I FEEL SICK TO MY STOMACH RIGHT NOW so im writing a chapter again to take my mind off some POOPY nonense. LALALLELLEALELLAELELLAELOOOOOOOO

I Have to Live in WHOSE House??

Luhan smiled a wide grin at me.

Kris glared at Luhan. "What are you doing here...?"

"We're going on a date." he smiled. He was a little too excited...

Kris let out a yelp. What the heck?

"BUT." I said. "You know what I told you Luhan..."

His face dropped. "I know, I know...it's not a boyfriend-girlfriend kind of date. It's just a fun friend-date............for now." he added hopefully.

"Dude when did this happen though?" Kris asked.

"Last night." I said. "After you told me to shut up...I texted him."

"Oh..." said Kris.

"Taeyeon..you look gorgeous." said Luhan.

Kris gagged.

I glared at him then smiled at Luhan. "Thank you.."

"Just leave." said Kris.

"GLADLY." I said. Luhan helped me out the door.

"So..where do you wanna go?" he asked me.

"Anywhere's fine."

"Okay...how about we go see a movie?"


Luhan drove us to the movie theater. We bought tickets to watch the romantic comedy that was playing. While we stood in line for popcorn, I showed Luhan the embarassing picture of Kris.

"OH MY GOD THIS IS PRICELESS!" he yelled out. "Okay you better hide that, or you are DEAD."

"Nahh don't worry. Kris is stupid. He'll never find out." I said.

"What won't I find out?"

I turned around to see Kris smirking and walking towards us. I quickly shoved the picture back into my pocket.

"What are you doing here..." asked Luhan with a hint of anger.

"What? I can't join you guys? I thought you said it wasn't a date.." Kris said.

"It's not!" I said. "But that doesn't mean you can just invite yourself!"

"Well I did. So."

"Why are you here? I thought you hated me..?" I asked. And then I looked at Luhan and remembered the conversation Kris and I had last night. "OHHH..." I said in realization. I leaned over and whispered in Kris's ear "If you want, I can leave you two to be together."

Kris slapped me across the face.

"DUDE!" yelled Luhan as I held my cheek and gasped in shock.

Luhan crossed his arms and glared at Kris.

"So what movie are we watching?" Kris asked as he put one arm around my shoulder and the other around Luhan.

Luhan and I groaned at the same time. This was not gonna be fun.



I didn't get one SECOND of peace during that movie.

When Luhan tried to put his arm around me, Kris asked if he could sit in the middle.

When Luhan was giving me his popcorn, Kris snatched it from him and ate it all.

When Luhan offered me his drink, Kris took it and poured it all over the ground.

Whenever some romantic scene came on, Kris would scream "GROSS!" and throw popcorn at the scene.

Whenever a joke came, Kris would laugh so loud that I couldn't hear it.

I'm telling you, this boy is in LOVE with Luhan. He won't even let me say a word to him.

"That's it." I said. I got up and just left the theater. I left Kris to be alone with Luhan and work out his situation. I felt like a third wheel...on my own "date."

But suddenly, Luhan came chasing after me. And unfortunately, Kris followed shortly behind him.

"What are you doing?" Luhan asked.

"Um..I'm just leaving." I said. I couldn't possibly tell him that Kris liked him. I promised Kris I would keep it a secret.

"Wait!" Luhan said. I turned around. "How about we go to my house and meet up with Exo, if you don't wanna watch this movie."

I sighed. Maybe that would be slightly more fun with this, and I felt bad about blowing Luhan off like this. "Fine."

He smiled in satisfaction and escorted me out the door, with Kris following behind us.

While we walked to the car, Kris bumped into a little kid who looked like he was about three years old.

The little boy looked up with wide eyes. He seemed petrified. "Sorry!" he squeaked to the seemingly giant blonde monster in front of him.

"GET OFF ME." Kris yelled. "Little kids are such idiots..."

"Kris!" I shouted.

"What? Did I say something incorrect...?"

"You're so evil!" I bent down to meet the little kid's eyes.

"Hi sweetie, my name is Taeyeon. What's your name?" I asked.

"M-my name..is Jinho." he said quietly.

"That's such a cool name! I'm sorry that this monster was so mean to you." I said. Kris scoffed. I continued, "I hope this piece of candy can make up for it."

I handed him a lollipop, which planted a wide grin on the boy's face. "Thank you Taeyeon noona!! I like you a lot better than that mean and scary ahjusshi."

I smiled while Kris exclaimed "AHJUSSHI?"

The boy didn't stop there. "Yes, I hope you marry that man. Not that monster." he said as he pointed to Luhan. Luhan smiled widely and put his arm around my neck.

Kris clenched his fists and roared "GET AWAY FROM US."

The little boy ran away in terror before I could console him again.

I glared at Kris. "You're an idiot."


By the time we reached Luhan's house, all of exo was there. 

"TAEYEON!" smiled Kai.

"Someone's excited.." I said.

"I'm always excited to see you! You look gooooooood by the way" he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes.

Most of the others greeted me nicely, for once. Probably cuz I didn't look like a drenched stalker hobo this time. And because I made friends with some of them while Kris and I did those errands.

Tao still gave me his evil glare. I'm not sure what's wrong with him....but it's creeping me out. Just a little.

I sat there awkwardly as all of exo talked about their lives with each other and joked and laughed.

I cleared my throat, and all their heads turned to me. "Oh yeah, you're here.."

"Yeah." I said. "I am."

"So...what do you wanna do?" asked Luhan.

"I don't know...it's your house."

"Let's play truth or dare." said Kris.

"Isn't that a girly game..?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Shut up Taeyeon no one asked for your opinion." he said.

Well then.

I pouted and sat back in my chair.

"Okay..I guess we'll play that." said Luhan.

Sehun went first. "Hyung, truth or dare?" he asked Kai.

"Dare." said Kai.

"Hm....I dare you to call the prettiest girl in school and ask her out right now." he handed him his phone.

"I don't need your phone." said Kai. "Hey Taeyeon, wanna go out with me?"

My face turned red. "KAI!"

"Is that a yes?" he smirked.


"Eh, you'll come around eventually."

No sir I will NOT.

Then it was Lay's turn. "Taeyeon, truth or dare?"


He smiled. "Get up and show us your breakdancing moves!"

"...Lay I'm wearing a dress."

"Oh. Right."

"Aww I wanted to see you breakdance!" some of them shouted.

Luhan laughed. "I'll get you my sweatpants and a shirt."


Kris continued. "I mean...um...this is silly. Just pick another dare Lay. We don't have time for this."

"Why don't we have time..?" Lay asked. "It's only like..3."

Kris didn't have an argument.

"Yeah..." Luhan said awkwardly. "I'm gonna get the clothes now."

They made me change into Luhan's clothes and get up in the middle. I started to feel shy.

"Do I have to do this...?"

"YES." they all shotued.


I showed them my airflares, coffee grinder, and halo freeze.

They all seemed pretty impressed.

"That was amazing!" said Luhan.

"It's not that great." scoffed Kris, but his eyes said something else.

"Why don't you guys act this impressed when I do the same moves??" Lay asked,

"Cuz she's a girl." said Kris.

"What's that supposed to mean..?" I asked. "Girls can do things equally as well as boys can. Oh wait there's one exception...when it comes to YOU, Kris, girls can do EVERYTHING better than you."

"Oooooooh." I heard some of the boys say.

"Whatever." said Kris. "Just ask me the stupid truth or dare."

"Who said I was gonna ask you?" I asked. Actually, I did wanna ask him.

"I don't know...I just assumed..."

"Well. Truth or dare?"


Darn it. I was expecting him to say dare. And then I would dare him to leave. Because his prescence is annoying me  greatly.

"Um....what was your first impression of me?" I asked. That was lame..but I couldn't think of anything better.

"Hmm...you were quiet, shy, and smart." he said.

"And now...?"

"Now? Now you're annoying and nerdy." he smiled.

"Wow thanks."


"That was boring." said Kai. "Taeyeon, ask someone else a truth or dare. Kris is boring."

"Okay..." I said. "Tao, truth or dare?"


"Okay...well then I dare you to tell me why you hate me?"

Tao's eyes turned cold. He immediately stood up and left, making the atmosphere awkward.

"What's his problem...." I thought outloud.

"We have yet to find out." said Baekhyun.

"It's probably you." said Kris. "You have that kind of effect on people."

"Why are you talking about yourself?"



"Anyways. We gotta go back now, or my parents will be mad. Come on."

"Why do we have to go?"



I got up and followed him out the door.

"Kris!" I yelled out.

He looked at me. "You look ugly in those clothes."

"Thanks? I don't know what you expect me to do about that."

"Take them off. They only look good on Luhan."

"Yeah, I'm not gonna take my clothes off in the middle of the street..but thanks for the suggestion."

He started fuming again, like usual. "You're an idiot Taeyeon."

"What did I do?"

"You ruined my whole day."

"WELL I'M SORRY KRIS. I'M SORRY THAT YOU LIKE LUHAN, BUT LUHAN LIKES ME. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ABOUT THAT? You know what? YOU ruined MY whole day. It could have been fun hangning out with Luhan, but you ruined everything! Why don't you just ask him out already if you like him that much?"


"Why do you keep denying it?? I mean, you bothered us at the movies, you got mad when that little kid said I should marry Luhan, you got mad when I wore his clothes..." I said.

"I. DO. NOT."

"Then prove it!" I said. "You're really getting on my nerves Kris, and I'm sick of it."

"Okay. You want me to prove it? I'll prove it.




I like you."






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miemexo #1
Chapter 100: seriously i feel sorry towards luhan..he also deserve to be happy and meet with the right girl btw i really enjoyed with yout story and cant stop laughing my off..hihi
Chapter 100: If evr a story wastoo good,its this one. LOVED IT!!
Chapter 100: Finish read this story it was the best ever . I like it . Can u pleaseee add me as your friend . I want t.read the sequel ... PLEASEE !?
Anna21800 #4
Chapter 49: I love the LE~^^^^~~
Chapter 98: Dude, this is like the funniest fic I have ever read... Like seriously killed myself laughing throughout.

Couldn't stop reading and couldn't stop laughing. Potassium.... Killer... I must admit, the ending was a bit........ but awesome story nonetheless.

Wanted to finish reading the story before commenting in case of spoilers.

You did a cracking jobbo. Loved it.
Chapter 83: squid ward has a big nose and brainblast
Chapter 62: Poor luhan omg