prayer for me tonight." Jiro said. as he hugged his Mom and left.

That afternoon,Hebe was on her way home with a heavy heart.They have been living together for a year and so far,she haven't heard anything from Jiro,if he have anything planned for them in the future.Did she made a mistake saying yes to this arrangement of living together.She knows,she should be expecting anything from him,but she can't help it.Her family have been asking,her friends have been asking,when are they taking the plunge.

Disappointment have started to set in,as her temper got short and her patience thin.But she love him,she have loved him since she lay her eyes on him,when they were classmates in high school,but it is not until they have finished college,when he took notice of her.he knows,he got his strings of girlfriends,until she came in his life.But she have loved him for too long and afraid that the next girl may come in so she accepted the arrangement.But did he loves her?She does not know.Although there some moments,where she could have sworn,she felt that he truly love her.

He have noticed the changes in her.She have been quiet lately,she doesn't want to ,but she can't help herself.And lately too,she have notice that he has been quiet and brooding.He must be also thinking about their future.Is it almost time to say goodbye?Will she be ready to say goodbye...

She reached home,and as she opened the door and it is empty.She called his office earlier and his secretary said he left the office early.She wondered where can he be now?Is he starting to look for someone new to replace her?

She changed her clothes,and started to prepare dinner.She looked at the clock and it past six already.he should be home,or if he is usually late,he always called her.But today,there is no phone call.

She finished cooking dinner and still no sign of Jiro and no phone call...as she lay in bed.

It was dark,when Jiro reached home.There was no light on the hallway,as he d for the light.Where can Hebe be? he thought.He can smell the dinner,as the aroma reached his nostrils.

"Hebe,Hebe" Jiro called out with no answer,as he walked in side their bedroom,and found Hebe sleeping like an angel,as Jiro stared at her face.Looking at her,he felt something,something that he have been denying himself,as he bend down and kissed her cheeks.

Yes,he have loved her ,all through this time and have loved her even more now,as he touched her face.Hebe stirred by his touch and found Jiro's face next to her.

"Oh,you are home,I have fallen sleep." Hebe said,she noticed the change in the way he looked at her tonight.

"And you look so peaceful and so beautiful.I love you Hebe" as he kissed her full on the lips,She did not know that her tears have sprung from her eyes.This is the first time that Jiro have said that he loves her,as her heart screamed with joy.

"I love you too Jiro.I thought I will never hear it from you."Hebe said,as the tears fell.

Jiro wipe them away."You silly girl.You know that I love you.I always love you and I love you more now."as he laughed.

"You really mean it?Cause I really love you very much." Hebe said.

"Yes,and I have to ask you something...Miss Hebe Tian Fu Zhen will you marry me? Please say yes please." Jiro said.

"You know I will say yes,I thought you never ask.Yes I'll marry you..Mr Wang Dong Cheng." as Jiro slid a ring on her finger as Hebe stared at it.And then Jiro took her in his arms and kissed her passionately as he felt the magic that exist between them...yes only Hebe have that certain magic with him.....as Jiro and Hebe become one...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
love it authornim!!!
karambolage #4
Sounds cool. It's nice.
this story was goood! i loved it! C:
this story is so goood ! :)
Cherry_56 #8
Your story is awesome. So loving it!<br />
If you don't mind, Read this and tell me about it: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/118209/is-happily-ever-after-exists-mblaq-mir-se7en-seungho-you-fictional-rain
JoJomontano #9
this is so cool