
I Have to Live in WHOSE House??


So I was just sitting there quietly...when the idiot opened .

"Oppaaa." Jiyeon whined. "Why are you taking your servant with us on our date?"



I was so shocked that my mouth was hanging open but no words were coming out.

I looked at Luhan. He was laughing so hard that I thought we were about to crash..If my glare could kill, he would've died right there.

Then he said, "She dresses like a servant, doesn't she?"


"You mean she's not one??"

What even is this. They know I can hear them, right?

"No." I spoke up. "I'm not."

Jiyeon turned around to face me. "Then sweetie, why are you wearing those clothes?"

I looked down at my clothes. Jeans and a shirt...what's wrong with them? Then I looked at her. She was wearing a DKNY dress and had a Gucci purse on her lap. Oh...

"It doesn't matter what I wear..I'll never be as ugly as you." I said. WAIT. DID I JUST SAY THAT OUT LOUD.

"What did you just say to me? LUHAN OPPA. WHY IS SHE HERE?"

Luhan's POV

I tried my best to ignore Jiyeon's constant whines. I told her to shut up and I turned the radio up.

A song called "History" by some weird group called Exo-K came on.

I looked up in the mirror and saw Taeyeon mouthing the words to the song. She's so adorable...wait what? No, Luhan. She's a nerd. An ugly nerd. NOT adorable. Arghh.

Taeyeon's POV

After 10 minutes, we reached the restaurant. It was  huge fancy sushi restaurant.

We sat down and a wait immediately came to our table. "Hello Sir Luhan." he said as he bowed down to him. All the waiters turned to look at Luhan and started whispering to each other at the mention of his name.

What is going on here...seriously.

"I'm your waiter for today. My name is Kim Jonghyun." He looked like he was about our age.

Jonghyun handed us the menus.

I opened the menu and my eyes bulged out of my head. Everything was so expensive!! The cheapest thing on the menu was a plate of two spring rolls for THIRTY THOUSAND WON. I mean..I'm not considered a "poor" person...I'd say I'm "middle class." But this...this is WAY ABOVE high class.

"Um...I'm not reallly hungry." I said, as I put the menu down.

Luhan glared at me. "The only reason I brought you here was for you to eat. You haven't eaten since lunchtime yesterday. So tell me what you want...now."

I avoided his cold eyes and said "No really. I don't want anything to eat."

He sighed.

"Oppa!! I want this! Buy it for me!" she said as she pointed to an item on the menu. Sashimi plate for 70 thousand won. This girl...

"No. I'm not eating either." Luhan said.

"Why?" I asked. Is it because of me..?

"Cuz I'm not hungry." he said angrily. Wow this guy gets mad fast.

"Ugh! Oppa! That's not fair...you're being annoying today. I'm going home."

I could've sworn I saw a smile appear on Luhan's face as she left the restaurant.

"Jonghyun-ah. We changed our minds, we won't be eating here today. We'll drop by some other time." said Luhan.

Luhan and I left the restaurant in silence.

I started walking in the other direction.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'm gonna walk home."

"Get in the car." he said.

"No...I really want to walk home."

"Aish...you're so stubborn."

"I know. Um..see you tomorrow." I said, and walked away.

Why the heck would I want to walk home? So I can go buy some NOT SUPER EXPENSIVE food on the way home, because if I don't eat in like 5 minutes, I'm going to die.

Luhan's POV

What's wrong with this girl?  How can you not be hungry after not eating ANYTHING for so long? And why do I keep thinking about her today?

As soon as she was far enough, I started following her. I would tell one of my servants to bring the car back later.

She stopped outside of a convenience store and walked in. I watched through the glass windows as she bought a cup of ramen. She sat down at the table near the window and started to eat her ramen, when she looked up and saw me. Her eyes widened and she started choking on her noodles.

I pushed through the door, stood next to her, and crossed my arms.

"Explain...? Miss "I'mNotHungry"..?"

"Hah. Well. Um. You know...I suddenly felt really hungry when I walked by this convenience store. Cuz I could see the food through the glass doors. So I wanted to eat some."

What kind of nonsense story is this?

I raised my eyebrows.

"Okay fine." she said. "I was starving. But everything in the restaurant was so expensive. Seriously...two spring rolls for how much money I make in a week?"

"Are you serious?? That restaurant is CHEAP for me. You know my dad owns Lotte, right?"

She started choking again. I slapped her on the back and she stopped. She looked up at me with big eyes. "Dude...I knew you were rich. But. LOTTE? Oh my God..."

"Yeah." I said. How can she not know who I am? I MEAN IM LUHAN FOR GOD'S SAKE.

"Why are you here?" she asked. Rude.

"Um, I don't know. Because I knew you were lying to me?"

She rolled her eyes and kept eating her noodles.

"I'm gonna walk you home." I said. Why did I say that? Why would I walk this ugly...okay fine. CUTE...nerdy girl home? What is happening to me..

"Uh okay.." she said awkwardly.

She threw her ramen cup away and we both left the store.

"Thank you ahjussi!" she yelled with a smile as she left. Thank you for what? For selling you a cheap cup of plastic noodles? She's so.....nice.

I followed her towards her home when she suddenly stopped near a modern looking cafe. She turned around and flashed me smile.

"You want some ice cream??" she said excitedly.

Who gets this excited for ice cream...

"You sure it's not too expensive..?" I teased.

"I work here on Fridays and Saturdays..so I get stuff for free! We sell ice cream and cakes and bubble tea and...." she went on to list all the sweets they sold. I have never in my life seen someone get so excited for desserts.

"OKAY." I said. "We can have ice cream."

"Yay!" she said like a little kid and ran inside.

We went inside and I saw that guy who was standing outside the dance studio with her behind the counter. Next to him was some skinny pretty boy.

"Annyeong Hoya and Minjun!" she said. She turned to me, "This is Hoya! And this is Minjun! My best friends! Hoya works here Thursday and Friday, and Minjun works here Thursday, Friday, and Saturday."

Uh thanks for the info?

"Whatever." I said uninterestedly. I sat down in one of the white chairs.

She stayed there at the counter and talked to them for the longest time ever. She was laughing and smiling and having a grand old time while I sat there waiting for her.

"GROSS." I hear her say. What are they talking about?? And why does she smile so much when she talks to them? When she's around me...she's not like this at all. Is it something I did?

Taeyeon's POV

"What the heck is he doing here?" asked Minjun quietly.

"Dude I don't know this weirdo has been making me go around with him the whole day and I'm having an awful time."

"I think he likeesss youu." he winked.

I laughed. "GROSS. No thanks. I hate everything about him."

"Did you have fun at dinner with him?" asked Hoya.

"Luckily, I got out of that. Well almost...because then he decided to follow me like a creep. And then he sat there and watched me eat ramen. And he was being rude and stupid the whole time. Whatever I don't want to talk about that freak anymore. I want ice cream!!" I said, with twinkling eyes.

They laughed. "Of course...why come here to see us? You only want to eat ice cream all day long." joked Hoya.

"Well...ya know. Ice cream tastes good."

Minjun handed me a cone with vanilla ice cream and red beans.

"What about me?" asked Luhan.

"You have to pay." said Minjun.

"Whatever. I'm RICH." he said as he waved a wad of bills in their faces.

Hoya scoffed at him. "Yeah. Thanks for letting us know."

Luhan glared at him. "Just give me my ice cream you idiot."


Then our manager, Leeteuk Oppa, walked in. "Hello everyone!"

"Oh you're the manager? Then maybe you should fire these two idio-"

"Here you go sir." said Hoya as he handed Luhan an ice cream cone. "I hope you enjoy it. We worked extra hard to make sure that you would like this ice cream." He said with a smile.

Leeteuk smiled at the boys and said "Good work guys!" and walked into his office.

"Aish...Let's go. I'm gonna throw up if I have to stand in their prescence any longer." said Luhan as he dragged me out of the store.

"Oh..? BYE GUYS!!" I yelled. They waved and said bye back.

We left the store and walked until we reached the park near my house.

"Let's sit here and eat our ice cream." said Luhan.

"Okay" I said as I sat in one of the swings.

He stood near the swing I was sitting in. "Why don't you sit down?" I asked.

"I don't want to."

"Er. Alrighty then." I had a question to ask him that took me all day to build up the courage for. "Um..Luhan?"


"Why did you randomly start talking to me today?"

"I have no idea."

"What a descriptive answer." I mumbled as I my ice cream.

Luhan's POV

I chuckled. There's something really interesting about Taeyeon. She seems nice, funny, talented....but why do I keep being mean to her?

I really need to stop thinking about her. I need to stay away from her. I can't like her. I WON'T like her.

I found myself staring at her face. She finally finished her ice cream and looked up at me, and I noticed she had vanilla ice cream on her lips.

Not realizing what I was doing, I slowly reached out my hand and wiped it off with my thumb, while staring into her eyes.

"U-um..I have to go." she said as she ran off, leaving me stand there alone, frozen.

What did I just do?



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miemexo #1
Chapter 100: seriously i feel sorry towards luhan..he also deserve to be happy and meet with the right girl btw i really enjoyed with yout story and cant stop laughing my off..hihi
Chapter 100: If evr a story wastoo good,its this one. LOVED IT!!
Chapter 100: Finish read this story it was the best ever . I like it . Can u pleaseee add me as your friend . I want t.read the sequel ... PLEASEE !?
Anna21800 #4
Chapter 49: I love the LE~^^^^~~
Chapter 98: Dude, this is like the funniest fic I have ever read... Like seriously killed myself laughing throughout.

Couldn't stop reading and couldn't stop laughing. Potassium.... Killer... I must admit, the ending was a bit........ but awesome story nonetheless.

Wanted to finish reading the story before commenting in case of spoilers.

You did a cracking jobbo. Loved it.
Chapter 83: squid ward has a big nose and brainblast
Chapter 62: Poor luhan omg