MAAAPLEEE SEU TORYYYY MAAAPLEEE SEU TORYYYY (repeat 500 times while doing interpretive dance)

I Have to Live in WHOSE House??

[Ive been getting a lot less subscribers and comments than usual lately. Please let me know that there are people who actually appreciate this story :(

omg and the word 'story' reminds me....LOLOLOLOLOL

Please watch this:

Omg I will love Kyuhyun even more (if thats possible..) if he makes a starcraft version of that^^^]

Kris's POV

I took my seat next to Taeyeon in Lit class and flashed her a smile.

"Wow," she said ."Krissy Wissy is smiling?"

I rolled my eyes. "You need to stop calling me that."

"But I like it. It's cute."

"You think I'm cute?"

"NO! Your grandma's nickname for you is!"

"Mmhmmm.." I said, trying to sound unconvinced.

She yawned and her eyes blinked slowly. She looked extremely tired. (Which by the way, was also extremely cute.) I'm not surprised, she went back to Lay's house at like 4 in the morning.

I glanced out the window and was nearly blinded by the brightly shining sun. I had a feeling that today was gonna be a great day.

"Hey Kris." she said as she poked me on the shoulder.

I drifted my attention back to her. "Hm?"

"Remember what you promised me..." she said shyly.


"You know...Quest Crew..."


By this point, I did remember. But I wanted to .

" know. You said you would take me to see Quest Crew perform live..."

"Who's Quest Crew?"

She looked at me skeptically. "They're that dance crew that I love! Remember! You didn't let me see them win!"

"Oh. That."

I didn't say anything else and looked away.

She poked me again. "Kriiis!" she whined.

"Hmm?" I said again.

"So are you gonna take me?"

"Eh, I don't know."

"But you promised!!"

"Maybe next year."

"But..but they're coming to Seoul this weekend!!"

"I don't know.."

She pouted. "Fine..I guess I'll ask Lay. Since he actually LIKES Quest Crew. And APPRECIATES them. AND WOULDN'T TURN OFF THE TV RIGHT WHEN THEY WERE ABOUT TO WIN!"

"No!" I said. I quickly recollected myself. "I mean..Lay's not rich enough for that. I'll take you."

"Yay!" she did a victory fist pump. "I love you Kris! Yayayayayay!"

My heart leaped. 'I love you Kris'....

"Stop being annoying or I won't take you." I snapped.

She gasped and immediately sat back down in her seat. I looked from the corner of my eyes and saw her squealing to herself in excitement.

Lay's neighbor walked up and took her seat infront of Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon??" she said in surprise.

"Minhee? I didn't know you were in this class!"

"I didn't know you were either!" Minhee laughed. "This is great! Wait..what are you so excited about?"

"Oh.." she smiled. "Kris is taking me to see Quest Crew!"

"FORREAL?" Minhee screamed. Ugh. Now I don't get Taeyeon to myself in this class. They're gonna be so annoying. "YOU'RE SO LUCKY! Dude!" she yelled as she looked at me. "Can I come too?"

"No." I said simply.

She laughed. "Whatever yo...Hey Lay wants to go to. Maybe I can ask him and we can all go together!"

"That would be so awesome!" said Taeyeon.

Darn it. I wanted to be alone with Taeyeon at the performance.

The teacher came in to start class before the two of them could make any plans. She started to give us a long and boring lecture about Modernism and Post-Modernism.

"This is so boring." I heard Taeyeon whisper.

My eyed widened. "Lee Taeyeon thinks school is boring??"

She rolled her eyes "Only because I've already learned this. I read ahead in the book."

"Of course you did." I said.

"KRIS!" Mrs. Kim screeched. "STOP TALKING."

I ratted Taeyeon out. "It wasn't me it was Taeyeon, it was all Taeyeon! She thinks you're boring!"

Mrs. Kim crossed her arms and glared at Taeyeon "Taeyeon, do you want ANOTHER detention!"

Taeyeon, whose cheeks were flushed red, slid down in her seat as she said "No sonsaengnim, I'm sorry sonsaengnim.."

Mrs. Kim turned back to the board and Taeyeon glared at me.

Rather than taking notes on what we were learning, Taeyeon was scribbling something in the corner of her notebook.She kept glancing up at me to make sure I wasn't looking.

About 10 minutes before class ended, Mrs. Kim glanced at the clock. "Okay guys, that's enough for today. You can spend the last 10 minutes chatting."

The class burst into cheers, making her add the word "QUIETLY."

Rather than chatting with Minhee again, Taeyeon slowly laid her head down on her desk and fell asleep.

"YO KRIS GET OVER HERE BRO" yelled Chanyeol, who was sitting with Baekhyun.

"Nah." I waved him off. They looked at me weirdly.

I grabbed the notebook off of Taeyeon's desk and looked at the marks she made in the corner.

*'Kris is poooooopy'*

*A drawing of poop*

*A drawing of a fat man with devil horns and an arrow pointing to it that said 'Hi im Kris'*

*'Kris is fat'*

I chuckled to myself. I probably looked like a creep.

I took out my sharpie and started drawing and writing on the cover of her notebook.


Chanyeol and Baekhyun gave up trying to get me over there and just walked over to me themselves.

"Dude!" Chanyeol yelled loudly.

"Shh!" I said, glaring at him. Let my Taeyeon sleep..

"Hey, let's draw on her face with that sharpie." Baekhyun said, grabbing it from my hand.

"NO!" I yelled loudly, grabbing it back. My loud yell on top of the last bell ringing caused Taeyeon to slowly open her eyes.

"Huh..? How long have I been sleeping?" she asked tiredly.

"Dude you missed like 40 minutes of class!" said Chanyeol teasingly.

"Yeah!" I said. "She literally told us everything that was gonna be on the test!!"

"W-what??" she asked worriedly. "Why didn't you wake me up!"

I shrugged.

"KRIS!" she got up and held me by the collar. "YOU GOTTA TELL ME EVERYTHING SHE SAID, PLEASE" she begged.

"Psh, you think I take notes..." I said.


"No, but you have no right to talk." I said smirking. "You don't either."

I handed her the notebook, open to the page with her doodles on it. She turned red and grabbed it back, and shoved it into her backpack.

"I hate you.." she muttered, her eyes still drooping.

"You love me." I said, smiling in her face.

Then, I remembered that Chanyeol and Baekhyun were still standing there. I turned to them and was greeted my weird expressions plastered on their faces.

" something going on here?" Chanyeol asked.

"Huh?" said Taeyeon innocently.

"Yeah, Taeyeon is madly in love with me." I said as I winked.

"No I'm not!" she slapped me.

"HEY." I boomed. "No slapping masters. Or I won't take you to see Quest Crew."

She back away and lowered her arms. "Sorry master..."

"Yeah..." said Baekhyun weirdly. "We're gonna go now.."

They turned around and walked away.

"Okay come on, crip. I'm leaving now and I'm not waiting for more than a minute for you." I said, walking ahead.

"Wait up!!" she said, following me as fast as she could on her crutches.





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miemexo #1
Chapter 100: seriously i feel sorry towards luhan..he also deserve to be happy and meet with the right girl btw i really enjoyed with yout story and cant stop laughing my off..hihi
Chapter 100: If evr a story wastoo good,its this one. LOVED IT!!
Chapter 100: Finish read this story it was the best ever . I like it . Can u pleaseee add me as your friend . I want the sequel ... PLEASEE !?
Anna21800 #4
Chapter 49: I love the LE~^^^^~~
Chapter 98: Dude, this is like the funniest fic I have ever read... Like seriously killed myself laughing throughout.

Couldn't stop reading and couldn't stop laughing. Potassium.... Killer... I must admit, the ending was a bit........ but awesome story nonetheless.

Wanted to finish reading the story before commenting in case of spoilers.

You did a cracking jobbo. Loved it.
Chapter 83: squid ward has a big nose and brainblast
Chapter 62: Poor luhan omg