FLABBADABADOOOOOOOOO me tho ainvayi ainvayi ainvayi ainvayi LOOT GAYAAAAA

I Have to Live in WHOSE House??

Taeyeon's POV

"Oh my God..." I whispered to myself.

Both of them were staring at me in shock.

"WHAT IS THIS?" I yelled out loud.

Tiffany jumped and shyly took a step away from Minjun.

She stuttered. "W-We were just..."

"Kissing." interrupted Minjun confidently. He took a step closer to Tiffany and put his arm around her, then turned to me and smiled. "We were kissing."

Tiffany looked at him in shock. "Minjun!"

He shrugged. "Why hide it now? She's seen everything."

I was still trying to process this. "What...........is............this. How long have you guys been dating for??"

"Well actually" said Tiffany as she looked at the ground and blushed. "He just confessed to me now..."

"I should've known." I said as I calmed down. A creepy smile crept up on my face."You guys are always together...I guess..you guys are kinda cute."

Minjun smiled. "SHE is." He then pulled in Tiffany for another kiss.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat. They looked back at me. "You both are cute...but...not THAT cute. Calm your hormones Minjun, I'm still trying to process this."

"Heh." Minjun chuckled nervously. "I can't help that she's so beautiful.." he smiled at Tiffany.

I gagged. "Well now...all my friends are paired up...and I'm an awkward 5th wheel. How fantastic. I shall go now. Have fun you two!"

I turned around and walked towards Lay's house. While I was walking, I bumped into a pretty girl with long brown hair. My crutches fell AGAIN.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" we said at the same time as she picked them up and handed them to me. We both laughed.

"It's cool." she smiled at me. "I'm Song Minhee." She held out her hand.

I shook it and said "I'm Taeyeon..Sorry again, but I have to go now.."

"Alright bye!" she grinned and waved.

She seems like a very....happy person.

I kept walking until I reached Lay's house again.

Kris's POV






These are the only thoughts that have been going on in my head since the fight. I know. I know I did wrong. But how could she not accept me?

So I decided to tell her I was making fun of her. I told her I truly liked the girl that almost killed her.

I freaking SLAPPED her.

What's wrong with me..

I couldn't concentrate during basketball because of her. I couldn't stop thinking about her.

And now she's sleeping over at LAY'S house? Who knows what he'll do to her!

I walked through the streets in the dark, just thinking. About her. About how I was sorry, but didn't want to admit it. About how I wanted to make her jealous by using Hyuna. About how idiotic I am for slapping her.

As I walked, I saw Tao. He was also walking, with a grim expression on his face. He had his hands jammed in his pockets and his head hung low as he walked slowly. Something was definitely wrong..

"Tao!" I yelled.

He looked up at me, then looked away. So I ran over to him.

"Tao..what happened dude? Why didn't you come to the court?"

He didn't answer me.

"Anyways...I need to talk to you. I've been having an awful day." I started to tell him about my argument with Taeyeon. I could tell Tao anything. I could admit to him that I liked Taeyeon. "Okay..so I confessed to Taeyeon and she DIDN'T ACCEPT ME. Is she an idiot or something?"

He stiffened when I mentioned her name.

But I continued. "She was freaking INSULTING me. Telling me I'm mean and stuff like that..So I told her I liked Hyuna. That girl who almost killed her."

I watched as Tao clenched his fists and stiffened even more.

But I still continued. "And then she said I was a jerk..? Dude. That is NOT okay. You can't talk to KRIS WU like that. So...I slapped her. I swear I saw her crying or something."

Tao stopped walking. He still hadn't said a word to me yet. He looked up into my eyes..

His dark eyes were glistening with tears.

I was shocked. And scared.

This tough and funny wushu boy.....was crying. It was terrifying. Something awful had to have happened in order to get an ounce of sadness out of this boy.

"T-Tao...." I said quietly.

He stayed silent for a moment.

Then he said.."Are you an idiot?"

"Excuse me?"

He raised his voice and roared in my face while tears rolled down his eyes "ARE YOU A FREAKING IDIOT?"

I was taken aback by this. I had never seen him like this before.

"Dude what the hell!" I said.

He took several deep breaths and attempted to calm down. "You know my best friend? Lee Joong Sik?"

"Yeah of course...you always talked about him.."

"He was Taeyeon's twin. He killed himself. On this day. One year ago."

My heart froze.

What have I done?






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miemexo #1
Chapter 100: seriously i feel sorry towards luhan..he also deserve to be happy and meet with the right girl btw i really enjoyed with yout story and cant stop laughing my off..hihi
Chapter 100: If evr a story wastoo good,its this one. LOVED IT!!
Chapter 100: Finish read this story it was the best ever . I like it . Can u pleaseee add me as your friend . I want t.read the sequel ... PLEASEE !?
Anna21800 #4
Chapter 49: I love the LE~^^^^~~
Chapter 98: Dude, this is like the funniest fic I have ever read... Like seriously killed myself laughing throughout.

Couldn't stop reading and couldn't stop laughing. Potassium.... Killer... I must admit, the ending was a bit........ but awesome story nonetheless.

Wanted to finish reading the story before commenting in case of spoilers.

You did a cracking jobbo. Loved it.
Chapter 83: squid ward has a big nose and brainblast
Chapter 62: Poor luhan omg