
I Have to Live in WHOSE House??

Kris's POV

By the time we reached home, my parents were asleep.

When we went inside, Taeyeon "I think my leg's starting to feel a little better."

"Good." I said. "Now you can sleep here on the floor again."

"You're heartless."

"Gracias." I said. "I want to watch tv."

"So why are you telling me?"

"I want you to watch with me."

She raised her eyebrow. "Why...?"

"Don't question me."

"Fine. Only if I don't have to sleep on the floor. At least let me sleep on the couch! You're so mean!" she whined cutely. I couldn't resist her pouting.

"Alright, alright." I said.

"Woop woop."

Omg she's so strange.

She sat down on the couch and I sat next to her. So close that I practically sat ON her. She scooted away from me. I grinned and moved closer. She scooted more. I moved closer again. Soon we were at the end of the couch. She was about to fall off.

She glared at me. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING KRIS."

"Why don't you want to sit next to me? Do I smell bad? Are you scared of me?"

"No just stop it. You're so annoying."

I moved away a little bit and turned up the volume. We were watching Paranormal Activity 3. I looked over at Taeyeon, to see that she had a dull expression on her face.

"This is so boring." she said.

"You're not scared??" I asked.

Most girls I knew would be terrified...or atleast PRETEND to be terrified so that I'd hug them or something.

But this girl....She was sitting there and insulting the movie with a straight face.

"That's so lame." she said. "Not even scary."

"Go make me popcorn. Your comments are annoying me."

"I don't wanna."

"Oh but you have to. This movie's lame, anyways, right?"

She sighed and got up. "Making the injured one do things for you......so cruel." She took her crutches and walked to the kitchen.


"YOU'RE SO MEAN!" she yelled. I smiled in satisfaction. It's so fun to , to get on her last nerve.

While she was gone, something buzzed in my pocket. Oh right, I still have Taeyeon's phone.

It was a text from Luhan.

--Luhan: Hey ^.^ Can you meet me in the park tomorrow at 12?? kekeke~~

I think I just barfed. His text was overly cute. His texts to me are like...."Sup Dumb*ss"

Does he want to like confess his love or something?

I smiled evilly and replied.

--Me(Taeyeon): Nah I'm good.

Taeyeon finally came back after 20 minutes with a big bowl of popcorn and a coke. "Here you go MASTER." she said sarcastically.

"Took you long enough." I said rudely.

She was shocked. "Excuse me...?"

"You heard me."


She then proceeded to do something very...very...wrong. She flipped over the bowl of popcorn and then spilled the coke all over my shirt and pants.

"HOLY SH*T." I yelled.

I looked up at her. Her face was pale...as if she hadn't expected to actually do that.

She chuckled nervously. "Heh...um.....you're..you're not mad this time either..right?"

I turned off the tv and stood up so abruptly that she jumped back.

"I could forgive you the first time....when it was an accident....but now? Nah..I don't think so." I said deviously.


I wasn't actually mad.

I just enjoyed torturing this girl. I was always interested in seeing how she would fight back.

"This is freaking cold..." I said as I took off my shirt.

"KRIS!" she yelled.

"This is your fault not mine, darling."

She tried to look tough. "I'm not scared of you.." she sounded unsure.

"Oh really...?"

I took a step forward. She stepped back. The fact that she was on crutches was a huge advantage to me.

"You shouldn't have done that Taeyeon." I said fiercely.

She looked terrified. I kept walking towards her until her head hit the back of the wall. "Ow!"

I put one arm to the right of her head against the wall.

She tried to run away but I immediately took her crutches and threw them to the ground. "No!" she screamed.

A look of panic flashed across her face as she watched the crutches fall to the ground. She had no way to move now.

I trapped her by putting both my hands against the wall around her head. "And don't you even TRY to escape." I smirked.

She looked down. Our faces were so close to each other. I hate admitting this, but she looked beautiful.

"Kris....what are you gonna do? I'm so sorry!" she begged.

"Are you now?"

"Yes! What do you want me to do for you? Hey I have an idea! Why don't you go put on a shirt....and...t-then we can talk.."

I laughed softly. "No..I don't think that's a good idea."

She was still looking down.

"Look at me." I said.

She didn't. I lifted her chin so that her eyes would meet my gaze.

"I wasn't just trying to make you feel better when I said you were gorgeous..."

She didn't say anything. Her face turned a deep shade of red.

I cleared my throat. "SO...How are you gonna repay me?"

"I-I don't know..."

"What? You can't think when you're this close to my handsome face and body?"

"YOU'RE SO HIDEOUS" she yelled out.

"Shh...You're gonna wake my parents." I whispered in her ear. "You just don't get it, do you?"

She bit her lip nervously.

Dear Taeyeon. Do NOT bite your lip in front of a hormone-crazed teenage boy. Thank you.

I leaned in closer. Our lips were almost touching. I could feel my heart beating loudly in my chest. It was completely silent, except for the sounds of our breath.

And then she pushed me away. She quickly pulled her arms back after realizing she just touched my shirtless body.

"Stop it Kris. It's not funny. Both you and Kai..."


"I hate it. More than ANYTHING in the world. When someone makes fun of me, for something I can't change."

"What are you talking about?"

"I already KNOW I'm ugly. So stop being sarcastic about it. I know I'm being silly...but...I really hate it."

This girl. Thinks she's ugly. WHAT?

I played along though. Mostly because I didn't want to admit to myself...that I liked her.

"Sorry." I said.

We sat back down on the couch. I turned the movie back on. We were both completely silent.

She cleared .

"Ahem...can you...put a shirt on?"

I smirked. "Why? Does it make you nervous? Uncomfortable?"

"N-No...Can't you just do what I say for once!"

I went upstairs to go wear a shirt and came back down. When I came back down her eyes were closed. She was asleep. She looked adorable. I sat down next to her. I placed her head down in my lap and her hair.

"Seriously...what the heck is happening to me?" I whispered to myself as I carressed her face.




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miemexo #1
Chapter 100: seriously i feel sorry towards luhan..he also deserve to be happy and meet with the right girl btw i really enjoyed with yout story and cant stop laughing my off..hihi
Chapter 100: If evr a story wastoo good,its this one. LOVED IT!!
Chapter 100: Finish read this story it was the best ever . I like it . Can u pleaseee add me as your friend . I want t.read the sequel ... PLEASEE !?
Anna21800 #4
Chapter 49: I love the LE~^^^^~~
Chapter 98: Dude, this is like the funniest fic I have ever read... Like seriously killed myself laughing throughout.

Couldn't stop reading and couldn't stop laughing. Potassium.... Killer... I must admit, the ending was a bit........ but awesome story nonetheless.

Wanted to finish reading the story before commenting in case of spoilers.

You did a cracking jobbo. Loved it.
Chapter 83: squid ward has a big nose and brainblast
Chapter 62: Poor luhan omg