I Have to Live in WHOSE House??

Unfortunately, their annoying voice empowered over my headphones. I could hear every idiotic word they were saying. But they didn't know that.

"Dude I feel SO bad for you that you have to keep this ugly hobo in your house." said Baekhyun.

"She's not a hobo...and she's pretty." said Luhan.

"Oooh Luhan's in loove!" said Kai with a smirk.

"Shut up! She's right there.."

"She has her headphones on anyways, calm down bro."


"She's hideous. She's like a lost wet dog I have to keep in my house. It's gross. I hate her." said Kris.

Aw thanks, the feeling is mutual.

"Dude let's play a prank on her!" yelled Kai.

"Don't." said Luhan.

"Shut up lover boy." said Kris. "What do you want to do?"

"Um..tell her there's a test tomorrow? I bet she'll freak out."

"No dude that's stupid...she's super smart and would get a 100 on it anyways. Think of something else."

"Then....oh I know! We can text her from Baekhyun's phone, so it shows up as an unknown number. And then we can be all...'I love you I'm your secret admirer and I want to go to the dance with you.' And then she'll get all excited cuz like obviously no ones ever been in love with her before cuz she's so ugly. And it'll be awesome!" said Kai.

You have no idea how hard I want to punch him in the face right now..

"That's the lamest idea I have EVER heard." said Kris.

Kai pouted and crossed his arms. "Well then YOU think of something smartypants!"

"Um. How about....we make her food. But then make it really disgusting." said Baekhyun.

"That's your best idea?"


"Okay whatever let's do it."

Kris, Kai, and Baekhyun went to the kitchen, and returned 15 minutes later with a plate of sandwiches.

They gave one to everyone to make it seem realistic and then lastly, walked over to me. Kris tapped me on the shoulder.

"What do you want, idiot?" I said.

"Is that anyway to talk to your master?" smiled Kris. "Anyways, I made this sandwich for you."

I watched as Kai put his hand over Luhan's mouth. Seriously. Could they be ANY MORE OBVIOUS.

"Did you now."

"Yes. All by myself."

"You can have it."

"But I made it ESPECIALLY for you."

"Did you now." I said again.


Right then, Mr. and Mrs. Wu walked through the door.

"We're home!!" yelled Mr. Wu.

"Oh hello boys! Hi Taeyeon!" they both smiled at me when they saw me. "Kris, why are you making the poor girl sit on the floor?"

"Oh no, it's fine Mrs. Wu." I said. "Oh by the way!" I said as I held the plate with the sandwich on it.

I walked over to them. "Kris made this sandwich all by himself. He's very proud of it. He made it especially for you, you know."

I looked back at Kris and smiled, and his eyes widened.

"Oh really? That's our Kris for you." said Mr. Wu as he smiled at his wife.

"Such a sweet boy...Kris, thank you!" she said.

Lawlz. Sweet boy my .

Mr. Wu raised the sandwich to his mouth as the exo boys whispered amongst themselves.

"WAIT." yelled Kris.

"What..?" asked Mr. Wu as he raised his eyebrows.

"D-don't eat that.."

"Why not..?"

Kris glanced at me nervously.

"Um...I'm really hungry. And I want it."

He snatched the sandwich from his dad's hands, looked at it, took a pause for one second, and then finally shoved the whole thing into his mouth.

"Well...that was quite strange." said Mrs. Wu. "Honey, let's leave Kris to handle his problems with his friends..."

Omg I love her.

They both walked away and into a different room.

Kris looked at me. He looked like he was going to throw up any second.

"What?" I asked innocently.

" heard, didn't you." he said with a straight face.

I simply smiled at him, making Kris grow angrier.

"Dudee Duizhang's gonna BLOWW." yelled Kai obnoxiously.

"It's nothing new." said Chanyeol. "This guy's always mad. He never smiles. I mean come on Kris, it's your fault for being so loud..."

Kris turned from green to red. "GET. OUT. OF. MY. HOUSE."

In two seconds the exo boys were pushing each other to get out the door.

Luhan turned to me and opened his mouth to say something, then closed it, then opened it again as if he decided to say something else, and said "I'll text you."

Um. Ok?

I smiled at him to not be rude and waved him good bye.

And then the door got slammed close.

And now...I must face Kris.


(A/N just kidding i was going to right something for the authors note.. but then i forgot what to say so now im just writing this ok)


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miemexo #1
Chapter 100: seriously i feel sorry towards luhan..he also deserve to be happy and meet with the right girl btw i really enjoyed with yout story and cant stop laughing my off..hihi
Chapter 100: If evr a story wastoo good,its this one. LOVED IT!!
Chapter 100: Finish read this story it was the best ever . I like it . Can u pleaseee add me as your friend . I want the sequel ... PLEASEE !?
Anna21800 #4
Chapter 49: I love the LE~^^^^~~
Chapter 98: Dude, this is like the funniest fic I have ever read... Like seriously killed myself laughing throughout.

Couldn't stop reading and couldn't stop laughing. Potassium.... Killer... I must admit, the ending was a bit........ but awesome story nonetheless.

Wanted to finish reading the story before commenting in case of spoilers.

You did a cracking jobbo. Loved it.
Chapter 83: squid ward has a big nose and brainblast
Chapter 62: Poor luhan omg