I Have to Live in WHOSE House??

Taeyeon's POV

Finally. It's been like 4 hours. And we're finally back home.

And lemme tell ya...Kris has been guarding that box of old videos and pictures with his life. He'd probably murder me if I went through it...which I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanna do right now.

"So how was it?" smiled Mrs. Wu.

"TERRIBLE." we both yelled out simultaneously.

"Nothing's worse than hanging out with you for four hours." said Kris.

"You're the one who was being really mean to me while I was being nice to you. YOU SHOULD BE NICE TO AN INJURED PERSON."

"Oh stop playing the 'injured' card, Taeyeon. I bet you're just saying it hurts to get attention."

"THAT IS SO NOT TRUE." I protested. I was fuming with anger and I was huffing and puffing.

"I can breathe too." said Kris.

I stopped breathing heavily and glared at him.

"You're ugly." he said.

"You're a waste of space."

"You're stupid. You don't even know who Ashton Kutcher is."

"I'm stupid? On an IQ scale of 1-10, you're NEGATIVE."

"You look like a Chihuahua."

"So..I look like a cute dog?"

"'re a nerdy teacher's pet!"

"The closest you'll ever get to a woman is when you look into a mirror."

He opened his mouth to speak. But he closed it. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. He looks...good like that...WAIT WHAT?

 "Impressive. You're pretty good at this."

"I know." I smiled. I used to get so worried if he heard me say something bad about him behind his back..but now I was openly insulting him to his face.

I looked over at Mrs. Wu, who was staring at us as if we each had 3 heads.

"Okay that's enough." she said. "Go make dinner."

Kris and I exchanged glances.

"Who are you talking to?" Kris asked.

"Both of you." she stated simply.


"Calm down bro. Let's just do it." I said.

"That's the spirit!" cheered Mrs. Wu.

"Easy for you to say!" yelled Kris. "You don't have to be around this thing all day!"

I pouted. "Come onnn Kris."

 Kris looked at me and sighed. "Fine."

We went to the kitchen and I laid out the ingredients for the noodles out on the counter.

"So.." said Kris. "What do we do first?"

I looked at him skeptically. "You don't know how to make noodles..?"


I sighed. "Fine. I'll do it. You just watch."

I was expecting him to offer to help me.

He smiled and sat down on the stool behind the counter. I glared at him. "Lazy..."

I started chopping the vegetables. He was staring at me the whole time.

"What?" I asked.

"...I'm just admiring your ugliness."

"Don't say that to a girl with a knife in her hand." I said holding the blade up.

He backed up.

After one hour of cooking while Kris sat there and texted and ate cookies like a fatso, I finally finished.

"Here. Try it." I said.

"Did you poison it?"

"No. I'm not evil like you..."

"Good. Feed me."


"I said....FEED ME." he stared me down.

"'re so annoying." I said. I held up the fork to his mouth.

"WAIT." he said.


"I still don't believe you. You could've poisoned it. You try it first."

Without arguing, I shoved the noodles into my mouth and have him a 'SEE. I TOLD YOU.' look.

"Are you happy now?" I asked.

"No, I'm standing next to you."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "Just try the stupid noodles."

I lifted the fork to his mouth and he ate them. He took the fork out of his mouth and stared at it for a second in shock.

"What?" I asked. "Do you only eat from forks made of gold?"

"No..." his face turned into a smirk. "Do you know what you just did?"

"Well. You asked me to feed you. So I fed you."

"Indeed you did. With the same fork that you used.." Kris kept on smirking. "We just had an indirect kiss."

My eyes widened in shock and I slapped him. "YOU'RE A CREEP."

"I know. Anyways.......the noodles are okay. I guess. So let's set the table."


"LET'S set the table..?" I raised my eyebrow. "Or are you gonna make me do that all by myself too."

"No of course not! I'm going to take part to. I'll tell you what to do, and you'll do it."

"I hate you."

"I love you."

"Shut up."

"Move the dinner table. I don't like it there."

"What's wrong with it?"

"It's ruining my mood. Just do what I say, slave."

Idiot. Making an injured person move a freaking table.

I struggled to push the table to the right.

It took me all of five minutes to move it three inches.

"Is this good..?" I asked.

"No, I didn't want it to the right. I wanted it to the left." he said calmly.


"Well excuse me for not wanting to stare at you while you did your job."

I pushed the table to the left. "Is it good now?"

Kris examined the table. "You know what....I don't like it. Put it back where it was in the first place."

"UGH KRIS NO YOU DO IT BY YOURSELF OKAY BYE." I stormed out of the room. I could hear Kris snicker to himself. Loser.


After dinner, Mrs. Wu told us to go do some homework. She made us go into Kris's room to do it.

I was TRYING to work, when suddenly, music started blasting through to room. I whipped my head around to see Kris standing at his boombox and adjusting the volume.

"Hey Kris, can you turn that down?"

"Sure." he smiled. He then proceeded to reach his hand out and TURN UP THE VOLUME.

"UGH!" I yelled in frustration. I started to pull my hair out. "KRIS THIS WORK IS SO HARD AND YOU'RE JUST MAKING IT HARDER FOR ME."

Rather than replying, he started singing at the TOP OF HIS LUNGS.

I got up and plugged out the boom box.

"Yeah." said Kris sarcastically. "Because I'm clearly incapable of plugging it back in..?"

"Please Kris."


I sat back down, only to find that Kris followed me over.

He was looking right over my shoulder. "Watcha doinn?"

"Something you're too stupid to do."

He frowned. He kept standing over my shoulder....and he smelled....nice. It was distracting me.

"Can you move back?" I said while avoiding his eyes.

"Why?" he smiled. "Do you get distracted when someone so good looking stands next to you?"

"Yeah. That's definitely it." I rolled my eyes.

He plopped down on the chair next to me. And then proceeded to make annoying sounds. He started tapping his foot while slapping the table and making bird call noises.



"Only you're not."

"That's so true." he smiled.

He opened up his laptop and called someone on Oovoo. Two seconds later, Kai showed up on the screen.

"YOOOOO KAII!" he screamed.

"Are you KIDDING me?" I asked.

Kai saw me and smiled. "Whoahh, beautiful girl in Kris's room? You better watch out, Taeyeon." he winked.

"Shut up Kai before I barf in Kris's mouth."

"What?" said Kai. "I'm just sayin.....his farts are prettyyy bad."

"DUDE." said Kris.

"Excuse me. You two are distracting me greatly. So please stop talking."

They ignored me. "Dude did you see Hyuna's facebook status?"

"No?" said Kris.

"It's about you!"

"WHAT? What does it say?"

"Somethin like...'Kris is so hot and he's the best boyfriend everrrr love ya *winky face*'."

Kris laughed.

Are they going out AGAIN?

I glared at them. "THAT'S. IT."

I got up and tried to storm out the door, but it wasn't opening. I went into mini-panic mode.

"HEY!" I yelled. "CAN SOMEONE OPEN THE DOOR?" I started slamming on it.

"TAEYEON YOU MORON YOU'RE GONNA BREAK MY DOOR!" yelled Kris. He ended the oovoo call and ran up to the door. "MOM?" he yelled.

I heard Mrs. Wu calmly say "Silly children. I locked it on purpose. You're not coming out til tomorrow morning."

"........................what." I felt all my hopes and dreams crash through the ground. I was hoping I could sneak out in the middle of the night and sleep downstairs.

I slumped back into my seat. "I hate this."

"I like being trapped in a room with you." said Kris as he winked at me.

I slapped him.

"Ooh the crip is fiesty." he said. "Anyways, I'm going to the bathroom. Enjoy your five minutes of peace."

When he walked into his bathroom, I noticed the box of the old videos and pictures.

"Muahhaha." I laughed evilly and rubbed my hands together. I picked up the box and looked through the pictures...when I came across the funniest picture ever. A middle school portrait of Kris.

He had braces, he was chubby, he had greasy black hair, and was wearing a bright orange Hawaiian shirt with purple and green flowers on it. I quickly put it in my pocket, thinking it would come in handy later.

Kris was getting an Oovoo call from Luhan, so I answered it.

"Hey Luhan!" I said.

His eyes lit up when he saw me. "Taeyeon....what are you doing in Kris's room?"

I rolled my eyes. "Long story..."

"Oh I see. Well anyways, you look really nice."

"Thanks.." I blushed. My heart fluttered a little bit. Do I like him...?

"So did you think about what I asked you?"

"Well, I-"

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" yelled Kris as he burst through the door. He came up to me and snatched the box of pictures. "NEVER. TOUCH. THIS. BOX. AGAIN."

"I-I'm sorry...." I said nervously. "I was just curious."

His eyes turned to the screen. "Luhan?"


"Yeah. Bye." Kris slammed the laptop shut.

"That was so rude!" I said.

"Like I care. Go to sleep."

"But I'm not tired!"

"Well I am. Which means I'm going to sleep. Which means I am forcing you to sleep too, because I don't trust you to stay awake in my room."

"Well then..." I said.





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miemexo #1
Chapter 100: seriously i feel sorry towards luhan..he also deserve to be happy and meet with the right girl btw i really enjoyed with yout story and cant stop laughing my off..hihi
Chapter 100: If evr a story wastoo good,its this one. LOVED IT!!
Chapter 100: Finish read this story it was the best ever . I like it . Can u pleaseee add me as your friend . I want the sequel ... PLEASEE !?
Anna21800 #4
Chapter 49: I love the LE~^^^^~~
Chapter 98: Dude, this is like the funniest fic I have ever read... Like seriously killed myself laughing throughout.

Couldn't stop reading and couldn't stop laughing. Potassium.... Killer... I must admit, the ending was a bit........ but awesome story nonetheless.

Wanted to finish reading the story before commenting in case of spoilers.

You did a cracking jobbo. Loved it.
Chapter 83: squid ward has a big nose and brainblast
Chapter 62: Poor luhan omg