In My Dream

Random Stories,Thoughts and Music

A/N And so the 100th chapter but this time,it is not a one shot story but a compilation of thoughts , letters..and words plus the music..of Super Junior..I am really loving them now...especially Yesung...and yes,Hae,Kyuhyun and Wookie,my four favorites...And love this songs...Some of these are parts of my previous stories...some published and some private...for my own viewing only..ha..ha..cause they are so intimate and so private,that I don't dare ,share with anybody......I can share it only with myself.




REMEMBER that LOVE has no rhyme,reason,time or place.
It will come like a thief of the night.And when it happens,it will flow softly like a river or rage like a storm.There will be no ifs and buts about it.You will know it when it comes...

In the meantime ,start relaxing and imagine floating like a cork in the water.Open yourself up tot he universe and pray that good things come your way.Wait and see where it takes you....


HERE  I am again,filled with thoughts of you.It has been a while since I have seen you and felt you around me.I have been missing you a lot.Missing you a lot like crazy.

I don't know what to do now.I miss you a lot,really miss you alot.I want to reach out for you,but then you seem to be gone,seems to be out of reach forever.

I don't know what happened,from one unforgettable night and now to a complete silence.Have you been waiting for a response that night? Did I missed something somewhere??? I keep retracing back that night,to you it maybe nothing but for me,it is everything.

I have lost hope and given up on you.For i know that the two of us is an impossible thing.Sooner or later ,we have to part and say goodbye.Maybe I have to do it know,and not wait a while...

But then it is so hard to get away from you.I don't know but it seems like you are pulling me,pulling me closer to you and I can't seem to get away.

Please help me,do help me to forget you.maybe it is better that you are not there when I am there.But then I miss you so much.I miss you so much..that it is driving me crazy..I don't know what you have been doing lately,and it is making me afraid.I am so scared that you have forgotten me.I know I am a contradiction to myself,but then it is only saying one thing,that I am confused,so confused that I don't know what to do...

Help me wake up one day .one day when I am over you and then all of this will be just a memory.And then all of this will be remembered with a smile and wanderment.....and then with a shke  on my head and say..."What the heck happen there?...And what a crazy thing happen there???"...... And then both of us can just laugh all about this...And then I can say to myself..".I once loved a man and he did loved me back..."



You know you are in love,when you can't fall sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams....


I could fill a thousand pages ,telling you how I felt,and still you would not understand.So now i leave you without a sound except of my heart shattering as it hits the ground....


Believe that you can do it,under any circumstances.because if you believe,you can.....then you really will....
                                                                                                                                                                       Wally {Famous}  Amos


Life is not the way,it is supposed to be.It's the way it is.The way you cope with it,is what makes the difference....


I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts,then there is no hurt but only more LOVE......Mother Teresa


If the sight of the blue skies fills you with JOY, if the simple things of nature have a message that you can understand.....Rejoice for your soul is ALIVE.....


Relationship are like glass.Sometimes it is better to leave them broken than trying  to hurt yourself  to put it back together again....


"What do you want from me? Give up myself for you,and for what I believed in just to prove my love for you????"

"No I just want you to love me,love me as I am..."


It's funny how someone can just break your heart and you can still love him ,love him with all the little pieces....


I often close my eyes and I can imagine your smile.I dream of you and reach out for your hand and then I woke up in my dream....Although your heart is mine,I feel hollow inside,cause I never had you and I never will.

At night I lay awake thinking of you,thinking if you love me too.But how can you love me back when I don't and can't even reach out for you???All that is left of you are just memories..

I don't know what hurts you?But I can feel your hurt too.And it just hurt so much that I can't do a thing about it .But I know deep in my heart  that I will always love matter what...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
love it authornim!!!
karambolage #4
Sounds cool. It's nice.
this story was goood! i loved it! C:
this story is so goood ! :)
Cherry_56 #8
Your story is awesome. So loving it!<br />
If you don't mind, Read this and tell me about it:
JoJomontano #9
this is so cool